# Recommended revisions for skins for MediaWiki 1.39.
# Where the repository is not specified, the Wikimedia Git repository for the
# skins with that name is used, and the default branch used is REL1_39.
# Where the repository *is* specified, the default branch used is master.
- chameleon:
commit: f34a56528ada14ac07e1b03beda41f775ef27606 # v. 4.2.1
repository: https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/chameleon
additional steps:
- composer update
- CologneBlue:
commit: 4d588eb78d7e64e574f631c5897579537305437d
- MinervaNeue:
bundled: true
- Modern:
commit: fb6c2831b5f150e9b82d98d661710695a2d0f8f2
- MonoBook:
bundled: true
- Pivot:
branch: v2.3.0
commit: d79af7514347eb5272936243d4013118354c85c1
- Refreshed:
commit: 86f33620f25335eb62289aa18d342ff3b980d8b8
- Timeless:
bundled: true
- Vector:
bundled: true