ResourceLoader/Core modules/zh
本页列出MediaWiki /resources
JSDuck documentation 是根据MediaWiki的文档注释自动生成的文档。此文档有最全的模块和对象,但用法和例子可能不如本文多。
editThis is the main JavaScript module, mediawiki
. It sets the window.mediaWiki
object, with
as an alias. Alias mw
is available everywhere and should be used.
- For a complete list of configuration values in
, check out Manual:Interface/JavaScript.
An instance of the Map class that is global by default for backwards compatibility (in 1.17) and contains the wgVars such as wgSiteName, wgArticleId etc.
if ( mw.config.exists( 'wgGlobalGroups' ) ) {
// do stuff
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'ResourceLoader' ) {
// do stuff
mw.hook.add,, mw.hook.remove
- A framework for registering and firing events in JavaScript (as opposed to doing everything on document ready).
See the code for more information and examples.
- Escape a string for HTML. Converts special characters to HTML entities.
mw.html.escape( '< > \' & "' );
// Returns: < > ' & "
- Creates an HTML string, with safe escaping.
// shortcut h
var h = mw.html;
var myElement = h.element(
'div', // tagName
{}, // attributes
// content:
new h.Raw( // We don't want to escape the return of h.element(), instead add it raw
// Without this the result would be '<div><img src="&lt;"/></div>'
'img', // tagName
{ src: '<' } // attributes
// myElement is '<div><img src="<"/></div>' (as a string)
var h = mw.html;
var loaderContainer = h.element( 'div', { id: 'ext-foobar-loader' },
new h.Raw( h.element( 'img', {
src: mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/common/images/ajax-loader.gif',
title: 'Loading...'
) )
// loaderContainer is '<div id="ext-foobar-loader"><img src="/w/skins/common/images/ajax-loader.gif" title="Loading..."/></div>'
Note that loading the mediawiki.jqueryMsg module significantly changes the behavior of this module. See above link.
Returns a new instance of Message. mediaWiki.msg()
is a shortcut to this with output using the text format (however, without jqueryMsg, this is equivalent to the plain format). See Localisation#Using messages in JavaScript for information about using PLURAL, GENDER, and more advanced message features in JavaScript.
- Key of the message
- (optional) this argument and any later ones will be passed to the Message constructor as the parameter array (to do replaces for $1, $2 etc.)
* Suppose we have a message key "user-welcome" with value
* "Hello $1. Welcome to $2. Last visit by $1: $3".
// Get instance of Message
var welcome = mw.message( 'user-welcome', 'Krinkle', 'Wikipedia', 'now' );
// Get it as a plain string (other formats are 'text', 'parse', and 'escaped')
welcome.format = 'plain';
// Shortcut for the above
// Returns: "Hello Krinkle. Welcome to Wikipedia. Last visit by Krinkle: now"
This is a shortcut for creating an instance of Message via mediaWiki.message()
and returning .toString();
editSince MediaWiki 1.19 • r93247 Keep track of origin in the client-side registry of ResourceLoader by adding an internal source id (lowercase a-z string, first parameter) for a given loadscript property (second parameter). The internal registry will have an origin-key for each module (just like it has for groups). The execute-function will use the right loader-script as needed. And split up requests per module source.
mw.loader.addSource( 'mediawikiwiki', { loadScript: '' } );
editSince MediaWiki 1.19 • r93653 Returns a copy of the full module list. If you just need to check on a module, consider mw.loader.getState instead.
editReturns the status of a module, 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded', 'ready', 'error' or 'missing'.
If a module is not in the registry at all, it will return null
editReturns the version of a module, or null
if it is not in the registry.
edit(deprecated in 1.19) No longer needed, mw.loader.load
takes an array to load multiple modules in one request.
editImplements a module. This is used internally by ResourceLoader to implement every module.
editLoads modules and other sources. It can be called with one or more modules by name. It can also load an external script or style URI beginning with either "http://", "https://" or "//" and a mime-type in the second argument (either "text/css" or "text/javascript"). If no mime-type is provided, "text/javascript" is assumed. mw.loader.load creates an asynchronous request, so if you need to run code that depends on a module, use mw.loader.using instead. If you want to load another script use jquery.getScript.
// Load one module by name. Will make 1 http request loading all JS, CSS of this and its dependencies. Will also load any needed interface messages to the memory of mw.msg mw.loader.load( 'jquery.ui.datepicker' ); // Will do all resources stuff for multiple modules at once mw.loader.load( ['jquery.ui.dialog', 'jquery.hoverIntent', 'mediawiki.foobar'] ); // Load an external javascript file as is mw.loader.load( '//' ); // Load an external stylesheet as is mw.loader.load( '', 'text/css' );
Note: mediaWiki.loader do not accept relative urls (see bug 34036) and differently from jQuery.getScript(), it doesn't support callback functions (bug 25962).
editAdds a module to the registry. This is used internally by the startup modules.
editChanges the state of the module.
can be called with two or three arguments (dependencies, function to execute when modules are successfully loaded, function on error). The error function takes two arguments, the error, and an array of dependencies that caused it.
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.colorUtil', function () { var curColor, newColor; // This function wil be called right away if the required modules are already loaded // Otherwise the module(s) are loaded and if all succesfull, the function is called curColor = 'rgb(70,140,210)'; newColor = $.colorUtil.getColorBrightness( curColor, +0.2 ); alert( '20% brigher than ' + curColor + ' is ' + newColor ); } );
edit(deprecated in 1.19) Use mw.loader.getVersion
editProcessing function to load and execute modules
This is is automatically loaded (only) in debug-mode (can be enabled with debug=true in the URL) and is an alternative to calling console.log() which would cause errors in browsers that don't have a console or don't have it enabled.
Calling this either pushes the messages to console if its available and have a logging facility, or adds it to an #mw-log-console if not (the element is created on the first call)
mw.log( 'To be logged message here' );
Note that different browsers and extensions may enable or disable different consoles and different logging facilities, and that they may or may not be visible even if they are used for logging purposes.
A reusable class to store, get and set a set of variables.
The core uses this for mw.config
and mw.user.options
When making an instance the function takes one parameter which affects whether the set will be made globally available (ie. as items of window
) or local.
By default this is false (not global) and will thus not not overwrite any global variables with the same name.
- An object containing all the variables. If 'global' was true during initialization, this is an alias to the
object. .exists(key)
- Function returns true if an entry with the key(s) exists, false otherwise
.get(key, fallback)
- Returns the value of the key(s) or (optionally) the value of the second argument if the key does not exist (returns null if it doesn't exist and no fallback was provided)
.set(key, value)
- Creates / Modifies one or multiple values
// Create a new map
var myMap = new mw.Map();
// Set a few values
myMap.set( {
'name' : 'John Doe',
'age' : 19,
'planet' : 'Earth',
'address' : 'Wikistreet 7, New York'
} );
// Set one more value
myMap.set( 'spouse', 'Jane Jackson' );
// Do something if a value is set
if ( myMap.exists( 'address' ) ) {
alert( 'This map does have a value for "address". It is: ' + myMap.get( 'address' ) );
} else {
alert( 'This map does not have a value for "address".' );
// Get multiple values
var NameAgeBirth = myMap.get( ['name', 'age', 'birthdate'] );
// is 'John Doe'
// NameAgeBirth.age is 19
// NameAgeBirth.birthdate is null
Address Book example
// Create a new map for this
var myAddressBook = new mw.Map();
// Define an object with name / address combinations
// This data could be coming from an AJAX request and/or from a database
var addresses = {
'John Doe' : 'Wikistreet 7, New York',
'Jane Jackson' : 'Oxfordstreet 21, London',
'Max Heinz' : 'Rote strasse 201, Berlin'
// Set the variables in the addressbook
myAddressBook.set( addresses );
// A request could come in for a few names
var wantedNames = ['Max Heinz', 'George Johnson', 'Jane Jackson'];
// Check if they all have an entry
if ( !myAddressBook.exists( wantedNames ) ) {
alert( 'One or more names do not have a known address' ); // In our example, there is no address for George Johson
wantedData = myAddressBook.get( wantedNames, '<em>Unknown location</em>' );
// wantedData['Jane Jackson'] is 'Oxfordstreet 21, London'
// wantedData['George Johnson'] is '<em>Unknown location</em>'
edit(deprecated in 1.20) Use mw.user.isAnon()
editFunction returns the username if the user is logged in, or null if anonymous (logged out).
editFunction returns the username if the user is logged in, or returns sessionId if the user is anonymous. Note this does not return the user's numeric ID in the wiki (which is available as a configuration value).
Prior to MediaWiki 1.22 the "id" for anonymous users was retained across sessions by a long-term cookie (bug 44327).
editFunction returns boolean indicating whether the user is anonymous (true) or logged in (false).
if ( !mw.user.isAnon() ) {
alert( 'You are logged in as: ' + mw.user.getName() + '.' );
} else {
alert( 'You are anonymous.' );
edit(deprecated in 1.20) Use mw.user.getName()
editWhen called for the first time generates a sessionId and sets a domain-wide cookie and returns the sessionId. When it's set already (ie. after calling it, or when it was set earlier this session on another page) returns just the sessionId.
alert( 'Your sessionId is: "' + mw.user.sessionId() + '" !' );
editContains the preferences of the user, or the defaults when logged out. (mw.user.options
is an instance of the mw.Map constructor)
// Get a preference option and use it directly
alert( 'According to the preferences, your gender is ' + mw.user.options.get( 'gender' ) );
// Get several preferences and compare them with $.compareObject
if ( $.compareObject( mw.user.options.get( ['diffonly', 'showhiddencats'] ), { diffonly: 0, showhiddencats : 0 } ) ) {
// User's preferences match the object
} else {
// User's preferences don't match the given set
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
Is pre-populated with api tokens. Currently editToken and watchToken
var edittoken = mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' );
var watchtoken = mw.user.tokens.get( 'watchToken' );
See a live example from the module.
This module sets the mw.Api constructor. The main methods of the mw.Api object are get, post, and ajax. The mediawiki.api
module (and its plugins) return a promise. This is just like jQuery.ajax
(and its derivatives such as jQuery.get
and jQuery.getJSON
A promise provides three important methods that can be used to register a callback: done()
, fail()
and always()
. In general you should always either have the first two or the latter.
The base mediawiki.api
plugin provides two methods that take a raw API query:
There are various plugins (other modules depending on this one) for this module that make it more convenient to use certain API actions actions by abstracting the input and output. The ones in core are listed below.
editvar api = new mw.Api();
api.get( {
action: 'query',
meta: 'userinfo'
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
console.log( 'API result:', data );
} )
.fail( function ( error ) {
console.log( 'API failed :(', error );
} );
editLike api.get
, takes a raw API query, but prepares jQuery.ajax
internally for a POST request instead.
editThis is the base method from which all others are derived. Should not be used directly.
editList of errors that could be received from the API.
editList of warnings that could be received from API.
This module depends on mediawiki.api, and extends the mw.Api prototype with methods related to categorization:
editDetermines if a category exists.
editLists categories with a given prefix.
editGets the list of categories that a given page belongs to.
This module depends on mediawiki.api, and extends the mw.Api prototype with methods for editing:
editThis posts to the API as specificed by the parameters. It is intended for methods that require an edit token. It will used a cached edit token if one exists, or get one then post.
editThis is a low-level method used by api.postWithEditToken to get tokens.
editCreates a new section on the given page, with the given section name and text.
This module depends on mediawiki.api, and extends the mw.Api prototype with a method for parsing wikitext:
editCalls the server to parse the given wikitext. Example:
var api = new mw.Api();
api.parse( "'''Hello world'''" )
.done( function ( html ) {
console.log( 'Parsed result:', html );
} );
This module depends on mediawiki.api, and extends the mw.Api prototype with a method for checking the title blacklist. It requires TitleBlacklist be installed on the server:
editDetermines if a given mw.Title is blacklisted.
This module depends on mediawiki.api, and extends the mw.Api prototype with methods related to the watchlist:
editWatches a given title.
editUnwatches a given title.
editInitializes the debugging pane.
editSwitches between debug panes.
editBuilds HTML for the toolbar.
editBuilds the console pane.
editBuilds the SQL pane.
editBuilds logging pane (legacy).
editBuilds requests pane.
editBuilds included files pane.
Calls mw.Debug.init.
User interface for collecting feedback, particularly on new features, using jQuery UI. This sets the mediaWiki.Feedback constructor. Example:
var feedback = new mw.Feedback();
$( '#myButton' ).click( function () { feedback.launch(); } );
editSets up feedback GUI.
editDisplays a particular part of the feedback interface.
editShows that the feedback is being added.
editShows information about bug tracker
editShows thank you message.
editDisplays the feedback form, with optional pre-filled contents.
editShows given error message.
editDismisses feedback form.
editSubmits feedback form using mw.Api.newSection.
editMain entry point for displaying the feedback form, with optional pre-filled contents.
This module sets the mediawiki.jqueryMsg object. This is used for advanced message parsing. Use it only when mediaWiki.msg and mediaWiki.message do not meet your needs. For example, mediawiki.jqueryMsg is required for plural and gender support, the int: magic word, and links.
UI module developed as part of the Agora project. It is currently used by the login skin. There is currently one appearance for Vector and another for the rest of the skins.
editAdds a <style>
element to the HEAD and returns the CSSStyleSheet object.
The CSSStyleSheet object can be used to disable the css rules at any later time and re-enable them as well. This can be done through the 'disabled' attribute. When setting this to true, the rules no longer apply. When setting to false, the rules apply again.
See also W3 on CSSStyleSheet for more info.
// Add a simple stylesheet rule
mw.util.addCSS( '.plainlinks { color: green; }' );
// Add a rule and set a variable to the sheet
var myCssRules = mw.util.addCSS( '.plainlinks { color: green; }' );
$( '#myButton' ).click( function () {
// When button is clicked, toggle the stylesheet from true to non-true (false), or from false to non-false (true)
myCssRules.disabled = !myCssRules.disabled;
} );
edit加入入口链接。此方法移植自已过时的wikibits,并与它向下兼容。addPortletLink支持主要皮肤(core skins),有nextnode
// 方法签名
mw.util.addPortletLink( portletId, href, text [, id [, tooltip [, accesskey [, nextnode ]]]] );//前三个参数是必填的。
// 在左侧“工具箱”里,在“打印版本”之前,加入“”链接,链接指向//。
mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '//', '',
't-mworg', 'Go to ', 'm', '#t-print' );
// nextnode除了可以是字符串,也可以是DOM节点。
mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '//', '',
't-mworg', 'Go to ', 'm', document.getElementById( 't-print' ) );
如果你想在点击链接时执行JavaScript,设置href为#,然后在 jQuery(...).click 里面编写执行的代码。
// Create portlet link
var portletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', '#',
'My new portlet link', 'ca-my-portlet', 'Click here to test the new portlet'
// Bind click handler
$( portletLink ).click( function ( e ) {
// doSomeStuff();
alert( 'It works!' );
- p-cactions:正文动作(Content actions),“查看历史”“监视此页面”右边的下拉箭头
- p-personal:用户工具(Personal tools),“用户贡献”“监视列表”一行。
- p-navigation:导航栏(Navigation),维基球下面,“首页”“分类索引”一列。
- p-tb:工具箱(toolbox),在导航栏下面。
editA jQuery object for a page's overall content area regardless of the skin used. This is, for example, #content
in the Vector-skin (before 1.20 it was #bodyContent
). This variable is initialized from the
module. Make sure to either add it to your dependencies or wrap it inline in mw.loader.using( '', ... );
This does not refer to the area where the page content goes. If you wish to work with that area of the page instead of the overall content area you should use $('#mw-content-text')
/* Add some HTML to the page content */
mw.util.$content.append( '<h2>Lorem ipsum</h2><p>This section was just added to the bottom of the wiki page.</p>' );
/* Count number of tables in the page's content with a class of "wikitable" */
var $wikitablesInPage = mw.util.$content.find( 'table.wikitable' );
if ( $wikitablesInPage.length ) {
alert( 'There are ' + $wikitablesInPage.length + ' wikitables on this page.' );
} else {
alert( 'There are no wikitables on this page.' );
Here is a more advanced example involving loading in extra content with an AJAX request. Run this example on a page other than the main page.
/* Loads in main page (or any page for that matter) over AJAX (may be useful for Special:BlankPage) */
// Put a loading message on top of the page
mw.util.$content.prepend( '<p><em>Loading...</em></p><hr/>' );
// To get the article contents, use #mw-content-text instead.
$('#mw-content-text').load( mw.util.wikiGetlink( mw.config.get( 'wgMainPageTitle' ) ) + ' #mw-content-text', function () {
mw.notify( 'Load complete!' );
} );
editThis function returns the value of the specified URL parameter. By default it uses the current window's address. Optionally you can pass it a custom location.
It returns null
if the parameter is not present.
Returns an empty string(""
) if it was an empty parameter (such as /page.php?some=parameter&emptyparameter=&id=12
// Location:§ion=28
// Suppose we're editing a page section, this will return the number of the edit section
mw.util.getParamValue( 'section' ); /* returns '28'; */
// Extract a value from a custom url
// For example on a diff page where there is: "← Older edit" and you need the oldid of the previous edit
var oldid = mw.util.getParamValue( 'oldid', '//' );
if ( oldid !== null ) {
alert( 'The previous text version of this page has id: ' + oldid );
} else {
alert( 'No "oldid" parameter found in the given address.' );
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
This function is ported from the legacy wikibits keeping it fully backwards compatible, with a few adjustments and with added support to hide the message by calling with no arguments or when passing null.
// Basic usage, replace/add the message on top
mw.util.jsMessage( 'This is something a <strong>message</strong> for the <strong>user</strong>' );
// Classed usage, adds/replaces the 'mw-js-message-foobar' as class for the message-box
mw.util.jsMessage( 'Foobar message 01255', 'foobar' );
// Any of the folllowing will empty and hide the box
mw.util.jsMessage( '' );
mw.util.jsMessage( null );
editThis function returns an encoded string in its raw form for use in urls.
var exFooUrl = '' + mw.util.rawurlencode( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) );
For building query strings, you may want to use jQuery.param instead:
var query = {
page: 'MyPage',
value: mw.config.get( 'skin' ),
action: 'foo'
var fooQuery = '' + $.param( query );
editReturns true if its string parameter is a valid e-mail address according to HTML5 specification, false if not, and null if passed an empty string.
var isValid = mw.util.validateEmail( "" ) === true;
editThis function returns a "pretty" version of a URL encoded wiki page name. It keeps slashes and colons unencoded. The behavior differs from wfUrlencode
on the PHP side.
// This url will end up in the user's addressbar, so prettification is useful.
var $histLink = $( '<a>' ).attr(
mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?action=history&title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) ),
// This will never be shown, don't bother with string concatenation, just encode it regularly with $.param(), much easier.
url: mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?' + $.param({ action: 'history', title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) }),
dataType: 'html'
.done( function ( html ) {
/* .. */
editThis function returns the address to a local wiki page.
var sandboxLink = mw.html.element(
'a', {
href: mw.util.wikiGetlink( 'Sandbox 3000' ), // returns "/wiki/Sandbox_3000"
title: 'Go to Sandbox'
}, 'Click here to enter the sandbox!'
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
This function returns the location of a script on the current wiki. Much like wfScript
in GlobalFunctions.php.
Parameters: str
- Name of the script (eg. 'api'), defaults to 'index'.
jQuery.getJSON( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
titles: 'Main Page',
prop: 'revisions'
} ).done( function ( data ) {
// data.query
} );
This sets the mediaWiki.Title constructor, which has several methods in its prototype. Basic example
var t = new mw.Title( 'Image: foo_bar baz.jpg' );
t.getMain(); // "Foo_bar_baz.jpg"
t.getNamespaceId(); // 6
t.getNamespacePrefix(); // "File:"
Basic examples
var uri = new mw.Uri(); // This throws the following error on 1.19.1: 'Bad constructor arguments'
uri; // Instance for the location of the current window
var otheruri = new mw.Uri( '' ); // The trailing slash is *required*
otheruri.toString(); // ""
Basic examples
mw.notify( 'This is a notification.' ); // Send a plaintext notification
mw.notify( mw.message( 'some-message' ) ); // Use an i18n message to send a notification
mw.notify( $( '<span>This is a <u>HTML</u> notification.</span>' ) ); // Send a html notification with a jQuery instance (a DOM node also works)
mw.notify( 'Test', { title: 'Title!' } ); // Give the notification a title
mw.notify( 'Test', { autoHide: false } ); // Don't automatically hide the notification
mw.notify( 'Test', { tag: 'foobar' } ); // Send a notification tagged with a tag
mw.notify( 'Test 2', { tag: 'foobar' } ); // This one will replace the previous 'foobar' notification.
jQuery & plugins
editMore information about jQuery's presence in MediaWiki, see jQuery. For more about jQuery in general and all its core functions, refer to
MediaWiki版本: | 1.20 |
This is a jQuery module that allows you to put a red "badge" on an item on the page. 'Badge' in this case should be considered a verb rather than a noun, as the function returns the parent, not the badge itself.
edit$element.badge( text );
$element.badge( 5 );
$element.badge( '100+' );
$element.badge( text, inline );
$element.badge( 'New', true );
can be a number or a string. If the value is falsey (0, null, false, '', etc.), any existing badge will be removed.inline
determines whether or not to display the badge inline. The default is to overlay the badge over the corner of the parent element. Set this parameter to true to display the badge inline instead.
editThis single-function plugin can be called to add this functionality to any number of checkboxes.
By default (onload) it's applied to all input
elements that have a type of checkbox, excluding any with a class of 'noshiftselect'. As it has a built-in prevention to avoid binding the CheckboxShiftClick twice to the same element you can simply run the line below under "Default" again at any time if you want to enable dynamically added checkboxes in the page to be shift-selectable as well.
Or alternatively run it on the specific selector of choice (see second example below).
// Default:
$( 'input[type=checkbox]:not(.noshiftselect)' ).checkboxShiftClick();
// Enable the functionality for checkboxes in dynamically created form <form id="my-tool-form">
$( 'form#my-tool-form input[type=checkbox]' ).checkboxShiftClick();
A plugin that extracts information about the client's browser, layout engine and operating system. Use this instead of jQuery.browser, which is deprecated and will be removed from jQuery in the near future.
editThe profile function is the main function here and returns (and caches) all the information in an object in. All possible values (except for version numbers) are predefined. A typical return looks like this:
/* jQuery.client.profile() */
'name': 'firefox',
'layout': 'gecko',
'layoutVersion': '20100101',
'platform': 'win'
'version': '10.0.2',
'versionBase': '10',
'versionNumber': 10,
Here a few examples
if ( $.client.profile().layout == 'gecko' && $.client.profile().platform == 'linux' ) {
// This will only run on Gecko browsers (ie. Mozilla Firefox) on Linux.
if ( $.client.profile().name == 'msie' ) {
// Only for good ol' Internet Explorer
// Shortcut
var prof = $.client.profile();
if ( == 'firefox' && prof.versionBase == '2' && prof.platform == 'win' ) {
// Target Mozilla Firefox 2.x on Windows
Check jquery.client.js for possible values of browser names, layout engines and platforms.
Used by the Vector extension.
MediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
- getRGB
- colors
- rgbToHsl
- hslToRgb
- getColorBrightness
MediaWiki版本: | 1.17 |
This plugin allows you to set, get and delete cookies.
edit// Set cookie (simple, current page/path)
$.cookie( 'myName', 'Flower' );
// Set cookie (extra options)
$.cookie( 'myName', 'Flower', {
expires: 7, // expires in 7 days
path: '/' // domain-wide, entire wiki
} );
// Get cookie
var name = $.cookie( 'myName' );
// Delete cookie
$.cookie( 'myName', null );
When deleting a cookie, you must use the same path and domain used when the cookie was set.
Note that when MediaWiki server-side code sets a cookie it usually prefixes it with the database name; this prefix is available to JavaScript code as the mediaWiki.config variable wgCookiePrefix
Provides JSON encoding to old browsers which do not support JSON.stringify:
editvar obj = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
var string = $.toJSON( obj );
var jsonString = '{"a":1,"b":2}';
var obj1 = $.evalJSON(jsonString);
var obj2 = $.secureEvalJSON(jsonString);
var key = "myStorageKey",
value = $.jStorage.get( key );
if ( !$.jStorage.storageAvailable() ) {
throw new Error( 'No storage available. Fall back to ... or tell the user to install a real browser!' );
$.jStorage.listenKeyChange( key, function( key, action ) {
if ( window.console && $.isFunction( console.log ) ) {
console.log(key + " has been " + action);
} );
value = {a: 1, b: 2, c: [3, 4, 5]};
$.jStorage.set( key, value );
MediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
- See also Manual:Collapsible elements.
Plugin makes all passed elements collapsible. It supports lots of variations such as:
- Simple
- Add "
" to an element (a<div>
for example) with some content and save the page. The inner content of this element will be treated as collapsible content. Prepended to the element, before the collapsible content, is a toggle-link with a localized label (collapsible-expand, collapsible-collapse) - Initial state
- Adding '"
'" as additional class will cause the element to be initially collapsed when the page is loaded. - Custom label
- HTML5 only Using the
attributes one can define a custom text for the toggle labels added by the script. When added in wikitext these could populated by a localized message like:<div class="mw-collapsible" data-expandtext="{{int:show}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:hide}}">
- Remote toggle
- If you don't want the script to put the default toggle link (wether or not with a custom label) in your element, you can make one of your own. This could reside anywhere inside or outside the collapsible element. It's relationship to the collapsible element is detected by using ID attributes with the prefix
for the collapsible element and the togglelink respectively.
Example: Simple collapsible div or table
{| class="infobox"
! Foo
| Bar
! Lorem
| Ipsum
! More info
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;"
! Head
! Top
| Cell
| content
| This table is collapsible
| Because it has the "mw-collapsible" class
| It was initially hidden, because it
| had the "mw-collapsed" class
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible" style="width: 400px;">
This is text is collapsible. {{Lorem}}
Foo | Bar | ||||||||||
Lorem | Ipsum | ||||||||||
More info |
Example: Hide the collapsible element by default, the toggle element resides outside of it
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myDivision" style="background:#e0e8ff">Click here to toggle the element</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myDivision">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible-content">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</div>
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myDivision" style="background:#e8ffe0">Clicking will toggle it also!</div>
For other live examples, see Test Wikipedia - Collapsing Testpage.
This plugin adds support for placeholder texts in input fields for browsers that don't support the HTML5 attribute yet. If the attribute is not supported it's applied to all input elements with a 'placeholder' attribute, on-load.
It has a built-in check for browser support, but for efficiency it's best to do this check (also) wrapped around to call.
// Default:
if ( !( 'placeholder' in document.createElement( 'input' ) ) ) {
$( 'input[placeholder]' ).placeholder();
// Example for your dynamically added foobar fields
$( "form#foobar-ajax input[placeholder]" ).placeholder();
Testing framework. See
editAssesses the completeness (coverage) of test suites for object oriented javascript libraries. Written to be used in environments with jQuery and QUnit.
This is also used by MediaWiki core when running the QUnit test suite with the completenesstest
option enabled.
There is also jquery.ui.autocomplete.js with similar functionality.
Real world examples: ajaxCategories.js, ext.vector.simpleSearch.js
Example shows suggestions for the summary-line:
function fetchIT(d, y) {
mw.log( 'fetched' );
this.suggestions( 'suggestions', ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'consectetur adipisici elit', 'sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua']);
$( '#wpSummary' ).suggestions( 'fetch', fetchIT );
MediaWiki版本: | 1.18 |
jsMsg( 'The selected text is "' + mw.html.escape( $( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'getSelection' ) ) + '".' );
Example page; JQuery project page
Option | Type | Possible values | Default | Description |
gravity | string / call-back function | 'nw' | 'n' | 'ne' | 'w' | 'e' | 'sw' | 's' | 'se' / $.fn.tipsy.autoNS | $.fn.tipsy.autoWE | pointer or anonymous | 'n' | sets the positioning of the tooltip relative to the element |
fade | bool | true | false | true | use fading effect (fadeIn / fadeOut) |
title | string (an attribute) / call-back function | style, class, id, ..., function () { return 'some string'; } | title (or if not specified fallback-value; see below) | Which string to display as a "tool-tip"? |
fallback | string | 'valid string' | used if an element has no tooltip | |
html | bool | true | false | false | interpret the tooltip text as HTML |
delayIn | number in ms | 0, 1, 2, ... | 0 | How long to wait after onmouseover to show the tip? |
delayOut | number in ms | 0, 1, 2, ... | 0 | How long to wait after onmouseout to close the tip? |
trigger | string | 'focus' | 'manual' | 'hover' | hover | When to show the tooltip (useful for forms) |
live | bool | true | false | false | dynamical add to selectors- see JQuery's live interpretation |
offset | number in px | 0 | offset from tooltip to element | |
opacity | number (float) | 1.0 | opacity of the tooltip |
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.tipsy', function () {
$( '<span>', {
title: 'Some tipsy test title'
} )
.append( 'Hover here' )
option: 'value',
option2: 'value2'
MediaWiki版本: | 1.17 |
There are several methods added to the jQuery object for older browsers serving as backwards-compatibility for new native prototypes in newer browser. Also several other convenience functions have been created such as isEmpty and escapeRE. In MediaWiki 1.17 and 1.18 these methods were part of the "jquery.mwPrototypes" module. In MediaWiki 1.19 this module was renamed to "jquery.mwExtension" (see rev:94227).
editTrims whitespace from the left side of the string
editTrims whitespace from the right of the string
editReturns the string with the first character capitalized
editReturns a string for literal use in a regular expressions by escaping characters that have a special meaning in a regex.
editCheck whether a passed a variable is a direct link to an element.
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.17 |
This function checks if a variable is empty. Supports strings, booleans, arrays and objects. The string "0" is considered empty. A string containing only whitespace (ie. " ") is considered not empty.
editCompares two arrays and returns a boolean for whether they are in fact the same
editMediaWiki版本: | 1.17 |
Compares two objects for it's properties and values (recursive).
* Trim
$.trimLeft( ' foo bar ' ); // "foo bar ";
$.trimRight( ' foo bar ' ); // " foo bar";
$.trim( ' foo bar ' ); // "foo bar";
* isEmpty
$.isEmpty( 'string' ); // false
$.isEmpty( '0' ); // true
$.isEmpty( '' ); // true
$.isEmpty( [] ); // true
* compareArray
$.compareArray( [1, "a", [], [2, 'b'] ], [1, 'a', [], [2, "b"] ] ); // true
$.compareArray( [1, 2], [8, 7] ); // false
* isDomElement
// Sure, a plain normal dom element: True
$.isDomElement( document.getElementById( 'content' ) );
// This returns an array of dom elements, not a dom element itself: False
$.isDomElement( document.getElementsByClassName( 'portal' ) );
// This is a normal dom element: True
$.isDomElement( document.getElementsByClassName( 'portal' )[0] );
// jQuery objects are not dom elements: False
$.isDomElement( $( '#content' ) );
// jQuery.get(0) returns the raw dom element for the object: True
$.isDomElement( $( '#content' ).get(0) );
// Anything else: False
$.isDomElement( 'hello world' );
For more information on and demos for jQuery UI, refer to
The following components are included:
- jquery.ui.accordion.js
- jquery.ui.autocomplete.js
- jquery.ui.button.js
- jquery.ui.core.js
- jquery.ui.datepicker.js
- jquery.ui.dialog.js
- jquery.ui.draggable.js
- jquery.ui.droppable.js
- jquery.ui.mouse.js
- jquery.ui.position.js
- jquery.ui.progressbar.js
- jquery.ui.resizable.js
- jquery.ui.selectable.js
- jquery.ui.slider.js
- jquery.ui.sortable.js
- jquery.ui.tabs.js
- jquery.ui.widget.js