
This page was moved from the Toolserver wiki.
Toolserver has been replaced by Toolforge. As such, the instructions here may no longer work, but may still be of historical interest.
Please help by updating examples, links, template links, etc. If a page is still relevant, move it to a normal title and leave a redirect.

header('Content-type: application/');

// get the time
$timesnap = date("H:i:s");

include "marks-styles.php";

$response = "";

function wfImageDir( $fname,$w ) {
    $hash = md5( $fname );
    $dest = $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $hash{0} . '/' . substr( $hash, 0, 2 ).'/' .$fname."/".$w."-".$fname;
 return $dest;

function microtime_float()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

function placemarks ($coords0,$coords1,$coords2,$coords3)

 Global $lang;
 Global $pop;
 Global $style;
 Global $photo;
 Global $region;
 Global $notregion;
 Global $source;
 Global $notsource;
 Global $styles;
 Global $thumbs;
 Global $smem;
 Global $s;
 Global $typen;
 Global $timebegin;
 Global $timebetween;
 Global $sql;
 Global $ssl;

#select red_table 
if (abs($coords1-$coords3)>1) {$red_table=2;} 
if (abs($coords1-$coords3)>10) {$red_table=3;}
if (abs($coords1-$coords3)>100) {$red_table=4;}

# if ($pop<>""){$popinsert=" AND pop>$pop";}
# if ($pop==-1){$popinsert=" AND pop='0' AND style NOT LIKE 'city%'";}
 if ($style<>""){$styleinsert=" AND style like '$style'";}
 if ($photo=="yes"){$photoinsert=" AND imagejpg IS NOT NULL";}
 if ($photo=="no"){$photoinsert=" AND imagejpg IS NULL";}

# if    ($region<>""){list ($reg, $sub) = split('-', $region);
#       $regioninsert=" AND `Country`='$reg'";
#       if ($sub<>"") {$regioninsert.=" AND `Subregion`='$sub'"; }
#   }

# if ($notregion<>""){list ($reg, $sub) = split('-', $notregion);
#       $regioninsert=" AND `Country`<>'$reg'";
#       if ($sub<>"") {$regioninsert.=" AND `Subregion`<>'$sub'"; }
#   }

 if ($source<>""){$sourceinsert=" AND lang like '$source'";}  
 if ($notsource<>""){$sourceinsert=" AND lang not like '$notsource'";}      

$lonmid = (($coords2 - $coords0)/2) + $coords0;
$latmid = (($coords3 - $coords1)/2) + $coords1; 
$distan=$coords2 - $coords0;
if ($lang==""){$Titel_Column='"Titel"';} else {$Titel_Column='"T_'.$lang.'"';}

$sql='(SELECT '.$Titel_Column.' as title, pop,lon,lat,style,lang,image,imagejpg,name'
        ." FROM wp_coords_red".$red_table."  WHERE the_geom && 
' and '.$Titel_Column.' IS NOT NULL'.
" $popinsert$styleinsert$photoinsert$regioninsert$sourceinsert ORDER BY psize DESC LIMIT 80) ";    

 #$sql=$sqlleft.$coords0." AND ".$lonmid." AND `lat` BETWEEN ".$coords1." AND ".$latmid.$sqlright." UNION "; 
 #$sql.=$sqlleft.$lonmid." AND ".$coords2." AND `lat` BETWEEN ".$coords1." AND ".$latmid.$sqlright." UNION ";
 #$sql.=$sqlleft.$coords0." AND ".$coords2." AND `lat` BETWEEN ".$latmid." AND ".$coords3.$sqlright." UNION ";
 #$sql.=$sqlleft.$lonmid." AND ".$coords2." AND `lat` BETWEEN ".$latmid." AND ".$coords3.$sqlright;
 #echo $sql;
 $timebegin= microtime_float();

#if ($ssl) {$proto=''.$loclang.'/wiki/';} else
#      {$proto='http://'.$loclang.'';}
// query the database
$res = pg_query($sql);
// check for query error
if($e = pg_last_error()) {echo $sql;die($e);}

while($row = pg_fetch_assoc($res))
if ($lang==""){$loclang=$row[lang];}
#print_r ($row);
$proto = $ssl ? ''.$loclang.'/wiki/' : 'http://'.$loclang.'';


$name=utf8_decode ($row[title]);

$forbitten = array("&","<", ">", "'",'"');

if ($subname=="") {$sub="";} else {$sub="#$subname";}

if ($row[4]=="") {$type="without";}
if ($row[4]=="adm1st") {$type="without";}
if ($row[4]=="adm2nd") {$type="without";}
#if (substr($row[4], 0, 4)=="city") {$type="city";}
if (substr($row[4], 0, 4)=="moun") {$type="mountain";}
if ($row[4]=="volcano") {$type="mountain";}
if ($row[4]=="tunnel") {$type="street";}
if ($row[4]=="shopping") {$type="economy";}
if ($row[4]=="company") {$type="economy";}

$ersetze=",cemetery,zoo,theme park,wildlife san,forest,world natura,natural monu,botanic gard,oase";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="park";}

$ersetze=",education,tower,gastronomy,theater,nuclear powe,hotel,hydroelectri,power plant,library,jail,nuclear faci,hall,cultural cen,habour,court,event center,cinema,boat lift,casino";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="building";}

$ersetze=",reservoir,bay,strait,lake,waterfall,sea,water well,canal,geysers,canyon,river,ocean,geyser";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="waterbody";}

$ersetze=",castle,manor-house,world cultur,monument,monastery,archaeologic,government,fortress,historical c,world herita,palace,pyramid,archipelago";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="castle";}

$ersetze=",religious bu,temple,synagogue,mosque";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="church";}

$ersetze=",mining,military,science,glacier,quarter,impact crate,dam,cape,cave,peninsula,festival,valley,concentratio,lock,cablecar";
if (strrpos($ersetze, $row[4])>0) {$type="landmark";}

if (stripos($smem,"$type,") === false) {

    $typen=$typen.$s[str_replace(" ","_",$type)]."\n";

if (($imagejpg<>"")  AND ($thumbs=="yes") AND ($sub=="")){$insertstyle=substr(md5($row[title]), 0, 4 );} 
   else    {$insertstyle=$type;}
if ($sub<>"") {$showname=$sub;$shownameballon=$row[title];} else {$showname=$row[title];$shownameballon=$loclang.".Wikipedia";} 

$response = '  <Placemark>';
$response .= "<name>$showname</name>";
$response .= ' <visibility>1</visibility>';
$response .= '  <description><![CDATA[ <a target="_blank" ';
$response .= 'href="'.$proto;
$response .= "$row[title]$sub";

$response .= '">'.$shownameballon.'</a><br>';

if (($imagejpg<>"") AND ($thumbs<>"yes")) 
{$response .= '<div style=" padding-top: 0.5em; padding-left: 0.5em; width:190px;height:250px; border:10px;" > <img alt="'.$row[imagejpg].'"  src="'.wfImageDir($row[imagejpg],"180px").'"></a></div>';}
$response .= "<br><small>Source: $row[lang]";
$response .= "<br> style: $insertstyle </small>";

$response .= ']]></description>';
$response .= "     <styleUrl>#$insertstyle</styleUrl>";
$response .= '    <Point>';
$response .= "<coordinates>$row[lon],$row[lat],0</coordinates>\n";
$response .= " </Point>  </Placemark>\n";

if (($imagejpg<>"") AND ($thumbs=="yes")){
$styles .= "\n<Style id=\"".substr(md5($row[title]), 0, 4 )."\">
        <IconStyle>  <scale>2.5</scale>".
            "<Icon> <href>".wfImageDir($row[imagejpg],"120px")."</href></Icon>".
        '<hotSpot x="0.5"  y="0.0"  xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/></IconStyle>'.

$timebetween= microtime_float();

if (date("d")=="01")
$log=($timebetween-$timebegin).",".$distan.",".$lonmid.",".$latmid.",".$lang.",".$red_table.",".date("m")."\n";     #",".$dis.",".$lonmid.","$latmid.",".$sql.

return $response_all;

// split the client's BBOX return by commas and spaces to obtain an array of coordinates
$BOX = pg_escape_string(urldecode( $_GET["BBOX"] ));
if ($BOX==""){$BOX = pg_escape_string(urldecode( $_GET["bbox"] ));}

#if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']==""){exit();}
#if ($lang=="en"){exit();}

$ssl = isset($_REQUEST['secure']) && $_REQUEST['secure'];

$coords = preg_split('/,|\s/', $BOX);


$time_start = microtime_float();

// open psql connection
$pg = pg_connect('host=sql-mapnik dbname=u_kolossos');
// check for connection error
if($e = pg_last_error()) die($e);

// for clarity, place each coordinate into a clearly marked bottom_left or top_right variable
$bl_lon = $coords[0];
$bl_lat = $coords[1];
$tr_lon = $coords[2];
$tr_lat = $coords[3];

// calculate the approx center of the view -- note that this is innaccurate if the user is not looking straight down
$lonmid = (($coords[2] - $coords[0])/2) + $coords[0];
$latmid = (($coords[3] - $coords[1])/2) + $coords[1];

 $response= placemarks ($coords[0],$coords[1],$coords[2],$coords[3]);
 #$response= placemarks ($coords[0],$coords[1],$lonmid,$latmid);
 #$response.= placemarks ($coords[0],$latmid,$lonmid,$coords[3]);
 #$response.= placemarks ($lonmid,$coords[1],$coords[2],$latmid);
 #$response.= placemarks ($lonmid,$latmid,$coords[2],$coords[3]);

 $time_end = microtime_float();
 $time3 = round($time_end - $timebetween,3);

<kml xmlns="">

echo $typen;
echo $styles; 
echo $response; 

      <description><![CDATA[This is a extract from <a href="">Wikipedia</a> from 42 languages, it use the Interwikilinks to generarte all the other languages. See for more infos: <a href="">Wikipedia-World</a> 
           <p>Created in <?php echo $time1."+".$time2."+".$time3."<p>".$sql;?> sec.
