Technical decision making/Updates/2022-08-16

Technical Decision Forum Updates 16 August 2022

Process Updates


Active Proposals

  • Strategy for avoiding or excluding client side errors from gadgets and user scripts (T262493)
    • Stage: Prototyping/Research
    • Status: Meeting with TDF Chairs this week
    • Update: Received feedback and project owner is working on RACI and Decision Record research.
  • Async MediaWiki Parser (T282585)
    • Stage:  Prototyping/Research
    • Status: Research and working on RACI and decision options for Decision Record.
    • Update: The project owner is working on RACI and Decision Record research.
  • Front End Build Step (T279108)
    • Stage: Prototyping
    • Status: Reviewing options and prototyping
    • Update: Project owner is working on prototypes for DR.
  • Anonymous Contributors IP Masking (T283177)
    • Stage:  Prototyping/Research
    • Status:  Research and working on RACI and decision options for Decision Record.
    • Update: The project owner is working on RACI and Decision Record research.
  • Configuration Modes (T267928)
    • Stage: Decision Statement Overview
    • Status: Co-owner added, will be sent out for TDF reps feedback in August
    • Update: Kosta on vacation until 8/12, will pick this back up when he returns to move to the next stage.
  • Update process for Development Policies (T283277)
    • Stage: Research
    • Status: Looking into ownership of the policies to determine next steps.
    • Update: Received clarity on some items but not all so following up this week.
  • Knowledge Store Data Model (T284258)
    • Stage: Decision Statement Overview
    • Status: Project Owner working on the final edits to send out for feedback from the TDF representatives.
    • Update: Will be sending out for TDF representatives feedback in the next week.
  • Canonical Service Catalog (T285058)
    • Stage: Decision Statement Overview
    • Status: Project Owner working on the final edits to send out for feedback from the TDF representatives.
    • Update: Will be sending out for TDF representatives feedback in the next week.

Completed Proposals Published here

  • Maps 2.0 project (T275063)
    • Stage: Decision Made
    • Status: Published
  • Structured Data across Wikimedia Architecture (SDAW)
    • Stage: Decision made
    • Status: Published
  • Build the new Vue.js search experience
    • Stage: Decision made
    • Status: Published