Topic on Extension talk:RSS

[ENHANCEMENT BUG FILED] Will this support the feed's media enclosure?

Summary by Wikinaut

filed as bug39033 "Enhancement RSS embedded media: add enclosure tag" (talkcontribs)

I am curious to know if I can also display media files from the RSS feeds with this extension. I didn't see anything specific about that either way.

Wikinaut (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Ok, I've got the latest version now. I'm running mediawiki 1.17 and I have this code in the localsettings, "$wgRSSUrlWhitelist = array('*');" and I am testing it with this feed, "<rss>|charset=UTF-8|short|max=5</rss>". When I try to preview the page, I get the following error:

Unexpected non-MediaWiki exception encountered, of type "HttpException"
exception 'HttpException' with message 'HttpRequest::factory() expects parameter 2 to be long, array given' in /home/mwowiki8/public_html/wiki/extensions/RSS/RSSParser.php:297
Stack trace:

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

update your MediaWiki to the latest version from git. I can confirm it works with a441912974

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

I just saw that you are using the old syntax


Please visit the manual. Please change to

<rss max=5></rss>

and try again. You will notice, that the RSS feed is rendered, but the mp3 link/s is/are not shown; these are in <enclosure> tags, I haven't seen before. Added as bug/enhancement to bugzilla.

Reply to "[ENHANCEMENT BUG FILED] Will this support the feed's media enclosure?"