Talk:Edit Review Improvements/New filters for edit review/Flow

About this board

This page is about New Filters for Edit Review filtering tools and interface. These are now standard on Recent Changes and the Watchlist.

New filters for edit review are in maintenance mode. Major bugs will be fixed but no improvements are scheduled for now. This page is monitored by the maintenance team; however, we aren't watching it everyday.

Leave feedback in any language.

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  • Explain how to reproduce the bug (step by step)
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  • Say on what page it is happening (Recent Changes, Watchlist, etc.)

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Stan Patitu (talkcontribs)

I can't download as PDF files articles from Wikipedia. Am I blocked or what?

What should I do to go back to what I had before the New filters?

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

How did you use to download PDF files?

To go back to what you had before the New filters, go to Preferences → Recent changes → tick "Use non-JavaScript interface".

Reply to "Download as PDF"

Add displaying entries older than 30 days

Deton24 (talkcontribs)

It's not in the filters either.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi, there is a limitation that prevents filtering entries older than 30 days, sorry.

Reply to "Add displaying entries older than 30 days"
Tuvalkin (talkcontribs)

I come accross this thing first time just now at pt.wp, where I’m less active than in Commons (where it is not yet deployed). So I applied a few filters, and then tried to find an "OK" or "submit" button. Turns out there’s none — filter implementations happen on the fly.

This was a feature of the old Special:Watchlist which was changed a few years ago, with the addition of the "show" button, in the box labelled "Watchlist options". Back then a user sort of complained, saying he liked to tick the checkboxes on and off and get immediate results and now, oy vey!, an extra click is needed. This user was severely mocked and shown xkcd 1172 and yet here we are again, back to the old UI paradigm, with changes applied on the fly. (Of course the new UI’s elements are now very huge because reasons.)

MJL (talkcontribs)

@Tuvalkin Do you want to say that again in Portuguese or can you link to these conversations? I'm a bit confused. My apologies.

Tuvalkin (talkcontribs)

@MJL: What would you do with a Portuguese text? Your user page states you are only fluent in English…

As for a link to a discussion in Commons I vaguely remember from 3 years ago or so, sorry, it’s unlikely I can remember enough of it to allow a successful search.

I only meant to emphasize the way UI principles keep changing, in this case a whole 360°, and yet every time someone complains those principles are refered to by devs as abolutely enlightened and set in stone.

MJL (talkcontribs)

@Tuvalkin I meant that users who actually do speak it could be assistance.

Ah, gotcha, my apologies for misunderstanding.

Tuvalkin (talkcontribs)

Se o meu inglês não te serve, MJL, vai aviar-te a outra loja, que esta agora já fechou.

MJL (talkcontribs)
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I'm reacting to the "where it is not yet deployed": the filters are default on all wikis since almost one year. Maybe you've opted the filters out on Commons.

Check on your preferences on the wikis you are active on:

You will get the buttons back.

Tuvalkin (talkcontribs)

Thanks, I’ll do the same in pt.wp too.

Reply to "Messed up"

Only interested in Wikidata statements, not in interwiki links

Tomastvivlaren (talkcontribs)

If I choose to subscribe on Wikidata edits I mostly see changes to the interwiki/language links involving other languages than my own. I am only interested in Wikidata statements, especially for articles that have an infobox. Can this be changed in the future? Regarding changes of label, alias or description, only English and my own language are interesting. ~~~~

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Only interested in Wikidata statements, not in interwiki links"

New filter: "Language proficients"

S. Perquin (talkcontribs)

As an active on WikiKids, a Dutch children's encyclopedia, I regularly run into the problem that some experienced users are still poor at linguistics and grammar. Therefore, I would come up with the proposal to create a new user group called "Language proficients", which users can earn (e.g. by modarators in response to a request) when they have mastered the language so well that their changes do not have to be checked again for language and spelling. Of course, not every wiki has to use this, but on WikiKids we could use it! Kind regards,

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

Each wiki can define their own user groups and assign them necessary rights. Not sure what this proposal has to do with "New filters for edit review".

S. Perquin (talkcontribs)

Oh, I didn't know that! I thought this page was for ideas and proposals for new filters. But apparently I was wrong about that. Kind regards,

Reply to "New filter: "Language proficients""
Pppery (talkcontribs)

@Network-charles: I think what happened is that your changes would have had to be marked for translation. It would probably make more sense to use Extension:LabeledSectionTransclusion (but you have to use manual section tags rather than the lsth parser function because of more translation issues) rather than onlyinclude tags though.

They would also have to be marked for translation, but the failure mode would be no output at all, not transcluding the entire page.

Network-charles (talkcontribs)

Oh! I see. Would it be preferable to add the onlyinclude tags and wait for it to be marked, and then properly add the transcluded section in the Help:Recent changes page?

Pppery (talkcontribs)

I would prefer the use of LabeledSectionTransclusion over onlyinclude tags, but yes, that should work.

Network-charles (talkcontribs)

Okay, I would love to try LabeledSectionTransclusion but I'm not sure how I'll use it since the extension will be installed locally on my machine and not publicly.

Pppery (talkcontribs)

LabeledSectionTransclusion is installed on most Wikimedia wikis, including this one, already.

Network-charles (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Re Special:Diff/6503389"

Error message disabled

1 (talkcontribs)

Can i alert admin of this error. It happens when clicking on view messages.

Reply to "Error message disabled"

I want to see article only on most recent date

Timeshifter (talkcontribs)

Is there a setting to only show article on most recent date? I don't like seeing the same article on every day of the last week. My current watchlist is for the last 7 days. I want to be able to do this without having to choose "Use non-JavaScript interface" in preferences.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I'm not sure to understand what you try to do.

Only the last revision of an article is shown on watchlists.

Can you explain it once again?

Timeshifter (talkcontribs)
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the screenshot. Now, it is more clear.

Have you tried to select the "Latest revision" filter?

Timeshifter (talkcontribs)

Thanks. It would be nice to have all revisions shown since my last visit. But to have the page only listed on the date of the latest revision. Instead of breaking up the revisions into chunks by day. But I have no idea if that would require more server time per watchlist.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

As I understand what you look for, it is not a feature at the moment. Maybe you should keep it for the next community wishlist survey?

Reply to "I want to see article only on most recent date"
ElectricRay (talkcontribs)

Would be great if we could have a filter to exclude redirects. It would be breat to see only new creations with meaningful content on them. ElectricRay (talk) 15:27, 3 February 2021 (UTC)

Reply to "*Exclude* redirects."

Latest revision filter improvement idea

Jackattack1597 (talkcontribs)

I think that it would be useful if the latest revision filter also showed revisions that would be the latest if it didn't count edits from the same user as being the latest revision. The point would be so that vandals couldn't make a random useful edit to make it harder for people to find their vandalism.

Reply to "Latest revision filter improvement idea"
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