Technical decision making/Updates/2021-05-13

Week of 5/10/21 Updates



  • Office hours: We have shifted to a bi-weekly by appointment model. The appointments are available on the WMF Staff Calendar every other Tuesday for 30 minutes each.
  • Decision Reviews: We are scheduling these as needed for those who have a decision they are moving through the process.

We currently have 2 active, 1 in the queue, and 2 competed proposals to be published and their updates are as follow:

Active Proposals

  • Strategy for avoiding or excluding client side errors from gadgets and user scripts (T262493)
    • Stage: Decision Statement Overview
    • Status: TDF chairs provided feedback
    • Update: Meeting for DSO Review 5/24
  • Front End Build Step (T279108)
    • Stage: Decision Statement Overview
    • Status: TDF department’s representatives feedback received
    • Update: Project owner reviewing feedback and working on prototypes for DR.

Queue Proposals

  • T267928:  Project owner is working on their Decision Statement Overview (DSO) currently and will inform TDF when they are ready
  • T282585: New project submission this week, chairs confirmed this should go through the TDF process and the project owner sent a Decision Statement Overview (DSO) template to work on.

Completed Proposals Published here

  • Maps 2.0 project (T275063)
    • Stage: Decision Made
    • Status: Published
    • Update: Final review with chairs last week for final sign-off and published the final proposal.
  • Build the new Vue.js search experience
    • Stage: Decision made
    • Status: Published
    • Update: The decision was made back in January using a prototype process without the full forum. We are currently standing up a place on to publish these publicly. Once this is set up, we will move this decision from the document to Wiki.

If you have any questions, please reach out on slack, or send an [[1]].