
This page was moved from the Toolserver wiki.
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Script by Duesentrieb
Modified by Luxo

class TSLanguageSelector {
    function __construct($default = "en", $varname = "lang", $cookiePrefix = "", $cookiePath = NULL, $cookieDomain = NULL) {
	$this->defaultLanguage = $default;
	$this->varname = $varname;
	$this->cookiePrefix = $cookiePrefix;
	$this->cookiePath = $cookiePath;
	$this->cookieDomain = $cookieDomain;
	if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->varname])) {
		$this->language = $_REQUEST[$this->varname];

		setcookie( $this->cookiePrefix . $this->varname,
			time() + 3024000, //+5 weeks;
			$this->cookieDomain );
	} else { 
		$this->language = $this->getUserLanguageFromBrowser();

    function getUserLanguage() {
	return $this->language;

    function getUserLanguageFromBrowser()
      $lang = strtolower(trim($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]));
      if(strstr($lang,",")) {
        $lang = substr($lang,0,strpos($lang,","));
      if(strstr($lang,"-")) {
        $lang = substr($lang,0,strpos($lang,"-"));
      return $lang;

    function getSelectorFormHTML($messages, $auto_submit = true, $name = "languageselector") {

	$html = "";

	$html .= "<form name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\">";
	$html .= $this->getSelectorHTML($messages,$auto_submit);
	$html .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$messages->getMessageEscaped("Ok")."\" id=\"".$name."submit\"/> ";
	$html .= "</form>";
  if($auto_submit == true) $html .= "<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById(\"".$name."submit\").style.display = \"none\";</script>";

	return $html;

    function getSelectorHTML($messages,$auto_submit) {
	$html = "";

	$languages = $messages->getAvailableLanguages();
	$html.= "\n\t\t<select name=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->varname)."\" id=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->varname)."\"";
  if($auto_submit == true) $html.= " OnChange=\"this.form.submit();\"";

	foreach ($languages as $choice => $name) {
	    $sel = $choice == $this->getUserLanguage() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
	    $html.=  "\t\t\t<option value=\"".htmlspecialchars($choice)."\"$sel>".htmlspecialchars($name)."</option>\n";

	$html.= "</select>";
	return $html;
    function getSelectorListHTML($messages) {
      $html = "";
      $languages = $messages->getAvailableLanguages();
      foreach($languages as $choice => $name) {
        $html .= "<a href=\"?".htmlspecialchars($this->varname)."=".htmlspecialchars($choice)."\" title=\"".htmlspecialchars($name)."\">".htmlspecialchars($choice)."</a> | ";
      return $html;

    static function getSelector() {
	static $selector = NULL;
	if (!$selector) $selector = new Selector(); #TODO: use global config vars!

	return $selector;


class TSMessagesFactory {
  function __construct($file = NULL, $connection = NULL, $prefix = NULL, $multilang = true, $memcachedserver = "localhost", $memcachedport = 11211) {
      $this->file = $file;
      $this->connection = ($connection == NULL) ? self::db_connect() : $connection;
      $this->prefix = $prefix;
      $this->useMultiLanguageFile = $multilang;
      $this->doublecheck = array();
      $this->memcachedserver = $memcachedserver;
      $this->memcachedport = $memcachedport;
      $this->keys = array();

  static function db_connect() 
    static $connection = NULL;
    if(!$connection) {
      $path = "/home/".get_current_user()."/.my.cnf";
      $x = parse_ini_file($path);
      $s = 'sql-s2';
      $connection = mysql_connect($s, $x['user'],$x['password']);
      if (!$connection) throw new Exception("cannot connect to '$s' using username '".$x['user']."'");
    return $connection;  

  static function memcached_connect() 
    static $m = NULL;
    if(class_exists("Memcached")) {
      if(!$m) {
        $m = new Memcached();
        $m->addServer(self::$memcachedserver, self::$memcachedport);
    } else { $m = false; }
    return $m;  

  function createDefaultMessageObject($tool, $lang = NULL) {
      if (is_string($tool)) $tool = array( $tool, "toolserver");
      if ($lang == NULL) $lang = ToolLanguageSelector::getSelector();
      if (is_object($lang)) $lang = $lang->getUserLanguage();
      if (is_string($lang)) $lang = array( $lang, "en" );
      foreach($tool as $tn => $tk) {
        if(is_array($tk)) {
          $this->keys[$tn] = $tk;
          $tool[$tn] = $tn;
        } else if(is_string($tn)) {
          $tool[$tn] = $tn;
      return $this->createMessageObject($tool, $lang, NULL);

  function createMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent = NULL) {
      if (is_array($lang)) {
	  $m = NULL;
	  $langs = array_reverse($lang);
	  foreach ($langs as $lang) {
 	      $m = $this->createMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent);
	      $parent = $m;    

	  return $m;

      if (is_array($tool)) {
	  $m = NULL;
	  $tools = array_reverse($tool);
	  foreach ($tools as $tool) {
 	      $m = $this->createMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent);
	      $parent = $m; 

	  return $m;

      if($this->doublecheck[$lang][$tool] != true)
        if ($this->file) $m = $this->createFileMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent);
        else $m = $parent;
        if ($this->connection) $m = $this->createDatabaseMessageObject($tool, $lang, $m);
        $this->doublecheck[$lang][$tool] = true;    
      } else {
        $m = $parent;
        return $m;

  protected function createFileMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent = NULL) {
      if ($this->useMultiLanguageFile) 
	  return new MultiLanguagePhpFileMessages($this->file, $tool, $lang, $parent, $this->prefix);
	  return new SingleLanguagePhpFileMessages($this->file, $tool, $lang, $parent, $this->prefix);

  protected function createDatabaseMessageObject($tool, $lang, $parent = NULL) {
        return new DatabaseMessages($this->connection, $tool, $lang, $parent, $this->prefix, $this->keys);

class TSMessages {
  var $parent;
  var $prefix;
  var $messages;
  var $tool;
  var $language;

  function __construct($tool, $language, $messages, TSMessages $parent = NULL, $prefix = NULL) {
    $this->parent = $parent;
    $this->prefix = $prefix;
    $this->tool = $tool;
    $this->language = $language;
    $this->messages = $messages;

  function dump() {
    print get_class($this);
    print "#{$this->tool}";
    if ($this->prefix) print "(prefix:$prefix)";
    print ":{$this->language}";

    if ($this->parent) {
	print " -> ";

  function getMessageEscaped($key,$replacers=array(),$parse=true) {
    $m = $this->getMessage($key,$replacers,$parse);
    return $this->escape($m);

  function escape($s) {
    return htmlspecialchars($s);

  function getMessage($key,$replacers=array(),$parse=true) { 
    if ($this->prefix!==NULL) $key = $prefix.$key;

    if (isset($this->messages[$key])) 
      $msg = $this->messages[$key];//this language text
      if ($this->parent) $msg = $this->parent->getMessage($key,array(),false);//parent language text
      else $msg = "*$key*";//key not found
    if($parse == true)
      $msg = $this->replace_wildcard($msg,$replacers);
      $msg = $this->parse_plural($msg);
      $msg = $this->set_bold($msg);
      $msg = $this->set_italic($msg);
    return $msg;
  function replace_wildcard($msg,$replacers) 
    $r = 0; //array-counter
    $c = 1; //text-counter
    while($c != false)
        $replacers[$r] = '*$'.$c.'*';
      $msg = str_replace('$'.$c,$replacers[$r],$msg,$count);
      if($count != 0) {
        $r++; $c++;
      } else {
        $c = false;
    return $msg;
  function parse_plural($msg) 
    $rgx_search  = "/\{\{PLURAL:([0-9]{1,2})\|([^\}\|]*)\|([^\}\|]*)\}\}/ei";
      $msg = preg_replace($rgx_search,'$this->plural_select("\\1","\\2","\\3")',$msg,-1,$ct);
    while($ct != 0);
    return $msg;
  function plural_select($nr,$singular,$plural) 
     if($nr == 1)
      return $singular;
      return $plural;
  function set_bold($msg) 
    $rgx_search  = "/'''(.*)'''/U";
      $msg = preg_replace($rgx_search,'<b>$1</b>',$msg,-1,$ct);
    while($ct != 0);
    return $msg;
  function set_italic($msg) 
    $rgx_search  = "/''(.*)''/U";
      $msg = preg_replace($rgx_search,'<i>$1</i>',$msg,-1,$ct);
    while($ct != 0);
    return $msg;

  function getKeys() {
    $keys = array_keys($this->messages);
    if ($this->parent) {
      $pkeys = $this->parent->getKeys();
      $keys = array_unique(array_merge($keys, $pkeys));

    return $keys;
  function getAvailableLanguages() {  
    $usedsource = TSMessages::usedsource(NULL,NULL,NULL,true);
    $languages = array();
    if($usedsource['db'] == 1) $languages = $this->getLanguagesFromDB($languages);
    if($usedsource['file'] == 1) $languages = $this->getLanguagesFromDir($languages,$usedsource['path']);
    if($usedsource['multilang'] == 1) $languages = $this->getLanguagesFromFile($languages,$usedsource['path']);

    $sql  =  "SELECT `lang`,`native_name` FROM toolserver.language WHERE";    
    foreach($languages as $language) {
      $sql .= " `lang` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($language)."' OR";
    $sql = substr($sql,0,-2);
    $r = mysql_query( $sql, $this->connection );
    if ( !$r ) throw new Exception( mysql_error() . " (" . mysql_errno() . ")");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
      $langname[$row["lang"]] = $row["native_name"];
    foreach($languages as $language) {
      $languages[$language] = $langname[$language];
    return $languages;
  private function getLanguagesFromDB($languages) {
    $sql  =  "SELECT `language` FROM toolserver.message ";
    $sql .= "WHERE `component` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->maintool) . "'";
    $r = mysql_query( $sql, $this->connection );
    if ( !$r ) throw new Exception( mysql_error() . " (" . mysql_errno() . ")");
    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $r ) ) {
      $k = $row["language"];
      $languages[$k] = $k; // $languages[de] = de
    return $languages;
  private function getLanguagesFromDir($languages,$curl) {
    $dh = opendir($curl);
    while(!is_bool($file = readdir($dh)))
      if(substr($file, -9) == ".i18n.php")
        $k = substr($file,strrpos($file,"-")+1,-9);
        $languages[$k] = $k;
  private function getLanguagesFromFile($languages,$curl) {
    if (!isset($messages)) throw new Exception("including $file did not define \$messages");
    foreach($messages as $lang => $x) {
      $languages[$lang] = $lang;
  static function usedsource($x,$filepath = NULL, $multilang = NULL, $return = false)
    static $source = array("db" => 0, "file" => 0, "multilang" => NULL, "path" => NULL);
    switch($x) {
      case "db":
        $source['db'] = 1;
      case "file":
        $source['file'] = 1;
        $source['path'] = $filepath;
      case "multilang":
        $source['multilang'] = 1;
        $source['path'] = $multilang;
    if($return == true) return $source;

class MultiLanguagePhpFileMessages extends TSMessages {

  function __construct($file, $tool, $language, TSMessages $parent = NULL, $prefix = NULL) {
    parent::__construct( $tool, $language, self::loadMessages($file, $tool, $language), $parent, $prefix );
  static function loadMessages($file, $tool, $language) {
    if (is_dir($file)) {
      $file = "$file/$tool.i18n.php";

    if (!file_exists($file)) return array();


    if (!isset($messages)) throw new Exception("including $file did not define \$messages");
    return $messages[$language];

class SingleLanguagePhpFileMessages extends TSMessages {

  function __construct($filebase, $tool, $language, TSMessages $parent = NULL, $prefix = NULL) {
    parent::__construct( $tool, $language, self::loadMessages($filebase, $tool, $language), $parent, $prefix );
  static function loadMessages($filebase, $tool, $language) {
    if (is_dir($filebase)) {
      $file = "$filebase/$tool-$language.i18n.php";
    } else if (!file_exists($filebase)) {
      $file = "$filebase-$language.i18n.php";
    } else {
      $file = $filebase;
    if(is_dir(dirname($file))) TSMessages::usedsource("file",dirname($file));
    if (!file_exists($file)) return array();

    if (!isset($messages)) throw new Exception("including $file did not define \$messages");
    return $messages;

class DatabaseMessages extends TSMessages {
  static $messageDatabase = "toolserver";
  static $messageTable = "message";

  function __construct($connection, $tool, $language, TSMessages $parent = NULL, $prefix = NULL, $toolkeys = NULL) {
    parent::__construct( $tool, $language, self::loadMessages($connection, $tool, $language, $toolkeys), $parent, $prefix, $toolkeys );
  $this->connection = $connection;
  $this->maintool   = $tool;

  static function loadMessages($connection, $tool, $language, $toolkeys) {
    $m = TSMessagesFactory::memcached_connect();
    if($m !== false) {
      $memcached_key = $tool."#".$language;
      if(is_array($toolkeys[$tool])) $memcached_key .= "#".md5(implode("+",$toolkeys[$tool]));
      $ret = $m->get($memcached_key);
      if($ret) return $ret;
    $db = self::$messageDatabase;
    $tb = self::$messageTable;
    $sql = "SELECT name, message FROM $db.$tb ";
    $sql .= " WHERE component = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($tool) . "'";
    $sql .= " AND language = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($language) . "'";
    if(is_array($toolkeys[$tool])) {
      if(count($toolkeys[$tool]) > 0){
        $sql .= " AND (";
        foreach($toolkeys[$tool] as $$toolkey) {
          $sql .= "name = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($$toolkey) . "' OR ";
        $sql = substr($sql,0,-4).")";
      } else { $sql .= " LIMIT 0 , 200"; }
    } else { $sql .= " LIMIT 0 , 200"; }

    $r = mysql_query( $sql, $connection );
    if ( !$r ) throw new Exception( mysql_error() . " (" . mysql_errno() . ")");

    $messages = array();

    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $r ) ) {
      $k = $row["name"];
      $messages[$k] = $row["message"];
    if($m !== false) $m->set($memcached_key, $messages, time() + 7200); //2h cached
    return $messages;
  static function testfunction($sql,$ret=false)
    static $text = "";
    $text .= $sql."\n<br>";
    if($ret == true) return $text;

