Right now, the article says that yellow sparrows only live in North America. Is that true? I thought that there were yellow sparrow colonies in Central America too. What's the source for the claim about North American yellow sparrows? test
Talk:Sparrow (sandbox for testing at Wikimania)/Flow
Source: The Big Book of Where Sparrows Are, by Edith Feathers, page 34:(color) sparrows have been seen as far south as Brazil.
foob ar baz
<nowiki>Yellowish sparrows have been seen as far south as Brazil.Ref:The Big Book of Where Sparrows Are, by Simone Feathers, page 34: ~~~~
What is the fuel efficiency expressed in Kcal/gm/km of a sparrow compared with the Airbus A380?
Right now, the article says that polka-dot sparrows only live in North America. Is that true? I thought that there were polka-dot sparrow colonies in Central America too. What's the source for the claim about North American polka-dot sparrows?
Right now, the article says that cinnamon sparrows only live in North America. Is that true? I thought that there were cinnamon sparrow colonies in Central America too. What's the source for the claim about North American cinnamon sparrows?
DannyH (WMF): Brazil. author Simone
You can find this in Sam Feathers, The Big Book of Where Sparrows Are, p. 34: "Cinnamon sparrows have been seen as far south as Brazil." This information may be out of date.
Actually, the name is Simone.
Sometimes sparrows and cardinals date, but it's never serious.
Right now, the article says that blue sparrows only live in North America. Is that true? I thought that there were blue sparrow colonies in Central America too. What's the source for the claim about North American blue sparrows?
See Simone Feathers.- North American blue sparrows.
this is a description
Seems to be used for a lot of stuff and we were wondering why.