
This page was moved from the Toolserver wiki.
Toolserver has been replaced by Toolforge. As such, the instructions here may no longer work, but may still be of historical interest.
Please help by updating examples, links, template links, etc. If a page is still relevant, move it to a normal title and leave a redirect.

Category:Documentation The HTMLets-Extension is available on this wiki. This extension allows HTML snippets contained in files on the server to be included on wiki pages. This way, HTML otherwise not allowed on wiki pages may be used. New HTMLets can be installed by Toolserver admins upon request.

Snippet files for HTMLets are located at /opt/local/htmlets/ on (that is, the "web" zone on amaranth).

Common HTML snippets for use by user tools should be installed at /usr/local/share/htmlets on (i.e. wolfsbane).