Topic on Extension talk:AdvancedSearch/Flow

cannot download extension

Summary by Jkmartindale

Extension archived.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

I cannot download the extension, the download link are broken, and svn is old. am I right?

This post was posted by Kghbln, but signed as Raid.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

This extension is only available via SVN. You are right: It is old and unmaintained and was thus just archived by me.

Valeriocipriani (talkcontribs)

do you know another extension to search by category?

shared hoster and no lucene-search


This post was posted by Raid~mediawikiwiki, but signed as Raid.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

No I am afraid, but perhaps there is one I am not aware. Try the Support desk to inquire about this.

Pppery (talkcontribs)

(For archeologists' sake)

This comment was about a different extension with the same name that was later archived, not the current extension.