
This page is a translated version of the page Recommendations for mobile friendly articles on Wikimedia wikis and the translation is 41% complete.

This document provides guidance, from experience, on how best to serve mobile users as an editor of a MediaWiki wiki. It is compiled by mobile apps and mobile web developers with up to 10 years of experience working with MediaWiki content. It is a practical guide building on some of the points inside Reading/Mobile Friendly Content.

On Wikimedia wikis, over 50% of traffic visits the mobile website and in many regions is the primary medium for accessing our content. Despite this, many of our articles are not as mobile friendly as they could be.

We recommend the usage of a template maintenance category e.g., w:Category:Templates that are not mobile friendly to help flag problematic templates on mobile and share the burden of fixing them.


Wrap wide images and tables

If an image or table is larger than 500px consider how it will display on mobile or smaller monitors. If the image should scale down, consider the use of TemplateStyles to define that behaviour. If the image should become horizontally scrollable you will need to use a noresize class on the image to disable Minerva optimisations as well as provide a containing element with overflow scrolling set. See w:Template:Wide image as an example.

Bad example


Good example

<div style="margin:0 auto;overflow:scroll;width:auto;max-width:100%">[[File:Brooklyn_Skyline_(9910358874).jpg|1800px|class=noresize]]</div>


The output of cs:Šablona:Cedule is similar to en:Template:Ambox however the HTML markup is completely different.

The mobile website relies on describing content with the same language. To make the mobile experience consistent across different languages it's important to use a similar semantic language.

Given many projects copy and paste templates from English Wikipedia most "standard" names are English-centric, but we're very much open to change this to reflect the most widely used classes. In particular, the ambox names need a better defined language.

  • .infobox - a component that summarises facts (e.g. date of birth = 25th December 2018; name = Santa Claus Junior) e.g. en:Template:Infobox
  • .dablink - disambiguation notice that appears at the top of the page.
  • .hatnote - appears at top of the page describing possible redirects or similarly named articles e.g. en:Template:Hatnote
  • .ambox - describes a problem with the page. e.g. en:Template:Ambox
    • .ambox .mbox-image - associates an icon with the problem e.g. en:Template:Ambox
    • .ambox .mbox-text-span - describes the issue (but not the fix)
    • .ambox .hide-when-compact - describes the fix for the issue.
  • .navigation-box or .navbox - describes a box that contains various navigation links. For example sister site links. Note, the former is removed from mobile, so use the navigation-box class where possible for content that you know to be mobile friendly.
  • .side-box for boxes that appear at the sides of articles e.g. quote boxes.
  • .metadata for boxes that appear in the article that do not fit the criteria above.



<div class="my-infobox-like-component"></div>


<!-- semantic infobox class added per [[:mw:Recommendations_for_mobile_friendly_articles]] for mobile compatibility -->
<div class="my-infobox-like-component infobox"></div>


Putting an infobox first in an article, will impact the performance and readability of the article on mobile. Currently, the mobile software (Extension:移动前端 ) takes care of this problem, but in some cases it fails, so if possible, always use this arrangement or if not, please check the ordering has been corrected on mobile by testing your edits on a real mobile device.

In terms of readability, the placement of an infobox first, exposes readers to details on a subject prior to gathering context or and introduction to the subject, which can often be confusing. This issue was particularly heightened for topics unfamiliar to users, where they would be required to scroll through the content of the infobox to confirm whether they are reading the correct article. We implemented the change to create consistency between the mobile and desktop websites (on desktop, the first paragraph also has primary placement), as well as to expose users to the subject of the article prior to requiring them to scroll through the infobox.

From a performance perspective, shifting infoboxes to a secondary position, improves the performance of the site by significantly decreasing the average page load time, allowing users to see the content on the page faster than before.

更多資訊: Reading/Web/Projects/Lead_Paragraph_Move


My article's first paragraph


My article's first paragraph


On desktop, coordinate templates (Coord template) tend to appear in the top right corner of the article, on mobile where space is not available and the top of the article is limited, this is not practical. Positioning them elsewhere in the article body e.g. bottom would allow more options for mobile while still allowing the position on mobile.

There are other benefits for positioning meta data at the bottom - it helps algorithms that power Page previews and the mobile web site to identify the first paragraph which is important for summarizing articles.


My article's first paragraph


My article's first paragraph



In mobile, content can be styled differently but it cannot be moved. It helps the mobile site and algorithms that it depends on if elements are grouped together by type.

In mobile we expect any components that are described as hatnotes (e.g. Template:Hatnote) to be followed by ambox (e.g. Template:Ambox page issues) and to appear at the very top of the page. Infoboxes and other content should appear below these.

If this order is not respected, the mobile site cannot optimise content and content cannot be optimised for mobile.


{{infobox}} <!-- infobox -->
{{page issue}} <!-- .ambox -->
{{disambiguation}} <!-- .hatnote -->
{{page issue}} <!-- .ambox -->


{{disambiguation}}  <!-- .hatnote -->
{{page issue}}  <!-- .ambox -->
{{page issue}}  <!-- .ambox -->
{{infobox}} <!-- .infobox (table or div) -->


CSS properties including width, float, height are problematic on mobile.

Padding, border and margin can also be problematic if larger values are used.

As a general rule, if your CSS uses a property with a value in pixels that is 100px or above, you should be testing your design on mobile.

Ideally anything that touches these properties should be using classes and Extension:TemplateStyles and media queries to provide 2 different treatments for mobile and desktop.


<div style="width: 700px; float: left; padding: 5px; border: solid 1px black;">一些文字</div>


<templatestyles src="..." />
<div class="mybox">一些文字</div>
.mybox { width: 100%; padding: 5px; border: solid 1px black; }

@media all and ( min-width: 720px ) {
  .mybox { width: 700px; float: left; }


If you are using tables to create a presentational element, please don't. Optimising tables for mobile is extremely challenging and these presentational elements are usually broken by the optimisations we make for mobile. Instead, you should look to convert your table based layouts to div based layouts.

Usually, in lieu of a better solution, we have to regretfully hide these elements on mobile. Navboxes being the most notable example.

Nested tables

If you do need to use tables, note they are designed in responsive design/flex in Mobile version.


There's so much to talk about here, this gets its own article .


Wikipedia content is largely unstructured. One means of providing presentation hints for optimal parsing and display is to ensure that templates have only one outermost HTML element and that that element has a unique CSS class name shared across wiki languages. This can dramatically help software such as the mobile website, the Content Service, and the native Android and iOS apps to identify content properly.




<div class=FoobarTemplate>


When an article has more than one issue use a single issues template to collapse them. Issues can take up value space on mobile and when collapsed more options to mobile friendly skins can take place.

In particular this is a problem when articles are nominated for deletion.


{{fringe|date=June 2018}}
{{rewrite|date=April 2018}}
{{Proposed deletion/dated
    |concern = 清理抄襲
    |timestamp = 20180829061154
    |help = 
{{Unreferenced|date=December 2009}}


{{multiple issues|
  {{fringe|date=June 2018}}
  {{rewrite|date=April 2018}} 
{{Deletion notice with multiple_issues|
    {{Proposed deletion/dated
    |concern = 清理抄襲
    |timestamp = 20180829061154
    |help = 
    {{Unreferenced|date=December 2009}}


Be careful when making assumptions about the presentation of an article. While two images may be floated and positioned in a certain way on desktop, it won't necessary display the same on a mobile device. Thus avoid sentences such as "the table on the right shows" or "the image on the left shows".

It's important to think of the article as being fluid and subject to change.

If referring to the image is essential, consider vertical stacking which is a safer alternative.

In this example it would make sense to use a single image rather than two, or to use vertical stacking


  <div class="tsingle" style="float:left;margin:1px;width:102px;max-width:102px">
  [[File:Felipe Massa]]
  <div class="tsingle" style="float:left;margin:1px;width:102px;max-width:102px"><
  [[File:Sergey Sirotkin]]
  <div class="thumb-caption">Felipe Massa (left) is to the left or Sergey Sirotkin (right)</div>


  <div class="tsingle" style="float:left;margin:1px;width:102px;max-width:102px">
  [[File:Felipe Massa]]
  <div class="tsingle" style="float:left;margin:1px;width:102px;max-width:102px"><
  [[File:Sergey Sirotkin]]
  <div class="thumb-caption">Felipe Massa (top) is to the bottom of Sergey Sirotkin (bottom)</div>


Because the mobile site lazy loads images, articles with large numbers of images will timeout on mobile.

You can determine the number of images in a page by using a JavaScript developer console and running:

$( 'img' ).length

Ideally, a page should have no more than 100 images (regardless of how small). Note if you have more than 10,000 images in your page, the page will be inaccessible on mobile.

In the case of tables you might want to consider using emojis or unicode characters.


Rank Article Views
1 A               3,895,581,597
2 B               62,210,344


Rank Article Views
1 A 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 3,895,581,597
2 B 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱️ 62,210,344


There are several rules to follow to make page issues mobile friendly.


Make sure the ambox class is present on the top level element of the page issue.

Preferably, the element should be a div, in which case the text portion of the element should have the mbox-text class.


For compatibility with the Minerva skin, which will screen scrape these templates to understand the meta data implied by these classes, ensure images have the class .mbox-image (or are wrapped in an element with the mbox-image class). You can add additional classes (per below) to ensure the issue is scraped with the correct severity level.

目的 要使用的類別
觀點 ambox-POVmobile-issue-pov
移動/合併 ambox-movemobile-issue-move
中等嚴重性問題 ambox-contentmobile-issue-severity-medium
高嚴重性的問題 ambox-seriousmobile-issue-severity-high
低嚴重性的問題 ambox-stylemobile-issue-severity-low


<div class="ambox custom-class-issue-icon-POV">
    <div class="ambox-image">[[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg]]</div>


<div class="ambox custom-class-issue-icon-POV ambox-POV">
    <div class="ambox-image mbox-image">[[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg]]</div>

If present (and editors adopt this), Minerva can use this to choose the appropriate icon.


Text beyond 2 lines should be wrapped in an element with the hide-when-compact class.


<table class="ambox">
    <td class="mbox-text">
        <b>Questa voce sull'argomento guerra è <a href="/wiki/Aiuto:Voci_da_aiutare" title="Aiuto:Voci da aiutare">da aiutare</a>.</b>
        <div style="font-size:90%;">
            <b>Motivo</b>: <i>manca la contestualizzazione dell'argomento, non si riesce a capire cosa sia. Mancano fonti e bisogna verificare l'enciclopedicità.</i>

好的例子 (table version)

<table class="ambox">
    <td class="mbox-text">
        <b>Questa voce sull'argomento guerra è <a href="/wiki/Aiuto:Voci_da_aiutare" title="Aiuto:Voci da aiutare">da aiutare</a>.</b>
        <div style="font-size:90%;" class="hide-when-compact">
            <b>Motivo</b>: <i>manca la contestualizzazione dell'argomento, non si riesce a capire cosa sia. Mancano fonti e bisogna verificare l'enciclopedicità.</i>

Good example (div version)

<div class="ambox">
    <div class="mbox-text">
        <b>Questa voce sull'argomento guerra è <a href="/wiki/Aiuto:Voci_da_aiutare" title="Aiuto:Voci da aiutare">da aiutare</a>.</b>
        <div style="font-size:90%;" class="hide-when-compact">
            <b>Motivo</b>: <i>manca la contestualizzazione dell'argomento, non si riesce a capire cosa sia. Mancano fonti e bisogna verificare l'enciclopedicità.</i>


Given page issues can contain multiple elements, images, and meta data, it's really important to help our clients identify which part of the template explains the issue.

For this task, most projects use one of the mbox-text-div or mbox-text-span classes (message box text). This helps us reduce clutter on mobile resolutions and pull out the key parts of the message.


<div class="ambox">
    <div class="mbox-text">
       <div class="mbox-text-span"> 
        This page has an issue.
            <div class="hide-when-compact">This is how you fix the issue if you didn't know how.</div>
        Did you know that this is a wiki that anyone can edit? For general advice on editing take a look at the
        <a>guidelines page</a>!


<div class="ambox">
    <div class="mbox-text-div"><div class="mbox-text-span"> 
        This page has an issue.
        <div class="hide-when-compact">This is how you fix the issue if you didn't know how.</div>
        Did you know that this is a wiki that anyone can edit? For general advice on editing take a look at the
        <a>guidelines page</a>!

In mobile, section headings links are used to collapse/expand sections. Use of links inside the section headings are thus discouraged. Where these links are essential, it is advised that editors disable section collapsing on the page by wrapping the entire content in a DIV element.

Bad example

== Link without heading ==

== [[Agriculture]] == <!-- link inside heading -->

Text about agriculture.

Good example

<div><!-- this page uses links inside headings so a wrapper element is used to disable section collapsing on mobile -->
== Link without heading ==

== [[Agriculture]] == <!-- link inside heading -->

Text about agriculture.


Do not wrap infoboxes

A common pattern/mistake is to wrap an infobox either by incorrectly using wikitext or intentionally via HTML tags. The problem with this is it makes it difficult for mobile optimisations to apply as the infobox cannot be properly identified. If you must wrap them use the infobox-container class.

Bad example

:{{Infobox record label}}list item
''{{Infobox record label}} be bold!''
{{Infobox person
| name               = Person
<div style="float: right">{{Infobox}}</div>

Good example

{{Infobox record label}}
:list item
{{Infobox record label}} ''be bold!''
{{Infobox person
| name               = Person
| image = File:Photo_of_person
<div style="float: right" class="infobox-container">{{Infobox}}</div>

Do not style infoboxes in MediaWiki:Mobile.css

While infoboxes appear on many articles, they do not appear on all of them. In consequence, it is better to ship any styles for styling infoboxes using Extension:TemplateStyles .

Using MediaWiki:Mobile.css is highly discouraged as this can result in a cumulative layout shift. This is because Mobile.css unlike desktop loads via JavaScript and is not render blocking.

Bad example


<div class="infobox">
<h1>Infobox heading</h1>


.infobox h1 { font-size: 24px; }

Good example


<div class="infobox">
<h1 style="font-size: 24px;">Infobox heading</h1>

或 Template:InfoboxExample:

<templatestyles src="InfoboxExample/styles.css" />
<div class="infobox">
<h1>Infobox heading</h1>


.infobox h1 { font-size: 24px; }