SQL/XML Dumps/Command management walkthrough

A speedy tour of the low level command classes


So you want to know all about the cruft in commandmanagement.py! Yeah, I didn’t think so. But let’s get started anyways.

Here’s some sample code that runs a pipeline of commands (think: zcat | grep | awk ) and later runs a series of commands (think: grep this | wc -l; grep that | wc -l )

The relevant classes are CommandPipeline ([1]) and CommandSeries ([2]), so with that in mind, let’s look at the code.

Sample code


Some of the code to run the command series was taken from ProcessMonitor ([3]), because we pretty much never run a command series directly. Instead they are run by making a list of them, even a list with only one command series in it, and letting CommandsInParallel ([4]) handle it.


sample methods illustrating the use and innards of some
classes from the command_management module
import fcntl
import select
import sys
import os
from dumps.commandmanagement import CommandPipeline, CommandSeries

def usage():
    '''display a short help message about the use of this script'''
    sys.stderr.write("Usage: sample_commands.py <path-to-python-dumps-repo>\n")

running one pipeline of commands



def run_pipeline(pipeline, quiet=False):
    run a pipeline of commands that produces output and display
    that output if there is any
    proc = CommandPipeline(pipeline, quiet=quiet)

    # This method expects output to be small; don't use this for any commands
    # that may produce megabytes of output

    return_ok = bool(proc.exited_successfully())
    if not return_ok:
            print("Some commands failed:", proc.get_failed_cmds_with_retcode())
            output = proc.output()
        if output:
            # output returned is in bytes; python supports bytes and unicode strings
            output = output.decode("utf-8").rstrip()

        print("Result:", output)

waiting for command output or completion



def setup_polling_for_process(proc):
    set up a poller for stdout, stderr for the specified process
    # this code is simplified from that in ProcessMonitor in the command_management module
    poller = select.poll()
    poller.register(proc.stderr, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI)
    fderr = proc.stderr.fileno()
    flerr = fcntl.fcntl(fderr, fcntl.F_GETFL)
    fcntl.fcntl(fderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, flerr | os.O_NONBLOCK)
    if proc.stdout:
            poller.register(proc.stdout, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI)
            fdout = proc.stdout.fileno()
            flout = fcntl.fcntl(fdout, fcntl.F_GETFL)
            fcntl.fcntl(fdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flout | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        return poller

def handle_events(poller, waiting, series, proc, quiet):
    given a list of poll events, read from the appropriate
    file descriptors and return the accumulated stdout and
    error output, if any
    # this code is simplified from that in ProcessMonitor in the command_management module
    output = ""
    error_out = ""
    command_completed = False
    for (filed, event) in waiting:
            # check_poll_ready_for_read checks if the event, which we have
            # stashed in an attribute, has one of the flags
            # select.POLLIN or select.POLLPRI set
            if series.in_progress_pipeline().check_poll_ready_for_read():
              out = os.read(filed, 1024)
              if out:
                if filed == proc.stderr.fileno():
                    error_out = error_out + out.decode("utf-8")
                elif filed == proc.stdout.fileno():
                    output = output + out.decode("utf-8")
                # possible eof? what would cause this?
            # check_for_poll_errors checks if the stashed event has one of
            # the flags select.POLLHUP, select.POLLNVAL or select.POLLERR set
            elif series.in_progress_pipeline().check_for_poll_errors():
              # Note: if the fd closed prematurely and the proc then runs for hours to
              # completion, we will get no updates here.
              if not quiet:
                print("returned from {pid} with {retcode}".format(
                    pid=proc.pid, retcode=proc.returncode))
              command_completed = True
    return output, error_out, command_completed

running a series of command pipelines, getting the output



def get_series_output(series, quiet=False):
    run the pipelines in a command series, capture and display the
    output if any, along with any errors
    # is there some process running that might produce output from
    # one of the pipelines? remember we only run one pipeline at a
    # time, and the series object knows which pipeline is running at
    # any given time, and which process is at the end of the pipeline
    # to produce output
    while series.process_producing_output():
            proc = series.process_producing_output()

            # we need to be able to check when there is output to stdout
            # or stderr from the process, and capture it. we accumulate
            # all errors into one string and all output into another,
            # making the assumption that there are not megabytes of either.
            poller = setup_polling_for_process(proc)

            command_completed = False

          # this code is simplified from that in ProcessMonitor in the
            # command_management module, and it has been split up into the
            # smaller methods handle_events and setup_polling_for_process.
            output = ""
            error_out = ""
            while not command_completed:
             # time is in milliseconds
              waiting = poller.poll(500)
              if waiting:
                new_out, new_err, command_completed = handle_events(
                        poller, waiting, series, proc, quiet)
                if new_out:
                        output += new_out
                if new_err:
                        error_out += new_err
            if output:
               print("Result:", output)
            if error_out:
               print("Errors:", error_out)

            # run next command in series, if any
            # this checks to be sure that the current pipeline's last command
            # is indeed complete, before starting the next pipeline;
            # it calls check_for_poll_errors() (it expects to see one)
            # and check_poll_ready_for_read() (it expects this to be false)

def run_series(series, quiet=False, shell=False):
    run a command series the pipelines of which may or may not
    produce output, and display the output from each, if any
    procs = CommandSeries(series, quiet, shell)
    get_series_output(procs, quiet)

    if not procs.exited_successfully():
            print("Some commands failed:", procs.pipelines_with_errors())

putting it all together


We use the repo path and files in the repo to grep for text we know is in there.


def do_main():
    entry point
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    repo_path = sys.argv[1]


    # This is a command pipeline: two or more commands as lists, the
    # output of each to be piped to the next.
    # Note that the full path of each command (grep, wc) is given.
    pipeline = [["/bin/grep", "command", os.path.join(
          repo_path, "dumps/commandmanagement.py")],
          ["/usr/bin/wc", "-l"]]
    print("Running pipeline with default args:")
    print("Running pipeline with quiet:")
    run_pipeline(pipeline, quiet=True)

    pipeline_one = [["/bin/grep", "command", os.path.join(
          repo_path, "dumps/commandmanagement.py")],
          ["/usr/bin/wc", "-l"]]
    pipeline_two = [["/bin/grep", "command", os.path.join(
          repo_path, "dumps/commandmanagement.py")],
          ["/usr/bin/wc", "-c"]]
    # This is a command series: two or more pipelines which are run
    # one after the other, waiting for one to complete before the
    # next is started.
    series = [pipeline_one, pipeline_two]


    print("Running series with default args:")
    print("Running series with quiet:")
    run_series(series, quiet=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample output


Place the module ([5]) in the subdirectory xmldumps-backup of the python dumps repo, and run it with no args to see how you should run it. TL;DR: pass the full path of the dumps repo as the only arg.


[ariel@bigtrouble xmldumps-backup]$ python sample_commands.py /home/ariel/dumps/xmldumps-backup

Running pipeline with default args:
command /bin/grep command /home/ariel/dumps/xmldumps-backup/dumps/commandmanagement.py (260851) started...
command /usr/bin/wc -l (260852) started...
Result: 131

Running pipeline with quiet:
Result: 131


Running series with default args:
command /bin/grep command /home/ariel/dumps/xmldumps-backup/dumps/commandmanagement.py (260855) started...
command /usr/bin/wc -l (260856) started...
returned from 260856 with 0
Result: 131

returned from 260856 with 0
returned from 260856 with 0
command /bin/grep command /home/ariel/dumps/xmldumps-backup/dumps/commandmanagement.py (260857) started...
command /usr/bin/wc -c (260858) started...
returned from 260858 with 0
Result: 6989

returned from 260858 with 0
returned from 260858 with 0

Running series with quiet:
Result: 131

Result: 6989