Topic on Extension talk:SQL2Wiki/Flow

Missing or invalid type

Agapetulus (talkcontribs)

I am using MW 1.16.2, my database is mysql,

on the page: Special:SQL2Wiki I have the error massage: Missing or invalid type,
and a query results in a blank page
in LocalSettings I wrote: $wgExSql2WikiDatabases["db1"] = array( "type"=> "mysql", "host" => "localhost", "dbname" => "myname", "user" => "myuser", "password" => "mypass");
( I am still using the old version of sql2wiki as xsql2wiki, and it works fine)
thank you
Bytesmiths (talkcontribs)

Hi, I don't think I can help you, as I don't have $wgExSql2WikiDatabases anywhere in my system.

I think you must be working on a branch of the SQL2Wiki.php that I worked on.

Agapetulus (talkcontribs)

Hello, thank you for the answer,

I'm confused, on the Extension page I can read :

3. Specify databases you want to access into

$wgExSql2WikiDatabases["db1"] = array( "type"=> "oracle", "host" => "tnsname", "dbname" => "scott", "user" => "scott", "password" => "tiger");

in my LocalSettings I wrote:

$wgExSql2WikiDatabases["db1"] = array( "type"=> "mysql", "host" => "localhost", "dbname" => "myname", "user" => "myuser", "password" => "mypass");

why shouldn't there be a $wgExSql2WikiDatabases ?, or did I get something wrong?

unfortunatly I cannot work on your branch of the SQL2Wiki, (things might change after a update of my mediawiki in January)...

in any case I wish you a merry christmas, and a happy new year

Bytesmiths (talkcontribs)

My version has the database information embedded in the extension -- which I admit is not wonderful.

Good luck with your problem, and if you become interested in my version (which has some interesting mods that never got into the version posted here, like ability to query and paginate), let me know.

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