Selenium/Ruby/Workshops/Selenium Workshop

< Selenium‎ | Ruby‎ | Workshops

Who? edit

Anybody interested in writing test automation with Selenium and friends. Hosted by Selenium ninjas, rock stars, masters, gurus, superheros, (insert your favorite buzzword here), also known as Release Engineering Team.

Since we are limited by the room size, the first fifteen (15) people to RSVP to the invitation will be able to participate.

What? edit

Topics will include, but are not limited to:

Please add topics that you would like to talk about. Some raw ideas are listed at T425.

When? edit

Friday, January 23, 2015. (The day after WMF All Hands). 12pm-5pm.

Where? edit

Wikimedia Foundation mothership, deck R37.

Why? edit

Because it is lonely at the top. Also, we need more Selenium (buzzwords go here).

How? edit

We will gather in a room and talk. Participants will decide which topics to cover. Code will be written. Bring your terminals. There might even be a slide or two.

Further exercise edit

We have scheduled Advanced Topics in Browser Test Automation for Monday afternoon at the Developer Summit