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SAN P2000 Storage System

DNS Name: far1-n1-oe16-esams.mgmt


Username: manage

Password: liketherootonemananddonotthinkyoucanpastethis

Useful commands:

  • help
  • show volumes
  • show disks - all physical disks
  • show vdisks - all virtual disks/raids
  • show hosts - all hosts
  • show events last 20 - last 20 log entries (may scroll if you dont use "last 20")
  • show conf - System States - controller state, version, health status, hard disks and their status, physical parts and status

Replacing a disk:

  • Pull out the broken disc
  • show disks to see the new one online (should be status AVAIL)
  • add the disk as a spare disk with command: set spares disks <disk nr - seen with show disks i.e. 1.4>

CLI Guide