Selenium/How-to/Create the first test in a repository

This tutorial will assume that you are running tests from your machine, targeting MediaWiki-Docker.

For more examples see Selenium/Getting Started/Create a simple test page and Selenium/Reference/Example Code.

Let's write a new simple test for Extension:Examples. For example, let's check if the extension is listed at Special:Version page.

Following code is available at gerrit:674939.

Simple edit

The minimal amount of code is just one spec file and just one page object file.


'use strict';

const Page = require( 'wdio-mediawiki/Page' );

// this is just a sample on how to create a page
class VersionPage extends Page {
	// this is just a sample on how to find an element
	get extension() { return $( '#mw-version-ext-other-examples' ); }

	// this is just a sample on how to open a page
	open() {
		super.openTitle( 'Special:Version' );

module.exports = new VersionPage();


'use strict';

const assert = require( 'assert' ),
	// this is just a sample on how to use a page
	VersionPage = require( '../pageobjects/' );

describe( 'Examples', function () {

	// this is just a sample test
	it( 'is configured correctly', function () {;

		// this is just a sample assertion, checking if an element exists
		assert( VersionPage.extension.isExisting() );

	} );

} );

Typical edit

Typical patch will have a few more files. You will need these files if this is the first Selenium test in the repository.




	"scripts": {
		"selenium-daily": "npm run selenium-test",
		"selenium-test": "wdio tests/selenium/wdio.conf.js"
	"devDependencies": {
		"@wdio/cli": "7.4.6",
		"@wdio/dot-reporter": "7.4.2",
		"@wdio/junit-reporter": "7.4.2",
		"@wdio/local-runner": "7.4.6",
		"@wdio/mocha-framework": "7.4.6",
		"@wdio/sync": "7.4.6",
		"wdio-mediawiki": "1.1.1",
		"webdriverio": "7.4.6"


	"root": true,
	"extends": [


# Selenium tests

For more information see

## Setup


## Run all specs

    npm run selenium-test

## Run specific tests

Filter by file name:

    npm run selenium-test -- --spec tests/selenium/specs/[FILE-NAME]

Filter by file name and test name:

    npm run selenium-test -- --spec tests/selenium/specs/[FILE-NAME] --mochaOpts.grep [TEST-NAME]


'use strict';

const { config } = require( 'wdio-mediawiki/wdio-defaults.conf.js' );

exports.config = { ...config
	// Override, or add to, the setting from wdio-mediawiki.
	// Learn more at
	// Example:
	// logLevel: 'info',