Topic on Talk:Files and licenses concept

Bryan (talkcontribs)

We need to stabilize the database scheme as soon as possible. The most annoying requirement for this purpose is #2 (A list of files by copyright holder should be obtainable), but this is too important to be dropped in my opinion.


  1. Add an fileprops entry for every revision and join fp_rev_id against page_latest. Requires an index on page_latest, but no schema changes to revision
  2. Add a boolean fp_latest to fileprops and add rev_fileprops_id to revision, which is a reference to fp_id. fp_latest needs to be included in all indices. If fp_id is taken equal to the revision that changed the fileprops entry, there is no need for an extra index to revision.
  3. Add a boolean fp_latest to fileprops and add an fileprops entry for every revision. This requires no schema change to existing tables. fp_latest needs to be included in all indices.
  4. Add img_fileprops_id to image, which is a reference to fp_id, which is the revision id of the revision that changed the fileprops entry. img_fileprops_id needs to be indexed.

I need a bit of thinking before I state my preference, but those 4 are the options available that I see.

Bryan (talkcontribs)
Bryan (talkcontribs)

I have thought about this, and I think #4 is the cleanest way to implement this feature. Using img_fileprops_id a direct link between file props and a file is created, which is in my opinion the most natural thing to do. The disadvantage is that while the current version links to a file, the previous versions link only to revision and thus to a page, which is a bit inconsistent. (We could add an fp_img_name column to solve the inconsistency, but I'm not sure I like that)

#3 is the easiest to implement from an operational perspective. As stated before however, it feels a bit like a hack to have a boolean fp_latest, but perhaps I'm wrong?

I do not have very strong opinions about this, so I'm fine with any of them.

Krinkle (talkcontribs)

I have the following points on my personal "requirement list" for the file_props identifier:

  • There should be a link between mw_revision and mw_file_props in such a way that if I edit a page and click "Permanent link" that that page will keep showing the same fileproperties and wikitext. In order words, a direct link between a revision and the text.oldid and file_props that belongs to it.
  • We shouldn't duplicate mw_text or mw_file_props rows if nothing has changed.

I think #2 is a good choise. That will also allow doing queries only searching through current files and their latest version of the fileproperties (JOIN between current revision and the file_props set that belong to it).

Bryan (talkcontribs)

I agree that duplicating rows if nothing changed is not a good idea.

You asked me what I had against fp_latest, but other than "I don't like it" I have no arguments against it, so let's not take my opinion with regards to that into account.

Krinkle (talkcontribs)

A possible other option:

#5: Add rev_fileprops_id to mw_revision, which is a reference to fp_id. fp_id is equal to the revision that changed the fileprops entry, there is no need for an extra index to mw_revision.

To get a list of all files that are currently by a certain author or with a certain license we'd join page_latest with revision and file_props. The advantage is that we don't need an extra "fp_latest", downside is that such a join may not be very fast depending on where the indexes are (We need mw_page to get all files and the current revision id, then from revision the current fp_id).

I think in terms of effeciency #5 is probably not going to make it and thus a quick and fast fp_latest in mw_file_props would help. However let's not forget that there's no direct link from a set of file_props to a page. One would still need a join to page for the titles etc. So perhaps #5 isn't bad after all.

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