Toolserver:~gregbard/philosobot/phillists/redlinks/most linked not

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 use strict;	      # 'strict' insists that all variables be  declared
 use diagnostics;	      # 'diagnostics' expands the cryptic warnings
 undef $/; # undefines the separator. Can read one whole file in one scalar.

 use lib $ENV{HOME} . '../modules'; # path to perl modules
 require 'bin/';

 use open 'utf8';

 # create a list of most linked to philosophy articles from other philosophy articles
 # mark which of those articles are rated by quality by the philosophy wikiproject
 MAIN: {

  my (@articles, %linked_freq, $line, $article, $freq, %phil_hash, $text, $rated_file, $rated_file_bz2);
  my (%rated_hash, $sep, $outfile, $attempts, $sleep);
  chdir $ENV{'HOME'} . '../phillists/redlinks';
  # get the list of philosophy articles. Put the entries in the list in a hash
  open (FILE, "<", "../All_philosophy.txt");    @articles=split ("\n", <FILE>);  close(FILE);
  open (FILE, "<", "../All_philosophers.txt"); @articles=(@articles, split ("\n", <FILE>));  close(FILE);
  foreach $article (@articles){
    $phil_hash{$article} = 1;
  # get a list of all articles linked from philosophy articles, with how many philosophy articles link to each article in the list
  # of all those articles, keep only the philosophy ones (e.g., [[English language]] is linked a lot from philosophy articles
  # but we will ignore it for our purposes.
  open(FILE, "<Links.txt"); $text = <FILE>; close(FILE);
  foreach $line (split ("\n", $text)){

    next unless ($line =~ /^.*?\[\[(.*?)\]\].*?(\d+)\s*$/);
    $article = $1; $freq = $2; # an article, and how many times it is linked to
    next unless (exists $phil_hash{$article});
    $linked_freq{$article} = $freq;

  # now read the articles which were rated by quality as part of the philosophy wikiproject
  # if the file containing the ratings is compressed, uncompress it
  $rated_file = '/tmp/wp10/Philosophy_articles_by_quality_old_ids';
  $rated_file_bz2 = $rated_file . ".bz2";
  if (-e $rated_file_bz2){
    print `bunzip2 -fv $rated_file_bz2` . "\n";
  if (! -e $rated_file){
    print "$rated_file does not exist. Bailing out.\n";

  $sep = ' ;; ';
  open(FILE, "<$rated_file"); $text = <FILE>; close(FILE);
  foreach $line (split ("\n", $text)){

    next if ($line =~ /^\#/); # a line starting with # is a comment to be ignored
    next unless ($line =~ /^(.*?)$sep/); # there is a separator 
    $article = $1;
    $rated_hash{$article} = 1;

  # create a list of all philosophy articles linked from other philosophy articles in the decreasing
  # frequency of being linked to. Mark articles which are not assessed yet
  $text = "";
  foreach $article (sort { $linked_freq{$b} <=> $linked_freq{$a} } keys %linked_freq){

    $text .= '# [[' . $article . ']] ([[Talk:' . $article . '|talk]]) ' . $linked_freq{$article} . ' ';
    $text .=  '<font color=red>not rated!</font>' if (! exists $rated_hash {$article} );
    $text .= "\n"; 

    # cut the list when we arrive at articles which are linked from a number of articles
    # which is less than a current threshhold.
    last if ($linked_freq{$article} <= 10);
  $text = &print_header() . $text; # add a note on top

  # Write to file. 
  $outfile = 'User:Philosobot/';
  open(FILE, ">$outfile");  print FILE "$text\n";  close(FILE);

  # Also submit to Wikipedia.
  my $Editor=wikipedia_login();
  $attempts = 10; $sleep = 5; 
  wikipedia_submit($Editor, $outfile, "Update", $text, $attempts, $sleep);

sub print_header {

'This is a list of philosophy articles which are most linked to from other philosophy articles (that\'s the number on the right).

The point of this list is that the more linked to an article is, the more important it probably is, and the more crucial is for it to be in good shape.

Also, articles which are not yet in [[Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Philosophy articles by quality]] are pointed out.


Category:Tools by Gregbard