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Category:Disabled tools
Manual on MediaWiki Tools
Orphan talk pages
Release status: unknown
Implementation Multilingual orphan talk page finder
Author(s) Agony
Latest version 1.2 (2008-06-09)
License No license specified
Download No link
orphan talk

Category:Tools by Agony

Orphan talk pages is multilingual tool for finding talk pages that do not have master page (ie. talk pages that are orphans). Tool is multilingual, and currently support following languages:

How to use edit

  1. Select language
    1. First dropdown for language
    2. Second dropdown for project
  2. Select namespace
    1. Note that namespace Image talk + Commons return only non-commons orphan image talks
  3. Select skipped subpages
    1. Default /% skip every subpage
  4. Select sort order
    1. First dropdown for sort field (sort results by name or by date)
    2. Second dropdown for sorting order (ascending to sort from A to Z, descending to sort from Z to A)

Translate this tool edit

To translate this tool, download latest translation and follow translation file instructions.

Category:Orphan Category:Talk Category:Multilingual tools Category:Tools that can be translated