Snippets/Collapsible Upload options

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Collapsible Upload options
Language(s): JavaScript
Compatible with: MediaWiki 1.17+ (Vector)

Description edit

This snippet will make the description and options fieldsets on the file upload page collapsible. They are collapsed by default as most users won't use them anyway.

Code edit

 * Make file upload description and options collapsible
 * @source:
 * @rev: 1
if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ), ['Upload']) != -1 ) {
    $( 'legend:nth(1)' ).wrapInner( '<a href="#" />' )
        .click( function( e ) {
            e.preventDefault(); // avoid jumping to the top (href=#)
            $( '#mw-htmlform-description' ).toggle( 'fast' );
        } )
    $( '#mw-htmlform-description' ).delay( 500 ).hide( 'slow' );  // Hide by default, but delayed for to give other elements time to expand first

    $( 'legend:nth(2)' ).wrapInner( '<a href="#" />' )
        .click( function( e ) {
            e.preventDefault(); // avoid jumping to the top (href=#)
            $( '#mw-htmlform-options' ).toggle( 'fast' );
        } )
    $( '#mw-htmlform-options' ).hide( );  // Hide by default

MediaWiki 1.16 edit

Change the if clause as follows to make the snippet work in 1.16 too:

if ( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Upload' ) {

MediaWiki 1.20 edit

Try wrapping the code in

( function( $ ) { 
        // Simple scope wrap, where $ is available as alias for jQuery.
        // Code here will be executed immediately
} )( jQuery );

as recommended at JQuery.