
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:GuMaxDD and the translation is 50% complete.
MediaWiki-Skins-Handbuch - Kategorie
Freigabestatus: beta
Beschreibung Free skin using a horizontal navigation menu with dropdowns
Autor(en) Paul Gu
Jack Phoenix
Neuste Version 1.6.1 (2024-04-03)
MediaWiki 1.35+
Lizenz GNU General Public License 2.0 oder neuer
Beispiel Example on MediaWiki Skins Wiki
Quarterly downloads 5 (Ranked 30th)
Public wikis using 115 (Ranked 36th)
Public wikis using as default skin 11
Übersetze den GuMaxDD skin wenn es auf verfügbar ist
Probleme : Offene Aufgaben · Einen Fehler melden

GuMaxDD is the drop-down menu version of the GuMax skin, initially written by Paul Y. Gu in 2007. According to him, "this design is dedicated to maximize the space for the main content page, and make wiki as a professional web site which can be applied to many types of business that suits your needs". Like many other skins from the era, it is derived from the MonoBook skin, which was MediaWiki's default skin until 2010 when it was replaced by Vector.


  • A horizontal navigation menu at the top, using dropdowns
  • A built-in article picture


  • Die Dateien herunterladen und in einem Unterverzeichnis namens GuMaxDD zum Verzeichnis skins/ ablegen.
  • Ergänze folgenden Code am Ende deiner LocalSettings.php -Datei:
    wfLoadSkin( 'GuMaxDD' );
  •   Erledigt - Navigiere zu Special:Version in deinem Wiki, um zu überprüfen, ob der Skin erfolgreich installiert ist.

Änderungen in Version 1.6

Version 1.6, released on 18 December 2020, includes a lot of bug fixes and tweaks, such as:

  • i18n
  • consistent IDs/classes (for eventual compatibility with things like VisualEditor etc.)
  • general modernization
  • Erweiterung:Echo -Unterstützung
  • no-JS support — the navigation menus now work even if the user has disabled JavaScript in their browser

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