Technical decision making/Community rep nomination

Technical Decision Forum Community Representative Nomination Form

Please add the information requested for the person you are nominating
Nominated Person's First Name Nominated Person's Last Name WikiUser Meets the requirements to be a community representative. Agree to respond to Forum requests for feedback within 7 days Agree to participate in discussion in good faith under the terms of the code of conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces Have read and understand the Technical Decision Forum process documentation and agree to serve as a committee representative. Comments
First Name Last Name Wiki YES YES YES YES
Adi Purnama User:Rtnf No (dont have +2 rights and merged commit yet) YES YES YES
Representing Indonesian Wikipedia Tech Ambassador.

Motivation : My academic background is Computer Science. I'm still not quite good in writing a proper Wikipedia article, but I really want to contribute to this movement. So, even though I rarely edits an article, i'm trying to contribute to this movement by using other means : reporting bug to Phabricator, suggesting a new feature to Phabricator, compiling my local community statistics by using quarry, fighting vandalism by creating my own monitoring tools, and experimenting with Wikidata's linked data technology.

In short, i want to contribute to this movement by using my technical skills.
Dessalegn Yehuala Dessalegn Yehuala YES YES YES YES I have shared my statement of interest letter via the TDF mailing list.
Daniel Grunwell Grunny No (not applying as community rep) YES YES YES A representative from Fandom (not a community rep), as discussed in the TDF mailing list.