
[19:50] <Brooke> "(7 inline comments)"
[19:50] <Brooke> How do I see the inline comments?
[19:50] <Brooke> I'm not logged in.
[19:50] <Brooke> Was Gerrit's UI designed by Microsoft?
[19:50] ... quit factor
[19:51] ... nick Vito -> Vito_away
[19:52] <Brooke> Anyone?
[19:52] <Reedy> view the diff?
[19:52] <Brooke>
[19:52] <Brooke> I clicked "Side-by-side."
[19:52] <Brooke> I don't see the comments...
[19:53] <Reedy> wrong changeset
[19:53] <Reedy> patch set, whatever
[19:53] <Reedy>
[19:53] <Reedy> inline comments are specific to that file in that patch set
[19:54] <Brooke> I just realized that the patch sets where collapsed a few minutes ago.
[19:54] <Brooke> The UI really is just about as bad as possible.
[19:54] <Brooke> I don't know how you all get anything done all day with Gerrit. I find everything is possible, it just takes 20 minutes to figure out.
[19:54] <Brooke> It's the Microsoft approach to UI.
[19:55] <Brooke> One of those fucking collapsed menus has the obscure and poorly labeled link you're looking for.
[19:55] <Reedy> I've not found it that bad
[19:55] <Brooke> THANKS, GERRIT.
[19:55] <Brooke> Aren't you a .NET programmer or somethign?
[19:55] <Brooke> something
[19:55] <Brooke> If you have a Microsoft mind, it's not so bad.
[19:55] <wikibugs> (WONTFIX) [SMW] #subobject causes fatal error -  +comment (MWJames)
[19:55] <Reedy> o_0
[19:56] <Brooke> For normal people, it's unintuitive and stupid.
[19:56] <Brooke> Even better colors would fix some of this.
[19:56] <Brooke> It's impossible to tell what collapses and what doesn't because none of it has borders or shading...
[19:57] ... join domas
[19:57] <Brooke> And the patch set expansion isn't sticky?
[19:57] <Brooke> So you have to click to patch set 1 to expand it, find the diff, and if you go back, it just re-collapses?
[19:58] <Brooke> Rather than just making "7 inline comments" a link...
[19:58] <Brooke> Gerrit is dumb.
[19:58] <Brooke> I keep thinking if I get an account, it might not be so awful.
[19:58] <Brooke> But somehow I think the user experience is pretty dreadful, regardless of authing.
[19:59] <Brooke> I'm just talking to myself at this point.
[19:59] <Reedy> Long live CodeReview
[19:59] <wikibugs> (FIXED) New Format: Rank -  +comment (MWJames)
[20:00] <Brooke> It's one thing to be ugly and be well-designed.
[20:00] <Brooke> But Gerrit is both ugly and poorly designed.
[20:00] <Brooke> The double punch in the gut really hurts.
[20:00] <Brooke> I don't know much about Phabricator, but at least it isn't painfully ugly.
[20:01] <Reedy> Facebook would employ quite a few designers at least
[20:01] <Reedy> Though, I'm sure Google do also..
[20:02] ... quit santhosh
[20:02] ... join factor
[20:03] <Brooke> Reedy: Do you disagree with my assessment of Gerrit?
[20:04] <Reedy> Not really
[20:05] ... join Yaron
[20:06] <Reedy> Krinkle and others were working on a better looking skin
[20:06] <Krenair> Gerrit was difficult for me to learn as well.
[20:06] <Krenair> It's fine now though
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