Take a minute to look around. What are some of your initial impressions? Do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly interesting? (Keep in mind that since this is a prototype some of the links might not work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.)
(your feedback here)
Imagine you wanted to switch the article to another language. Can you figure out how to do so? What do you think of this experience?
(your feedback here)
Imagine you wanted to collapse the main sidebar menu. Can you figure out how to do so? What do you think of this experience?
(your feedback here)
The logged-out experience is slightly different. Please click the “Log out” link in the top corner. What do you notice that’s different from the logged-in experience? What do you think?
(your feedback here)
Imagine your main objective is reading an article. What do you think of page layout and the reading experience? How does it compare with the current experience on Wikipedia?
(your feedback here)
Please add any final thoughts, ideas, or questions.