Hi all, I received the following erro message "1146: Table 'wikidb.mw_mw_pslpopularsearches' doesn't exist"
Anyone have an idea?
(this comment was originally posted by as an addition to the header)
Hi all, I received the following erro message "1146: Table 'wikidb.mw_mw_pslpopularsearches' doesn't exist"
Anyone have an idea?
(this comment was originally posted by as an addition to the header)
Seems, you have a problem with the db-table prefix. Could you please post the complete error message and the version of ZSL you are using?
Hello, think there is a prefix-problem in my wiki too (ZSL 2.0):
Es ist ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten. Der Grund kann ein Programmierfehler sein. Die letzte Datenbankabfrage lautete: INSERT IGNORE INTO `wikiwikipslpopularsearches` (searchcon,results,success,triggertime, user,ip,rawquery,score,namespace,pids,page,category,rating,pageurl,pagpage,sk) VALUES ('body_and_title','55','1','2011-05-16 14:13:44',,,'Buch','4.41565438044',,', 840,864,1014,1541,319,1474,842,905,1156,1211,897,715,1548,366,811,421,349,305,1072,426, 480,307,896,846,514,634,306,1551,311,1221,1349,1443,415,371,927,407,327,1248,1402,340, 1530,889,890,360,554,309,145,1470,775,432,1391,1465,304,985,1469',,,,,, '465e8da6fb92d8a7b7bb24687b89517b') aus der Funktion „PslZendSearchLuceneDbActions“. Die Datenbank meldete den Fehler „1146: Table 'wiki.wikiwikipslpopularsearches' doesn't exist (localhost)“.
Thank you.