Reading/Multimedia/Standup notes/2017/February
A new month! Merry February to all.
Very. Unproductive. Week.
Dealing with some extremely stupid Safeguard stuff
Tax time
Happy Groundhog Day!
Staff breakfast today.
Unproductive week here, too.
James, I could use some product insight on Extension:3D
Also need to file a security review bug for it.
Error warning handling patch split up
Fixed aborting uploads
Wrote patch for cursor in MMV-3d
Writing patch for media type is terrible
Security review in
Will hit SoS to ask for help with deployment things
Annual plan stuff
Tasks for 3d
Was looking at setting up dashboard for UploadWizard EventLogging data
Anyone any experience with Dashiki?
Looking to respond to Firefogg going away
Probably remove Firefogg handler soon, it's breaking already
At all possible?
Payload of transcoder acceptable?
Transcoding speed acceptable?
What about licenses?
3d extension work ramping up.
Thanks @James_F for the evaluation.
Looks like I need to help Matthias with some stuff.
Legal chat - patent troubles for 3D files? Will discuss.
Security review continuing apace.
Conversion scripts on client side - disappointing. Probably backend is better.
EventLogging dashboards now
Added 'uploadwizard' & 'uploadwizard-flickr' tags to files uploaded through UW
Working on making it impossible to create extensionless (or any disallowed filename) File:... pages
'uploadwizard' & 'uploadwizard-flickr' tags
disallow extensionless (& other invalid filenames) NS_FILE pages - may not go anywhere...
I'm back!
Will check on security review, deployment checklist, etc.
OOUI things...
FA prototype work
FA (in general)
Where are we, where do we go?
Mark: We have support to finish and maintain our existing projects, so we're in a good place and we can finish FA.
Should we wait for Structured Data or the final WebAnnotations spec?
Mark: SD is farther out, and we can shift to it. WA finalization would be nice, but an incomplete spec is probably fine. I doubt they'll change it much.
Still waiting on security review for 3D extension
Greg knows we plan to push things out once it's done
Nothing else really happening
I'll be in and out today, have an appointment in the afternoon
Adding chunked upload to upload.js
Then (see if I can) remove it from UW FormDataTransport & use the one in upload.js instead
Security review still ongoing for 3D files.
Practically nothing else to report, it has been a bad week for my productivity.
Will review chunked upload in core and UW patch
chunked upload support in upload.js
eventlogging data dashboard
Investigated why Template:PD-Israel wasn't accepted as license when in Hebrew interface (he parsed version didn't include Template:License template tag )
Working on errors/exceptions dashboard (queries probably ready, setting up dashiki)
Security review came back, I fixed issues, Reedy counter-proposal in queue, will look at it today
Gerrit repo requested, we can't deploy until that happens (oh, it's done, James tells me)
Deploy schedule now has to be pushed back, but my proposal had some wiggle-room built in (oh, no it doesn't, because the Gerrit repo is done)
Appointment later, will be in and out
Annual planning
Fixing up security patch and transferring to Gerrit
Catch-up, random OOUI things