Topic on Extension talk:Update/Flow

Parse Error and Warning

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

Very good extension, I love the idea. However having problem.

Going to works gives me this error below

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/.............../extensions/Update/Update.Update.php on line 156

Going to gives me this error below

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/..................../extensions/Update/Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 100

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/.................../extensions/Update/Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 115

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/............./extensions/Update/Update.Update.php on line 156

on MW 1.17, semantic mediawiki Is this a bug, or some setting I am missing. Thanks for the help.

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Thanks for reporting this! I've released 0.1.1 to address this issue, please let me know if it resolves everything for you. Per my blog post, this version sports a new SpecialPage that isn't based on Version, which is to pave the road for future features. I'm working on SVN and GIT support, as well as a way to provide download links, and one day download to the server.

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Of the two issues, one is solved but the other remains.

Going to - works, no longer get the parse error message i mentioned above However, going to - gives me the error below

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in IP......../extensions/Update/Update.body.php on line 102
Hope that provides me with some clue.


Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Okay thanks for bearing with me on this. I really appreciate it. I don't get an error there but if you could try changing line 102 from of extensions/Update/Update.body.php from

$req = $httpRequest::factory($url,$options);


$req = $$httpRequest::factory($url,$options);

notice the extra $ infront of $httpRequest. That's the offender, and I hope that resolves your problem. If it does I'll make a patch and release 0.1.3 for everyone else. I'm still working on the next version 0.2

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

I made the changes but unfortunately I still get the following error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in IP.........../extensions/Update/Update.body.php on line 102

Ask me anything you can think of and I will check it, after all you're doing this on your own time and effort.

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Out of curiosity, what version of PHP are you running? I just found out my use of $httpRequest:: is only for 5.3.0+ My big bad. I really want to support older php versions I swear!

Can you please try the following by changing the line from:

$req = $httpRequest::factory($url,$options);


$req = call_user_func( array($httpRequest, 'factory'), $url, $options );

That should do it, I really hope. thanks so much for sticking with me!

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

That did it finally. And yes my php version is 5.2.17, so that may be it. Thanks, this is a big big extension to easily see outdated extensions and update them easily down the road.

Thank You! (keep up the work with this and the other promising extensions you have at your website)

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Glad to hear it and thanks again for helping me resolve the problem! I'll put out 0.1.2 to fix this issue tonight. I hope future versions will provide even more functionality for my users, this is really an extension to iterate and add features to one at a time until it is awesome ;)

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

MWJames (talkcontribs)

We are testing Update 0.1.2 on a MediaWiki 1.18.0 PHP 5.3.8. The extension throws some notices, surely their do not do any harm to the functionality but still their are annoying and distort the display.

Notice: Undefined variable: ext in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 90 Notice: Undefined variable: ext in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 90 Notice: Undefined variable: ext in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 90 Notice: Undefined variable: ext in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 90 Notice: Undefined index: version in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 243 Notice: Undefined index: version in ...\extensions\Update\Update.SpecialUpdate.php on line 243

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Thanks! Fix going in 0.1.3 -- should be out later tonight.

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

my environment was fubar'd there for two weeks or so and I couldn't do any development! All fixed now, and I managed to test everything on my end. Released 0.1.3 -- could you please let me know if you encounter any further issues, and input is always welcome! I realize the extension is a bit basic right now.

This post was posted by Ofbeaton, but signed as Olivier Beaton.

MWJames (talkcontribs)

We tested 0.1.3 and the errors we encountered before are gone. Thanks

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