Technical decision making/Updates/2021-03-22

Stage (on/completed): Representative Feedback

Status: Paused

Update: Following the feedback round, the SDAW team is taking action to pause the decision of T274181 while the team works on narrowing the scope of the decision they need to make (see comments below). This means at this time we will not follow up any further on feedback with the tech Forum until we unpause. Additionally, we are scheduling a retro on the process so far as so we don’t lose any important context. We also wanted to take this time to address the fact we paused the first decision going through the forum, and what this says about the process. While we are sure to get some improvements out of the upcoming retro, it was actually good to see the process raise some questions on this project to help the decision-making team understand what work they need to do. Thank you everyone for your support and feedback. Once the team comes back with a narrower focus, we will present it to the Tech Forum Representatives for your feedback.

SDAW Team Comment: Taking the section topic tech decision through the tech forum process has been awesome--it's focused our conversations and oriented us on the problems we are trying to solve. After reviewing feedback, we decided to pause the tech forum process for section topics until we can return with narrow problem overviews for the section topic data store, the access layer, and the algorithm to generate section topics. These will come out of the working groups that Desiree is facilitating, and should be ready mid-March. Thanks to everyone who participated, especially the "responsible" folks in the RACI".

Stage (on/completed): Decision Statement Overview

Status: final review

Update: T27063 has their Decision Statement Overview meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 3:15 pm PDT. Maps team had already put in considerable time discussing the Maps proposal with the SRE team before the meeting, which made going through the Tech Forum's process much quicker than anticipated. They have incorporated feedback from the meeting and the Tech Forum will have the final review this week. The proposal will be ready by Monday, March 22, 2021, PDT for the Tech forum representative's feedback.

Stage (on/completed): Decision made Status: Waiting for publication Update: The decision was made back in January using a prototype process without the full forum. We are currently standing up a place on to publish these publicly. Once this is setup, we will move this decision from the document to Wiki.