Reading/Multimedia/Scrum notes/marktraceur/archive/2014-06

2014-06-02 edit

Since last time
Did more code review and tried to rescue my laptop and productivity. Mild success.
Will be working today on more UploadWizard refactor crap, and hopefully getting up to another task.

2014-06-10 edit

Worked with a new contributor, trying to help him get his bearings. Also worked a lot on catching up with media viewer drama, and cleaned up some patches.
More patch cleanup, then hopefully knocking out some of the media viewer things we've decided need to get done.

2014-06-17 edit

Mostly catching up with emails and dealing with coordination crap. Also settling things up a bit before my big trip.
Fixing up the attribution patch for #598, more errands before my trip. See y'all later.

2014-06-23 edit

Travel, but also work on variosu code review and some patches.
Finishing up some patches that got CR over the weekend, and working on metrics for MMV, probably.

2014-06-25 edit

Worked on the UW stuff I said I would, basically just cleaning up patches, and also some code review of my own.
Meetings, meetings, and slightly more meetings. Also looks like I'll be doing more code review and hopefully getting some cleanup on UW done, depending on what we plan at our weekly meeting.