Reading/Multimedia/Scrum notes/fabriceflorin

Last update on: 2014-12-31

Here are my scrum notes for 2014, focusing on my work for Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team. To learn about my work in 2015, check my to-do list for the communications team.

2015-01-01 to 02

WMF Holidays
  • Get ready to transition to Communications team


  • Respond to inquiries about new blog posts
  • Respond to blog comments and emails
  • Update Announce mailing list (daily through holidays)
  • Update Media Viewer Research report & slides (including Friday 1/2)
  • Prepare new slides for enabled rates, scrolling feature, etc.
  • Update Media Viewer project timeline


  • Respond to more work emails
  • Update Announce mailing list
  • Participate in Comms blog standup meeting
  • Work with Juliet on final tweaks and images for 'Top 10 Edited Pages'
  • Update and publish Juliet's 'Top 10 Edited Pages' blog post
  • Update featured image for year in review video
  • Responded to Andrew about his proposed internship


  • Read and respond to work emails since before Xmas (last work day was 12-23)
  • Update Announce mailing list (this was done daily since 12-26)
  • Read Comms blog standup meeting notes
  • Edit Juliet's draft of 'Top 10 Edited Pages' blog post
  • Contacted Katherine and Juliet about Andrew's proposed internship

2014-12-24 to 26

WMF Holidays


  • Publish Polish Christmas Carol story on the Wikimedia blog
  • Participate in Comms blog standup meeting
  • Write internal communication channel descriptions for Tilman
  • Participate in Comms YIR post-mortem meeting
  • Edit and prepare Wordpress version of Culture of Kindness blog post
  • Meet with Tilman to go over final tasks for blog post + internal comms
  • Publish and socialize Culture of Kindness blog post
  • Start managing mailing lists as of Friday 12-26


  • Update Egypt Students story
  • Participate in Comms blog standup meeting
  • Review and edit Internal Communications Channels doc
  • Participate in Comms weekly team meeting
  • Train with Tilman on blog management
  • Publish Egyptian student blog post + inform Samir


  • Participate in Comms blog standup meeting
  • Update blog calendar and Swedish PM blog post
  • Edit Egyptian student blog post + discuss with Samir
  • Update MM Vision video, then ask that it be restored
  • Upload Culture of Kindness video to Commons for blog post


  • Meet with Lila 1:1 to discuss next steps
  • Review and edit Internal Communications Channels doc
  • Participate in Comms blog standup meeting
  • Multimedia Lunch with Andrew Lih and team
  • Meet 1:1 with Tilman to discuss internal comms
  • Announce Comms transition to multimedia lists
  • Work on followup tasks: blog post + internal comms
  • Publish Media Viewer Metrics report & slides


  • Participate in Multimedia weekly meeting
  • Participate in Comms blog standup
  • Make edits to Swedish blog post, respond to Jon
  • Meet 1:1 with Tilman to learn how to publish blog post
  • Review and edit Internal Communications Channels doc
  • Update Media Viewer Metrics report & slides
  • Prepare notes/slides for meeting with Lila
  • Participate in WMF holiday party


  • Triage new work emails from Comms and Product
  • Participate in first daily blog standup
  • Discuss first tasks with Tilman, set up meetings
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting
  • Prepare to-do list of first tasks for Comms team
  • Meet with Katherine 1:1 to discuss next steps
  • Update Comms transition announcement
  • Start Media Viewer project timeline


60th Birthday (personal day off)


  • Discuss Media Viewer Reports plan
  • Start Media Viewer Retrospective report outline
  • Follow up on Comms transition announcement
  • File Open Enrollment form
  • Respond to Tilman emails about new tasks


  • Complete my Media Viewer Retrospective notes
  • Co-host Media Viewer Retrospective
  • Review all Retrospective notes, add +1's
  • Edit Media Viewer Metrics report & slides
  • Write Media Viewer Retrospective report outline


  • Participate in weekly multimedia meeting
  • Write Comms transition announcement
  • Meet 1:1 with Comms team: Jove, Heather
  • Train with Tilman on comms. mailing lists
  • Meet 1:1 with Howie about Multimedia
  • Discuss with Tilman new dashboard + internal comms.
  • Write Media Viewer Retrospective notes


  • Prepare update for PM meeting
  • Write Media Viewer Metrics overview
  • Participate in weekly PM meeting
  • Review/edit Media Viewer User Research report
  • Propose + edit social media posts
  • Complete Media Viewer Metrics slides
  • Write Media Viewer Metrics slides


  • Participate in quick user research update
  • Participate in monthly PM lunch with Lila
  • Write meeting notes about PM lunch with Lila
  • Propose meeting with Lila 1:1
  • Discuss Media Viewer RfC compromise idea
  • Discuss Article Feedback data set with Michelle
  • Follow up on communications tasks with Tilman
  • Update Media Viewer Metrics slides


  • Comment on Media Viewer tickets
  • Watch Breakfast with Lila video
  • Proposed 'Culture of Kindness' blog post
  • Follow up with Anasuya about collaboration


  • Meet 1:1 with Victor about Comms team plans
  • Discuss social media roundups on the blog with Comms team
  • Respond to Media Viewer fair use and no author tickets on Phabricator
  • Set up meetings with Andrew Lih about mobile, multimedia and video
  • Follow up on Media Viewer user study with Abbey
  • Follow up on Article Feedback data dump with Philippe
  • Follow up on Article Feedback presentation with Erik
  • Respond to neglected emails


  • Watch all-staff monthly Metrics meeting
  • Discuss social media roundups on the blog with Comms team
  • Propose WMF manager briefing on Article Feedback
  • Ask for feedback on file names in Media Viewer on mailing list
  • Follow up about Fair Use attribution with Luis and Pau
  • Update corresponding Phabricator tickets


  • Participate in weekly Multimedia team meeting
  • Update Comms Job Description
  • Set up 1:1 meetings with Comms team
  • Prepare Media Viewer Metrics overview


  • Prepared social media posts about recent Wikimedia events
  • Update Media Viewer Help FAQ based on team feedback
  • Meet with Juliet 1:1 to discuss communications role
  • Prepare Media Viewer Retrospective agenda and notepad
  • Invite team to Media Viewer Retrospective
  • Meet with Katherine 1:1 to discuss communications role
  • Participate in Communications team meeting


  • Participate in Structured Data team meeting
  • Participate in Media Viewer User Research meeting
  • Update Media Viewer product page and Vision page
  • Propose Retrospective meeting and agenda
  • Update new job description
  • Meet with Tilman 1:1
  • Meet with Damon 1:1


WMF Holiday


U.S. Holiday


  • Participate in weekly team meeting
  • Learn to use Phabricator, prioritize, schedule and resolve tasks
  • Confirm new role, update job description
  • Update Media Viewer About page


  • Fill in product update, prepare demo
  • Review Media Viewer metrics, prepare graphs
  • Participate in product manager meeting
  • Propose next steps for Media Viewer user research
  • File new multimedia task in Phabricator
  • Update Media Viewer Help page


  • Participate in multimedia planning meeting for next cycle
  • Add new cards for Media Viewer retrospective and other tasks on Mingle
  • Review Media Viewer user research tests
  • Write personal transition plan, email Erik & Howie
  • Update job description, set up meeting with Tilman


  • Discuss communications tasks with Katherine 1:1
  • Set up next Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting on Jan. 28
  • Set up meetings with Katherine, Juliet and Tilman
  • Discuss multimedia next steps with Gergo
  • Write transfer plan outline, email Erik & Katherine
  • Write and post update about Media Viewer on and Enwiki


  • Participate in Structured Data catchup meeting
  • Participate in Structured Data IRC chat
  • Prepare list of communication tasks
  • Prepare transfer plan draft


  • Participate in weekly team meeting
  • Test Media Viewer on Enwiki, Dewiki
  • Post Media Viewer bugs and tasks
  • Review Media Viewer pages to be updated


  • Test Media Viewer on Commons
  • Write Media Viewer update for team review
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting
  • Update presentation about lessons learned at WMF
  • Discuss next steps with Erik
  • Follow up with Anasuya about collaboration
  • Respond to community feedback
  • Follow up about AFT data dump


  • Meet with Abbey and Pau about Media Viewer user research
  • Watch Media Viewer user research, tweak test page
  • Post Media Viewer attribution bug for PD/CC0 files
  • Prepare presentation about lessons learned at WMF


  • Test and accept more Media Viewer improvements
  • Research follow up after Damon meeting
  • Respond to community feedback


  • Prepare slides and edit video for Damon
  • Meet with Damon 1:1
  • Doctors appointment


  • Test and accept more Media Viewer improvements
  • Participate in Media Viewer weekly meeting
  • Follow up with Flickr about FlikiWikiMash
  • Prepare captions for edge cases to test on beta
  • Meet with Howie 1:1
  • Write biweekly product manager update


U.S. Holiday - Veterans Day
  • Respond to Media Viewer email feedback
  • Email Erik about next steps


  • Prepare recommendations for final Media Viewer tweaks
  • Participate in Media Viewer User Research meeting
  • Co-host Media Viewer Design meeting with Erik
  • Prepare Mingle tickets for final Media Viewer tweaks
  • Meet with Flickr to brief them about Structured Data


  • Watch breakfast with Lila
  • Write monthly engineering report
  • Prepare Media Viewer user research study
  • Respond to Media Viewer feedback on emails
  • Review Media Viewer user research study results


  • Participate in Structured Data catchup
  • Present Structured Data slides for metrics meeting
  • Update and post slides for Metrics meeting and Structured Data
  • Email community champions about Media Viewer improvements
  • Share comments about Media Viewer RFC and arbitration closures
  • Edit and post Metrics Meeting photos


  • Test Media Viewer and groom Mingle backlog
  • Participate in weekly sprint meeting
  • Review designs for Media Viewer caption feature
  • Discuss testing and design tweaks for Media Viewer caption feature
  • Prepare talking points for Media Viewer RFC
  • Edit Structured Data presentation for metrics meeting


  • Prepare Structured Data presentation for metrics meeting
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting
  • Follow up with Flickr about collaboration ideas
  • Prepare slides for communication team ideas
  • Meet with Katherine to discuss possible collaboration
  • Meet with Wikimedia Deutschland


  • Review tests about Media Viewer layout changes
  • Participate in meeting with Abbey about user research
  • Discuss Media Viewer caption feature & layout
  • Update Structured Data Slides
  • Post sub-page for Structured Data Rights
  • Update Structured Data Development Page
  • Follow up about AFT data dump
  • Discuss Structured Data presentation for metrics meeting
  • Mockup News Wiki home page


  • Update Structured Data Development Page
  • Post sub-page for Structured Data User Stories
  • Discuss Media Viewer layout with Erik
  • Write recommendation about layout changes


  • Discuss Structured Data project management with Gilles, Lydia, Erik, Robla
  • Lunch with Anasuya to discuss possible collaboration
  • Meet with Howie for bi-weekly 1:1
  • Test Media Viewer improvements on Enwiki and Dewiki
  • Post Village Pump updates about Media Viewer improvements on Enwiki + Commons


  • Review etherpad for sprint planning meeting
  • Participate in multimedia weekly sprint planning meeting
  • Discuss PM transition with Gilles 1:1
  • Discuss MM User Research needs with Abbey, Daisy, Pau & Gilles
  • Test latest changes to metadata panel layout on beta (
  • Write Village Pump posts about Media Viewer improvements, send for review to Keegan & others
  • Meeting with Flickr about possible collaborations
  • Update Structured Data Development page
  • Post sub-page for Structured Data Roadmap
  • Prepare sub-page for Structured Data User Stories
  • Propose edits for Structured Data Newsletter
  • Prepare PM job description, email to Erik, Howie, Damon, Robla
  • Review Communications and Grantmaking activity


  • Co-host structured data meeting with Lydia and Gilles
  • Prepare MM update for product manager meeting
  • Participate in product manager meeting
  •  Post help page update for Media Viewer
  • Post talk page and mailing list update about Media Viewer improvements release
  • Update Structured Data Product Plan draft


  • Co-host multimedia design meeting with Pau and Gilles
  • Promote Structured Data Blog Post
  • Personal lunch meeting
  • Prepare etherpad and updated slides for Structured Data meeting
  • Flesh out questions for Structured Data design research
  • Prepare Google doc for Structured Data Product Plan
  • Post Structured Data Bootcamp photos on Commons


  • Personal day off
  • Follow up about Structured Data Blog Post


  • Co-host Structured Data meeting with Gilles, Lydia
  • Co-host Quarterly Review meeting with Gilles and team
  • Post slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Add cards for some of the actions we committed to in the meeting
  • Review and test Media Viewer Disable / Enable Features on
  • Meet with Damon 1:1


  • Prepare weekly sprint planning meeting etherpad
  • Participate in weekly sprint planning meeting
  • Invite team to post sub-pages for Structured Data (Design, Data Model, etc.)
  • Discuss PM transition 1:1 with Gilles
  • Prepare PM job description and key tasks
  • Review and test Media Viewer Disable / Enable Features, file bug
  • Update slides for Quarterly Review meeting
  • Schedule Multimedia Design meeting
  • Prepare etherpad for Structured Data meeting


  • Co-host quarterly Multimedia planning meeting with Gilles
  • Update slides and etherpads for Multimedia Quarterly Review
  • Review and test Media Viewer Disable / Enable Features
  • Meet with Katherine about communication plans
  • Update draft for Structured Data Blog Post
  • Respond to Media Viewer comments, as well as Jan Schewfel about photos

2014-10-17 and 20

Taking 2 personal days off


  • Meet with Lydia, Gilles and Keegan about Structured Data plans
  • Discuss slides with Gilles for MM quarterly planning/review meetings
  • Participate in Structured Data IRC Chat
  • Meet 1:1 with Erik to plan next steps on Structured Data, etc.
  • Set up meetings with Anasuya, Katherine, Damon, Lydia
  • Edit blog post draft on Structured Data Bootcamp
  • Respond to Matthias about AFT data dump question


  • Test Media Viewer cards for current sprint, answer questions
  • Update and post new Mingle cards for weekly sprint meeting
  • Co-host Multimedia weekly sprint meeting
  • Publish report on Structured Data Bootcamp
  • Announce Structured Data IRC Chat
  • Product lunch with Lila
  • Meet 1:1 with new product manager Jon Katz
  • Meet 1:1 with Howie about MM plans and next steps
  • Prepare first slides for Quarterly Review


  • Edit Structured Data Bootcamp report
  • Co-host Multimedia next cycle planning meeting
  • Prepare multimedia demo / report for product manager meeting
  • Join welcome lunch with new product manager Jon Katz
  • Participate in product manager weekly meeting
  • Edit/Upload Structured Data Bootcamp slides + photos
  • Update Structured Data web portal (Development)
  • Update Media Viewer consultation page with what's released

2014-10-05 to 11

  • Host Structured Data Bootcamp
  • Discuss and respond to Media Viewer RfC
  • Write Structured Data Bootcamp report
  • Update Structured Data slides
  • Prepare German trip expense report
  • No daily notes due to lack of time (~4-5 hrs. of sleep per night throughout this trip)


  • Meet German moderator and Birgit, plan couch talk
  • Couch talk about multimedia with German community
  • Meet community members with Birgit
  • Special dinner event


  • Test Media Viewer improvements after release on all wikis
  • Check in with Lydia about Structured Data bootcamp
  • Visit Cologne with Ziko
  • Meet community members with Denis
  • Attend Dirk birthday dinner


  • Fly to Germany via London
  • Update German talking points and presentations
  • Finalize Structured Data agenda
  • Prepare presentation for Structured data
  • Review Upload Wizard workflows and funnel metrics


  • Discuss talking points for German talk
  • Host Multimedia weekly sprint meeting
  • Update and post new Mingle cards
  • Discuss WikiCon communications with Karen
  • Schedule cycle and quarterly planning meetings for MM
  • Discuss budget for Structured Data meals
  • Prepare presentation for German talk, update talking points
  • Meet 1:1 with Howie about MM plans and next steps
  • Discuss WikiCon + MM engagement with Rachel
  • Debrief Erik on Structured Data + German talks
  • Write monthly engineering report
  • Update Structured Data agenda and email team


  • Test Media Viewer improvements after release on Commons
  • Post update about improvements to Media Viewer
  • Prepare product manager notes on Etherpad
  • Write talking points for German talk
  • Prepare backlog for Multimedia weekly sprint meeting


  • Host Structured Data Hangout, plan Berlin bootcamp agenda + prep tasks
  • Discuss next round of multimedia design tasks with Pau Giner
  • Give guidance about usability tests about no metadata panel and embed panel
  • Test Media Viewer improvements for SWAT and Commons release
  • Update Structured Data bootcamp agenda, workgroups and follow-up meetings
  • Follow up with Birgit about German discussions


  • Attend Breakfast with Lila via YouTube
  • Finalize plans for discussions with German community
  • Test more Media Viewer improvements, discuss with Mark
  • Prepare short list of must-have improvements for Monday release
  • Host Multimedia community meeting, discuss Media Viewer + Structured Data
  • Plan Media Viewer improvements release (email checkin on Monday / announcements on Wed. and Friday)
  • Prepare for next week's design and usability research tasks in email to Pau


  • Test and accept more improvements to Media Viewer
  • Discuss more UI improvements, file new Mingle tickets
  • Meet with Denny about Structured Data
  • Update Media Viewer FAQ with new changes + mockups
  • Propose usability study of new UI on production ('More Details', download, share & embed)
  • Prepare trip to Cologne and Berlin, to meet with German community


  • Host Multimedia weekly sprint meeting
  • Test and accept more improvements to Media Viewer
  • Review new development tasks for multimedia, file more Mingle tickets
  • Prepare for Structured Data bootcamp: agenda, attendees and tasks
  • Sort through and respond to some of my 660+ work emails

2014-09-13 to 23



  • Prepare task list for MM team next week
  • Thank constructive contributors on consultation page
  • Test and accept latest development tasks for multimedia
  • Prepare for Structured Data Meeting
  • Upload Media Viewer mockups on Commons


  • Edit User Research Report by Abbey
  • Edit Metadata Cleanup Drive by Guillaume
  • Participate in Product Lunch with Lila
  • Update Media Viewer Improvements Plan on
  • Post Response to Community Consultation on meta
  • Updates on Media Viewer talk page, Commons + Enwiki Village Pumps
  • Updates on Multimedia and Commons mailing lists


  • Update 'must-have' list for sprint meeting
  • Host weekly sprint meeting with multimedia team
  • Participate in user research meeting with Pau and Abbey
  • Post 'must-have' improvements on consultation page
  • Prepare first draft announcement about consultation
  • Review community suggestions on Media Viewer consultation, clean up doc
  • Update Mingle cards based on sprint meeting goals and agenda
  • Test and accept latest development tasks for multimedia
  • Update Media Viewer improvements page


  • Review and discuss Pau's new Media Viewer prototype
  • Prepare Media Viewer community engagement summary on Etherpad
  • Host community catchup meeting with Rachel, Keegan and other liaisons
  • Upload metrics meeting photos and Media Viewer slides to Commons
  • Participate in biweekly Product Manager meeting
  • Review community suggestions on Media Viewer consultation
  • Prepare sprint meeting goals and agenda, update Mingle cards


  • Host cycle planning meeting with multimedia team and management
  • Update and prioritize Mingle wall,focusing on 'must have' cards
  • Email cycle meeting notes about updated plan to all team members
  • Review and edit Abbey's user research report, respond to questions
  • Review community suggestions on Media Viewer consultation
  • Write engineering report for multimedia team


  • Speak with Harry Chesley about possible role at WMF
  • Set up meeting with Denny Vrandečić to discuss Structured Data
  • Confirm travel plans for Cologne and Berlin with Dirk and Doreen
  • Update improvements plan and Mingle cards for remaining tasks
  • Email team and directors to confirm next steps for Media Viewer
  • Propose next steps for Media Viewer disable / enable feature


  • Present Media Viewer presentation for metrics meeting
  • Host Media Viewer meeting with WMF management about resourcing
  • Host Thumbnail Update meeting with Jared, James and Steven
  • Propose next steps for Media Viewer disable / enable feature
  • Update improvements plan and Mingle cards for remaining tasks
  • Review more community suggestions on Media Viewer consultation
  • Write engineering report for multimedia team


  • Host next sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Host IRC chat on Structured Data with multimedia and wikidata teams
  • Email Erik and directors to summarize cycle plan and request resources
  • Request travel change to attend WikiCon in Cologne next Oct. 4
  • Update Structured Data pages, invite team to next meetings
  • Meet 1:1 with Howie to discuss Media Viewer improvements
  • Propose improvements to Media Viewer disable / enable feature
  • Resolve Pete Forsythe concerns about comments on Commons
  • Prepare Media Viewer presentation for metrics meeting


  • Host next cycle planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Email Erik and directors to summarize cycle plan and request resources
  • Update multimedia cards for next cycle on Mingle site
  • Update Media Viewer improvements page, cluster tasks
  • Participate in product meeting with Howie, Erik + other PMs
  • Invite community members to participate in Structured Data discussion
  • Prepare Mingle cards for Media Viewer disable / enable features, guide Pau
  • Prepare agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting on Etherpad


  • Hosted legal review meeting for Media Viewer, discuss hard requirements
  • Joined Lila's all-staff meeting about WMF goals and responsibilities
  • Participated in Erik's working meeting to launch community consultation
  • Prepared other documents needed for consultation
  • Invited community members to participate in Media Viewer consultation
  • Observed more user tests for Media Viewer, share comments as needed
  • Prepared Mingle cards for key Media Viewer improvements and link to improvements page
  • Responded to community comments about Media Viewer (and super protection)
  • Discussed Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Discussed Structured Data with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next cycle planning meeting on Etherpad
  • Discuss design goals for Media Viewer with Pau, update tasks
  • Discuss community engagement and Media Viewer consultation with Rachel and Keegan
  • Update spreadsheet for MV community consultation, add new fields and pivot tables
  • Review community suggestions for MV consultation: triage, sort and prioritize ideas
  • Invite community members to participate in Media Viewer consultation
  • Prepare Mingle cards for key Media Viewer improvements and link to improvements page
  • Prepare agenda and goals for next cycle planning meeting on Etherpad
  • Update discussion sections of Multimedia pages, as time allows


  • Facilitated next sprint planning meeting, discuss goals and priorities with team
  • Discussed data collection for second round of upload funnel metrics with Mark
  • Participated in special meeting about community consultation with Erik, Lila and others
  • Updated consultation page with project update and selection criteria for Media Viewer
  • Proposed process guidelines for team review of community suggestions and created spreadsheet
  • Prepared list of Media Viewer improvements for next release and published on-wiki
  • Finalized speaking arrangements in Cologne and Berlin
  • Filled-in and submitted Wikimedia conference expenses
  • Discussed options for future mockups with Commons community
  • Host legal review meeting for Media Viewer, discuss hard requirements
  • Join Lila's all-staff meeting about WMF goals and responsibilities
  • Participate in Erik's working meeting to launch community consultation
  • Prepare any other documents needed for consultation
  • Invite community members to participate in Media Viewer consultation
  • Prepare agenda and goals for next cycle planning meeting on Etherpad


  • Observed usability studies for Media Viewer, share comments with the team
  • Discussed Media Viewer design and research questions with team, identified first features
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting on Etherpad
  • Started list of Media Viewer improvements under consideration for next release
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting about legal issues (licensing, terms of use)
  • Discussed next steps for community engagement about Media Viewer (and super protection)
  • Updated consultation page for gathering community suggestions for Media Viewer
  • Finalized German community discussions in Cologne and Berlin
  • Facilitate next sprint planning meeting, discuss goals and priorities
  • Discuss data collection for upload funnel metrics with Mark
  • Prepare list of Media Viewer improvements for next release, on-wiki and on Mingle
  • Update consultation page with planned improvements for Media Viewer, already suggested
  • Discuss next steps for community engagement about Media Viewer (and super protection)
  • Discuss Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Discuss Structured Data with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Update metadata on my Commons files, as time allows
  • Fill-in and submit Wikimedia conference expenses


  • Discussed multimedia next steps with Gilles
  • Observed usability studies for Media Viewer, offer comments
  • Prepared response to community concerns on Lila's page
  • Summarized our goals for attribution and licensing credits on Media Viewer
  • Set up IRC chat for Structured Data next week, team meeting following week
  • Proposed agenda for Berlin bootcamp on Structured Data
  • Observe usability studies for Media Viewer, share any comments with team
  • Discuss Media Viewer design and research questions with team, identify first features
  • Prepare agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting, groom backlog
  • Start list of Media Viewer improvements under consideration for next release
  • Follow up with WMDE about German community discussions in Berlin and/or Cologne
  • Discuss next steps for community engagement about Media Viewer (and super protection)
  • Discuss Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Discuss Structured Data with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Fill-in and submit Wikimedia conference expenses


  • Discussed Structured Data project with Keegan and Guillaume
  • Posted update about Media Viewer on and on Commons Village Pump
  • Updated Structured Data project plan on Commons Village Pump with product overview
  • Posted invitation about Structured Data page on Commons Village Pump
  • Wrote monthly engineering report for multimedia
  • Discussed and scheduled meeting for Media Viewer legal + attribution issues
  • Discussed and scheduled meeting for Thumbnail sizes + Styles project
  • Participated in meeting with Stewards to invite their help with superprotection issues
  • Discuss multimedia next steps with Gilles
  • Prepare response to concerns on Lila's page
  • Observe usability studies for Media Viewer, offer comments
  • Discuss Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Discuss Structured Data with community on talk pages (as needed)
  • Follow up with WMDE about German community discussions in Berlin and/or Cologne


  • Hosted Structured Data team meeting
  • Prepared recruitment list of experienced editors for Media Viewer user research
  • Updated Structured Data slides, posted them on Commons, with metadata
  • Updated Structured Data project page, posted it on Commons
  • Invited community champions to chime in on Structured Data page
  • Discuss Structured Data project with Keegan and Guillaume
  • Post update about Media Viewer onwiki and on Commons RfC
  • Post invitation about Structured Data page on Commons
  • Write monthly engineering report for multimedia
  • Watch usability study for Media Viewer, offer comments
  • Respond to request to help with Thumbnail project
Next week
  • Add meta-data for new slides, prepare for Commons
  • Prepare Roundtable pages for each session
  • Upload new slides on Commons, with metadata
  • Update Roundtable pages with slides and photos
  • Discuss Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages
  • Upload best Wikimania photos on Commons
  • Post links to roundtable/session pages and slides on Twitter, Facebook
  • Post links on Media Viewer + Commons mailing lists


  • Facilitated Multimedia weekly meeting to discuss the next sprint
  • Hosted meeting with Pau and Abbey to discuss design & research sprint
  • Posted update about Media Viewer on multimedia list
  • Updated Structured Data project page, shared with team
  • Scheduled next cycle planning meeting and Media Viewer retrospective.
  • Met with Howie 1+1 to discuss multimedia plans
  • Confirmed with Birgit my participation in WikiCon in Germany
  • Host Structured Data team meeting
  • Post update about Media Viewer onwiki and on Commons list
  • Prepare recruitment list of experienced editors for Media Viewer user research
  • Update Structured Data project page, post on Commons
  • Inviter community champions to chime in on Structured Data page
  • Write monthly engineering report for multimedia
  • Update meta-data for current Commons images (Cheetah, etc.)
  • Add meta-data for new slides, prepare for Commons
  • Prepare Roundtable pages for each session
  • Upload new slides on Commons, with metadata
  • Update Roundtable pages with slides and photos
Later this week
  • View research studies for Media Viewer (video, if not live)
  • Discuss Media Viewer follow-up with community on talk pages
  • Upload best Wikimania photos on Commons
  • Post links to roundtable/session pages and slides on Twitter, Facebook
  • Post links on Media Viewer + Commons mailing lists


  • Facilitated Media Viewer Community meeting to discuss next steps
  • Followed up on prototype and study tweaks for Media Viewer design & research
  • Resolved status of Commons Media Viewer config change for logged-in users
  • Prepared for and participated in biweekly Product Manager meeting
  • Updated Media Viewer community engagement process page with per-project workgroup idea
  • Reviewed meta-data status for current Commons images and thanked collaborators
  • Resolved issues with Pete Forsythe regarding his behavior towards my work
  • Identified positive comments from readers about Media Viewer for Erik
  • Discussed with Birgit the idea of participating in WikiCon in Germany
  • Facilitate Multimedia weekly meeting to discuss the next sprint
  • Host meeting with Pau and Abbey to discuss design & research sprint
  • Post update about Media Viewer onwiki and on multimedia list
  • Prepare recruitment list of experienced editors for Media Viewer user research
  • Update Structured Data project page, respond to Wikidata discussion
  • Schedule next cycle planning meeting and Media Viewer retrospective.
  • Meet with Howie 1+1 to discuss multimedia plans


  • Responded to key emails about Media Viewer and Structured Data
  • Set up Structured Data meeting with Wikidata team
  • Discussed Media Viewer design & research sprint with team
  • Edited and shared Best of Wikimania photos with staff
  • Reviewed Media Viewer community docs and RfC response drafts
  • Discussed next steps for Media Viewer, Structured Data with Erik
  • Prepared recruitment lists of readers and casual editors for Media Viewer user research
  • Facilitate Media Viewer Community meeting to discuss next steps
  • Update Media Viewer community docs and RfC response as needed
  • Follow up on Media Viewer design & research sprint
  • Prepare cards for next development sprint meeting
  • Update Structured Data project page, respond to Wikidata discussion
  • Prepare recruitment list of experienced editors for Media Viewer user research
  • Prepare for and participate in biweekly Product Manager meeting
  • Update meta-data for current Commons images (Cheetah, etc.)


  • See my scrum note pages for tasks accomplished from 08-02 to 08-11 during Wikimania.
  • Respond to key emails about Media Viewer and Structured Data
  • Set up Structured Data meeting with Wikidata team
  • Discuss Media Viewer design & research sprint with team
  • Edit and share Best of Wikimania photos (staff, Facebook, etc.)
  • Review Media Viewer community docs and RfC response drafts
  • Discuss next steps for Media Viewer, Structured Data with Erik
  • Prepare recruitment lists of readers, casual and experienced editors for Media Viewer user research

2014-08-02 to 11


This list covers tasks accomplished from 08-02 to 08-11 during Wikimania.

  • Finalize Wikimania logistics, meeting venues, etc.
  • Discuss German RfCs options with team and execs
  • Wrote multiple drafts for and posted response on German RfC page
  • Update Media Viewer improvements plan (this month's Media Viewer tasks), discuss with team
  • Prepared and hosted Upload Wizard roundtable
  • Prepared and hosted Structured Data roundtable
  • Prepared and hosted Media Viewer roundtable
  • Organized and hosted Multimedia Community roundtable
  • Prepared and presented Multimedia Overview session
  • Prepared and hosted main Multimedia Roundtable
  • Prepared and presented Culture of Kindness session
  • Shoot and post photos of community ideas for improving Wikipedia
  • Attended video lunch with community members, led by Andrew Lih
  • Worked with Ziko to edit his interview with me about a Culture of Kindness
  • Discussed de-escalation plan with Erik, Lila and other team members
  • Catch up on all emails about Media Viewer and Structured Data

section end="2014-08-02 to 11" />


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Worked on defining mental model for Media Viewer vs. File Page
  • Discussed next design tasks for Media Viewer with Pau
  • Prepared outline of this month's Media Viewer tasks for review by Erik and Howie
  • Groomed Mingle backlog, added more cards
  • Facilitated Multimedia Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Reviewed RfC communications with community engagement team
  • Set up more Wikimania discussion pages and invited more participants
  • Started preparing slides for Wikimania meetings (Structured data, etc.)
  • Update outline of this month's Media Viewer tasks, discuss with team
  • Discuss upload wizard metrics instrumentation with Mark
  • Discuss community engagement tasks with Keegan
  • Prepare outline of this month's Media Viewer tasks
  • Finalize Wikimania logistics, meeting venues, etc.
  • Finalize first draft slides for Wikimania meetings, send to team for review
  • Update metadata for my WMF photos nominated for deletion on Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Hosted Media Viewer Next Steps meeting with Lila, Erik and teams
  • Wrote meeting notes about Media Viewer next steps
  • Prepared for follow-up meetings with team: design + sprint planning
  • Met with Erik and Howie to discuss Media Viewer product plan
  • Set up Wikimania public meeting pages and invited more participants
  • Scheduled team meetings at Wikimania to follow up on RfCs
  • Finalized places and times for Wikimania sessions, reserved rooms
  • Define mental model for Media Viewer vs. File Page
  • Discuss next design tasks for Media Viewer with Pau
  • Prepare outline of this month's Media Viewer tasks
  • Groom Mingle backlog, add more cards
  • Facilitate Multimedia Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Review RfC communications with community engagement team
  • Set up more Wikimania discussion pages and invite participants
  • Start preparing slides for Wikimania meetings (Structured data, etc.)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Fleshed out Media Viewer goals, use cases and what to test next
  • Commented on user research study slides with Abbey
  • Prepared slides, sketches and notepad for Media Viewer meeting
  • Met with Kaldari about possible multimedia collaboration
  • Participated in Product Manager meeting, discussed product process
  • Finalized places and times for Wikimania sessions, reserved rooms
  • Host Media Viewer Next Steps meeting with Lila, Erik and teams
  • Write meeting notes about Media Viewer next steps
  • Prepare for follow-up meetings with team: design + sprint planning
  • Discuss communications with community engagement team
  • Set up Wikimania meeting pages and invite participants
  • Start preparing slides for Wikimania meetings (Structured data, etc.)
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk pages
  • Update metadata for my WMF photos nominated for deletion on Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Responded to team comments about Media Viewer next steps
  • Reviewed progress on Viewing Options Panel for Media Viewer
  • Reviewed user research study findings in progress with Abbey
  • Started plan, use cases and slides for Media Viewer next steps
  • Invited team members to sign up to Wikimania sessions, reserved rooms
  • Filled in Product Process document for Howie, focusing on multimedia and MV
  • Respond to team comments about Media Viewer next steps
  • Flesh out plan, use cases and slides for Media Viewer next steps
  • Meet with Kaldari about possible multimedia collaboration
  • Prepare slides and notepad for Media Viewer meeting on Wednesday
  • Review user research study findings slides with Abbey
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk pages
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting, focus on product process
  • Update metadata for my WMF photos nominated for deletion on Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Responded to team comments about Media Viewer next steps
  • Discussed community engagement with Keegan for Media Viewer
  • Prepared more Wikimania session proposals (Upload Wizard, Media Viewer)
  • Prepared wiki page about all multimedia sessions at Wikimania and sent to list
  • Participated in meeting to review findings from user studies
  • Respond to team comments about Media Viewer next steps
  • Review progress on Viewing Options Panel for Media Viewer
  • Write plan for next Media Viewer features to consider
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk pages
  • Reserve meeting rooms for Wikimania sessions
  • Update metadata for my WMF photos nominated for deletion on Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Watched and logged usability tests for Media Viewer
  • Wrote usability findings and recommendations for Media Viewer next steps
  • Discussed new performance metrics dashboard with Gergo and Gilles
  • Updated reader survey results, uploaded graphs for our report on Media Viewer
  • Met with Erik and Howie to discuss Media Viewer tests and next steps
  • Met with Abbey to discuss plan for more usability tests in coming weeks
  • Co-wrote and edited our report on Media Viewer for German Wikipedia
  • Invited team to a special Media Viewer meeting to review user tests and plan next steps
  • Expanded Media Viewer section to identify benefits and stories by user group
  • Attended Wikimania Travel meeting with WMF staff
  • Responded to Jimmy Wales inquiry about Flickr relationship
  • Respond to team comments about Media Viewer next steps
  • Discuss community engagement with Keegan for Media Viewer
  • Prepare wiki page about Wikimania meetings and send to list
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk pages
  • Participate in meeting to review findings from user studies


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Facilitated Sprint Planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Prepared Reader Survey graphs and tables for Erik's report on Media Viewer
  • Posted wiki page update on Next Cycle Plan
  • Met with Howie 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer and other projects
  • Met with Erik 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer next steps
  • Reviewed first Usability Tests for Media Viewer, discussed with Abbey and Daisy
  • Watched and logged two Usability Tests, prepared Usability Highlights section
  • Wrote notes about Usability Study for Erik and Howie, with suggestions for next steps
  • Attend Wikimania Travel meeting with WMF staff
  • Respond to Jimmy Wales inquiry about Flickr relationship
  • Watch and log one more Usability Test for Media Viewer
  • Write usability findings and recommendations for Media Viewer next steps
  • Update Reader Survey table for Erik's report on Media Viewer
  • Meet with Erik and Howie to discuss Media Viewer tests and next steps


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discussed and launched Usability Studies for Media Viewer with Abbey and Daisy
  • Discussed Community Engagement plan for Media Viewer with Rachel, Keegan, Maggie
  • Prepared Reader Survey spreadsheet for Erik's full report on Media Viewer research
  • Prepared and presented bi-weekly report for Product Manager meeting on Tuesday
  • Prepared agenda and Mingle site for Next Sprint planning meeting on Wednesday
  • Helped identify issues on beta site with Mark, cleared caches, reset passwords, etc.
  • Facilitate sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Review first usability studies for Media Viewer with Abbey and Daisy
  • Prepare reader survey graph and table for Erik's report on Media Viewer
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk page, as well as Research and RfC pages
  • Post wiki page and mailing list update on Next Cycle Plan
  • Meet with Howie 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer and other projects


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Hosted Next Cycle Planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Updated notepad and Mingle site based on Next Cycle meeting
  • Updated Media Viewer Survey page with latest findings and graphs
  • Posted clarifications about prior research on Media Viewer Study page
  • Prepared list of Wikimania events on etherpad, scheduled hackathon session
  • Discussed next steps with Erik for full report on Media Viewer research and metrics
  • Review Usability Study for Media Viewer with Abbey and Daisy
  • Discuss Community Engagement plan for Media Viewer with Rachel, Keegan, Maggie
  • Prepare Reader Survey spreadsheet for Erik's full report on Media Viewer research
  • Respond to comments on Media Viewer talk page, as well as Research and RfC pages
  • Engage German Wikipedia partners to discuss plans for upcoming German RfC
  • Prepare and present bi-weekly report for Product Manager meeting on Tuesday
  • Prepare agenda and Mingle site for Next Sprint planning meeting on Wednesday


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discussed Media Viewer Research Study scope with WMF stakeholders
  • Updated Media Viewer Research Study to include logged-out users
  • Invited comments on Viewing Options Panel and Metrics page
  • Posted short proposal for Viewing Options Panel on MW and RfC talk pages
  • Discussed next steps for Media Viewer community engagement with Keegan
  • Responded to comments about Media Viewer Study on English Wikipedia
  • Discussed Arbitration Case with WMF legal and community team
  • Updated Media Viewer Survey reports with new reader & editor dashboards
  • Discussed Media Viewer usability study plan and script with Abbey
  • Groomed Mingle site for next cycle planning meeting on Monday
  • Host Next Cycle Planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Update Mingle site based on next cycle planning meeting on Monday
  • Update Media Viewer Research Study and Mingle tickets as needed
  • Update Media Viewer Survey page to include latest findings
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer Research Study
  • Respond to Media Viewer RfC comments on English Wikipedia and Commons
  • Engage German Wikipedia partners to discuss plans for upcoming German RfC
  • Work with Erik to prepare full report on Media Viewer research and metrics
  • Start list of participants to invite to Structured Data and MM Roundtables at Wikimania
  • Prepare bi-weekly report for Product Manager meeting on Tuesday


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Prepare draft wiki page about Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Update Mingle cards for Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC on
  • Planned Media Viewer usability study with Abbey
  • Updated metadata for WMF images on Commons
  • Confirmed Structured Data travel to Berlin
  • Update Media Viewer Research Study to include logged-out users
  • Invite comments on Viewing Options Panel and Metrics page
  • Post short proposal for Viewing Options Panel on MW and RfC talk pages
  • Discuss next steps for Media Viewer community engagement with Keegan
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer Study on English Wikipedia
  • Discuss Arbitration Case with WMF legal and community team
  • Update Media Viewer Survey reports with new reader & editor dashboards
  • Groom Mingle site for next cycle planning meeting on Monday


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Facilitated weekly planning meeting with Multimedia team
  • Discussed Media Viewer analytics with Aaron Halfaker (e.g.: Viewing Options)
  • Met with Lila 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer and next steps
  • Discussed plan for Viewing Options Panel with WMF directors
  • Uploaded Viewing Options Panel mockups on Commons
  • Tested new Commons icon and prepared for its release
  • Responded to comments about Media Viewer RfC on
  • Prepared for next cycle planning meeting on Monday
  • Scheduled Structured Data travel and meetings (Hackathon)
  • Prepare wiki page about Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Invite comments on Viewing Options Panel and Metrics page
  • Post short proposal for Viewing Options Panel on MW and RfC talk pages
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC on English Wikipedia
  • Write and send Media Viewer update (metrics, issues, RfCs) to mailing list
  • Groom Mingle site for next cycle planning meeting on Monday
  • Start list of participants to invite to Structured Data and MM Roundtables at Wikimania


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Hosted Structured Data meeting with Wikidata
  • Attended tech talk about Hadoop and analytics infrastructure
  • Responded to Daniel's notes about Structured Data API
  • Updated Mingle cards for Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Briefed Aaron Halfaker about Media Viewer and metrics needs
  • Sent email to analytics about Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Discussed Media Viewer usability study with Abbey, sent links
  • Scheduled Structured Data travel and meetings
  • Met with product managers for general catchup
  • Prepared for weekly sprint planning meeting on Wednesday
  • Measured new Commons icon clicks to determine its usefulness
  • Facilitate weekly planning meeting with Multimedia team
  • Discuss Media Viewer analytics with Aaron Halfaker (e.g.: Viewing Options)
  • Write and send Media Viewer Weekly report (metrics, issues, RfCs)
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC on English Wikipedia
  • Meet with Lila 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer and next steps
  • Prepare wiki page about Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Invite comments on Commons and Multimedia List on Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Prepare for next cycle planning meeting on Monday
  • Schedule Structured Data travel and meetings (Hackathon)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Measured Commons icon clicks and determine whether to keep it on left or not
  • Responded to comments about Media Viewer RfC on Commons
  • Respond to Wikidata's notes about user stories for Structured Data project
  • Prepare agenda and goals for Wikidata meeting on Tuesday
  • Host Structured Data meeting with Wikidata
  • Attend tech talk about Hadoop and analytics infrastructure
  • Respond to Daniel's notes about Structured Data API
  • Update Mingle cards for Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Prepare email to analytics about Viewing Options Panel and Metrics, review with Gergo, discuss with Aaron
  • Schedule Structured Data travel and meetings
  • Meet with product managers for general catchup
  • Prepare for weekly sprint planning meeting on Wednesday


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discussed community responses to Media Viewer RfC with team members
  • Discussed with Pau design questions about Media Viewer and Structured Data
  • Discussed with Keegan community engagement logistics for Media Viewer RfC
  • Wrote first specification for Viewing Options Panel on Mingle, shared with team
  • Reviewed and responded to Arbitration Request related to Media Viewer RfC
  • Responded to comments about Media Viewer RfC on EnWiki
  • Scheduled Structured Data travel and meetings (Berlin, Hackathon)
  • Host catchup meeting about Media Viewer RfC with Rachel, Keegan, Maggie and Gergo
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC on Commons and
  • Update Media Viewer About page with recent developments, highlight known benefits
  • Prepare Google doc for Viewing Options Panel and Metrics, review with Gergo, prepare wiki page
  • Invite comments on Commons and Multimedia List on Viewing Options Panel and Metrics
  • Measure Commons icon clicks and determine whether to keep it on left or not
  • Respond to Wikidata's notes about user stories for Structured Data project
  • Prepare agenda and goals for Wikidata meeting on Tuesday
  • Schedule Multimedia meetings (IRC, Google Hangouts, Hackathon)
  • Update metadata for more of my WMF photos nominated for deletion


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discussed response to Media Viewer RfC with Rachel, Keegan, Maggie and Gergo
  • Posted response to Media Viewer RfC on Enwiki and
  • Reviewed and responded to comments about Media Viewer RfC on Enwiki
  • Wrote proposal for Media Viewer Feedback to get better representation from all users
  • Reviewed Wikidata's notes about user stories for Structured Data project
  • Updated best practices deck with new Flickr design for photo pages, to inform structured data
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discuss community responses to Media Viewer RfC with team members
  • Discuss with Pau design questions about Media Viewer and Structured Data
  • Discuss with Keegan community engagement logistics for Media Viewer RfC
  • Write first specification for Viewing Options Panel on Mingle, share with team
  • Review and discuss Arbitration Request related to Media Viewer RfC
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC on various discussions
  • Update Media Viewer About page with recent developments, highlight known benefits
  • Schedule Structured Data travel and meetings (Google Calendar, Hackathon)
  • Respond to Wikidata's notes about user stories for Structured Data project
  • Respond to various emails that were neglected during RfC emergency response


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting and discussed response to Media Viewer RfC
  • Scheduled meeting with community and legal teams to discuss Media Viewer RfC response
  • Wrote first draft response to English RfC recommendation to disable Media Viewer
  • Met with Howie 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer RfC options
  • Analyzed how Media Viewer options could unfold over time, and decisions we'd be faced with at each step
  • Posted photos of last Metrics Meeting on Commons, with proper attributions
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer discussions and metrics
  • Discuss response to Media Viewer RfC with Rachel, Keegan, Maggie and Gergo
  • Post response to Media Viewer RfC on Enwiki and
  • Personal lunch meeting
  • Review and discuss comments on our response to Media Viewer RfC
  • Respond to comments about Media Viewer RfC response on enwiki
  • Write proposal for Media Viewer Feedback to get better representation from all users
  • Review Wikidata's notes about user stories for Structured Data project


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Filed ticket to adjust 'go back' function for Media Viewer
  • Discussed metadata questions for my staff photos with Russavia and Steinsplitter
  • Scheduled next cycle planning meeting and prepared goals and agenda
  • Prepared and presented multimedia update at Product Manager meeting
  • Prepared for next sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle walls
  • Wrote Structured Data use cases and sent out for review
  • Reviewed and discussed unfavorable closing of Media Viewer RfC
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting
  • Schedule meeting with more WMF decision-makers to discuss Media Viewer RfC response
  • Write first draft response to English RfC recommendation to disable Media Viewer
  • Meet with Howie 1:1 to discuss Media Viewer and other multimedia projects
  • Analyze how Media Viewer options could unfold over time, and decisions we'd be faced with at each step
  • Schedule more Structured Data meetings on Google Calendar and Hackathon calendar


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Updated Structured Data spreadsheet, added new fields, prioritized others, responded to comments
  • Responded to community and team comments about Media Viewer RfCs
  • Met with Erik and Howie about multimedia and next steps
  • Scheduled next Wikidata meeting, fleshed out agenda and goals
  • Started draft to highlight known benefits on Media Viewer About page and response to RfCs
  • Updated metadata for my staff photos on Commons, proposed solution for WMF uploads
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • File ticket to adjust 'go back' function for Media Viewer
  • Discuss metadata questions for my staff photos with Russavia and Steinsplitter
  • Schedule next cycle planning meeting and prepare agenda
  • Prepare and present multimedia update at Product Manager meeting
  • Prepare for next sprint planning meeting, update Mingle walls


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discussed Media Viewer usability studies with Pau
  • Attended monthly all-staff metrics meeting, took photos
  • Prepared product strategy and research doc for Erik
  • Met with Erik 1:1 about multimedia & next steps
  • Discussed multimedia meetings with RobLa, adjusted agenda
  • Edited metrics meeting photos and posted on Flickr
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Schedule next Wikidata meeting, flesh out agenda and goals
  • Respond to questions on and about Media Viewer RfCs (e.g.: Rillke)
  • Meet with Erik and Howie about multimedia and next steps
  • Update Multimedia Metrics page with plan, slides, links and questions
  • Update metadata for my photos on Commons, discuss solutions for WMF uploads


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle site
  • Edited Media Viewer RfC Team Notes, invited team and managers to discuss
  • Wrote and posted monthly engineering report for multimedia team
  • Discussed next Structured Data meeting and action items
  • Sent survey invitation to people asking for 'more image views'
  • Took a few hours off and went home early, due to sickness
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discuss Media Viewer usability studies with Pau
  • Attend monthly all-staff metrics meeting
  • Prepare product strategy and research doc
  • Meet with Erik 1:1 about multimedia & next steps
  • Update metadata for my photos on Commons, discuss solutions for WMF uploads


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted Structured Data meeting with Wikidata and Maarten Dammers
  • Reviewed and responded to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Wrote report about last week's Media Viewer activities, discussed with Lila and Erik
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next sprint planning, add or update tickets as needed
  • Prepared Media Viewer RfC Team Notes and invited people to chime in
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting, update Mingle site
  • Share Media Viewer RfC Team Notes, discuss options with team and managers
  • Write and post monthly engineering report for multimedia team
  • Send action items and update about Structured Data collaboration
  • Send survey invitation to people asking for 'more image views'


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discussed multimedia plans with community leader Maarten Dammers
  • Discussed multimedia plans with community leader Andrew Lih
  • Discussed user research and image views survey with Abbey
  • Prepare Structured Data documents for Wikidata meeting on Tuesday
  • Discussed solutions for my photos on Commons, got them undeleted
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host Structured Data meeting with Wikidata and Maarten Dammers
  • Review and respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Write report about last week's Media Viewer activity, metrics + RfCs
  • Prepare agenda and goals for next sprint planning, add or update tickets as needed
  • Write and post monthly engineering report for multimedia team
  • Discuss outcome of Media Viewer RfC and what to do about it (e.g.: usability study?)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discussed next steps for multimedia community engagement with Keegan
  • Discussed next steps for multimedia with Frank, possible educational collaborations
  • Responded to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Prepared for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data
  • Updated metadata for my photos on Commons, discussed solutions for WMF uploads
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discuss multimedia plans with community leader Maarten Dammers
  • Discuss multimedia plans with community leader Andrew Lih
  • Respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Prepare Structured Data documents for Wikidata meeting on Tuesday


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Contacted Maarten Dammers about the metrics and structured data projects
  • Reviewed and responded to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Met with Toby about multimedia metrics goals and collaborations
  • Met with Abbey about usability research needs in coming weeks
  • Met with Rachel about community engagement needs next quarter
  • Meet with Anasuya about grantmaking plans and collaborations
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discuss next steps for multimedia community engagement with Keegan
  • Discuss next steps for multimedia with Frank, possible educational collaborations
  • Respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Update multimedia metrics page with plan, slides, links and questions
  • Update survey results for final study of feedback up to June 20
  • Summarize next steps for multimedia metrics and post for discussion
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted sprint planning meeting with the team
  • Updated Mingle site and new sprint tasks
  • Discussed and updated Upload Wizard feedback spreadsheet
  • Tested new embedded video bug fix, filed new ticket about error messages
  • Discussed Cortado support for enabling video playback of unsupported formats
  • Followed up with Faidon about back-end thumbnail pre-rendering
  • Met with Mark about trust building in the multimedia team
  • Discussed deletion policies on Commons and edited my photos
  • Responded to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Updated multimedia metrics presentation with better graphs
  • Responded to metrics and GW Toolset discussions on engineering goals page
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Contact Maarten Dammers about the metrics and structured data projects
  • Review and respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data
  • Schedule more team meetings: Multimedia metrics, Media Viewer post-mortem
  • Update multimedia metrics page with plan, slides, links and questions
  • Update survey results for final study of feedback up to June 20
  • Meet with Toby about multimedia metrics goals and collaborations
  • Summarize next steps for multimedia metrics and post for discussion
  • Meet with Anasuya about grantmaking plans and collaborations


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Updated Mingle site with final tasks, test and update current sprint tasks
  • Summarized latest feedback, send recommendations to team
  • Reviewed and responded to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Prepared and presented bimonthly multimedia report for Product Manager Meeting
  • Responded to German partner overview of feedback on their site
  • Responded to Pau comments about next design tasks
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host sprint planning meeting with the team
  • Update Mingle site with new sprint tasks
  • Review and respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Respond to metrics discussion on engineering goals page
  • Meet with Mark about trust building in the multimedia team
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Prepared and discussed weekly Media Viewer report with Lila
  • Reviewed and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Followed up on metrics discussion, updated metrics deck, scheduled 1:1 with Toby
  • Updated Mingle tickets for ending Media Viewer surveys in coming days
  • Set up next Structured Data meeting, agenda and next deliverables
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Update Mingle site with final tasks, test and update current sprint tasks
  • Summarize latest feedback, send recommendations to team
  • Review and respond to more community comments about Media Viewer
  • Respond to metrics discussion onwiki, summarize next steps with team
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data
  • Prepare and present bimonthly multimedia report for Product Manager Meeting


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Updated and hand-coded survey responses for English Wikipedia
  • Discussed with Keegan next steps for Media Viewer community engagement
  • Discussed with Erik final tweaks to Media Viewer before we wrap up
  • Discussed German release and survey updates with Birgit Muller
  • Discussed mobile collaboration with Kaldari for Multimedia
  • Emailed survey respondents who reported images are cut off
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Summarize latest feedback, send recommendations to team
  • Prepare and send weekly Media Viewer report to Lila and Erik
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Follow up on metrics discussion and new measurements for Media Viewer
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Set up next Structured Data meeting and next deliverables, start on spreadsheet
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data
  • Prepare bimonthly multimedia report for Product Manager Meeting


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted Multimedia Metrics meeting with Dario, Toby and the MM team
  • Prepared and tested Media Viewer's release to all wikis
  • Wrote announcements and posted on mailing list, as well as on all sites
  • Updated Media Viewer FAQ with clearer icons, asked for translations.
  • Met with Flickr team about possible mashup between our sites
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Update and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Set up next Structured Data meeting and next deliverables, start on spreadsheet
  • Prepare for community discussions about Upload Wizard, Structured Data


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted next sprint planning meeting with multimedia team, updated Mingle site
  • Added new cards on Mingle for UI improvements (Commons/Use this file)
  • Completed current cycle planning report and posted on mailing lists
  • Updated Media Viewer FAQ about new features (e.g. opt-out features, view original)
  • Updated Media Viewer Talk page to highlight new features on FAQ
  • Prepared agenda, goals and slides for Multimedia Metrics meeting
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host Multimedia Metrics meeting with Dario, Toby and the MM team
  • Prepare and test Media Viewer release to all wikis
  • Write announcements and post on mailing list, as well as top sites
  • Update Media Viewer FAQ with clearer icons, ask for translations.
  • Update and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Set up next Structured Data meeting and next deliverables
  • Meet with Flickr team about possible mashup between our sites


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted Wikidata meeting to plan Structured Data project with multimedia team
  • Added/edited new cards on Mingle based on community and team feedback
  • Created a first Structured Data page on
  • Participated in 2-hour Product Manager meeting about Annual Plan
  • Followed up with Google and YouTube teams about collaboration ideas
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting
  • Responded to community question about who's in charge
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host next sprint planning meeting with multimedia team, update Mingle site
  • Add new cards on Mingle for UI improvements (Commons/Use this file)
  • Complete current cycle planning report and post on mailing list
  • Update FAQ about Media Viewer opt-out features for anons and logged-in users
  • Prepare agenda and goals for Multimedia Metrics meeting


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted next cycle planning meeting (part 2) with multimedia team
  • Added/edited new cards on Mingle based on community and team feedback
  • Discussed improvements to the new disable/enable tools, filed tickets
  • Investigated zoom/pinch and scroll issues on tablets, filed ticket
  • Responded to Keegan's community question about who's in charge
  • Started writing current cycle planning report, to be sent tomorrow
  • Added Guided Tour proposal for Upload Wizard, in collaboration with growth team
  • Reviewed structured data plan from Wikidata, prepared agenda and sample data
  • Asked Toby if he could join multimedia metrics planning
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host Wikidata meeting to plan Structured Data project with multimedia team
  • Add/edit new cards on Mingle based on community and team feedback
  • Create a first Structured Data page on
  • Complete current cycle planning report and post on mailing list
  • Participate in Product Manager meeting about Annual Plan
  • Update FAQ about Media Viewer opt-out features for anons and logged-in users
  • Update and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Follow up with Google and YouTube teams about collaboration ideas


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Respond to team and partner emails
  • Prepare weekly Media Viewer report for Lila and Erik
  • Review and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Work with Abbey and Sebastian to discuss hand-coding of survey results
  • Edited and uploaded team outing photos to Flickr
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host next cycle planning meeting (part 2) with multimedia team
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Review and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Add/edit new cards on Mingle based on community and team feedback
  • Update FAQ about Media Viewer opt-out features for anons and logged-in users
  • Write current cycle planning report and post on mailing list
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Review structured data plan from Wikidata, prepare spreadsheet if time allows
  • Engage Toby in multimedia metrics planning
  • Follow up with Google and YouTube teams about collaboration ideas


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Reviewed and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Responded to earlier emails, from to Faidon to German partners and others
  • Updated Multimedia hub page with new goals, projects and team
  • Created new shared views for Media Viewer surveys
  • Reviewed survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Sent Media Viewer survey data files for review by Howie
  • Tested new Media Viewer features on and Enwiki/Dewiki
  • Announced new Media Viewer features on mailing lists and discussion pages
  • Hosted team dinner to celebrate Media Viewer
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Respond to team and partner emails
  • Prepare weekly Media Viewer report for Lila and Erik
  • Review and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Work with Abbey and Sebastian to discuss hand-coding of survey results


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting with Mark and Gergo, plan next steps
  • Fleshed out Mingle tickets for next week's work, discussed with team
  • Reviewed and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Met with Alolita to catch up and discuss Wikimedia projects
  • Tested new Media Viewer features on Commons, after SWAT deploy
  • Followed up about next week's multimedia metrics meeting with Dario
  • Met with Howie 1+1 to discuss current work and next steps
  • Discussed new chevron design options with Pau and Gergo
  • Discussed Media Viewer legal questions with Luis
  • Wrote a Media Viewer progress report for Erik, Lila and Erik
  • Got Exploratorium tickets for team celebration of Media Viewer
  • Uploaded metrics meeting photos to Commons
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Respond to earlier emails, from to Faidon to German partners and others
  • Update Multimedia hub page with new goals, projects and team
  • Create new shared views for Media Viewer surveys
  • Review and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Send Media Viewer survey data files for review by Howie
  • Test new Media Viewer features on and Enwiki/Dewiki
  • Announce new Media Viewer features on mailing lists and discussion pages
  • Update FAQ about Media Viewer opt-out features for anons and logged-in users
  • Propose and discuss guidelines for disabling Media Viewer for some images
  • Engage Toby in multimedia metrics planning
  • Host team dinner to celebrate Media Viewer
  • Follow up with Google and YouTube teams about collaboration ideas


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discussed Media Viewer plan with Erik, Lila and team
  • Prioritized Mingle tickets to take on right away (e.g. 'View original file')
  • Discussed proposed priorities with the team, agreed on what to do today
  • Posted public update on follow-up actions for Enwiki, German Wiki
  • Discussed German community response with our partners
  • Moved back deployment to all wikis to the following week
  • Met with Maryana and Dan about collaborations between mobile and multimedia teams
  • Met with Abbey about collaborating on the English and German Wikipedia survey feedback
  • Presented multimedia update at Product Manager meeting, discussed next steps
  • Prepared agenda, goals and Mingle cards for tomorrow's sprint planning meeting
  • Prepared for team celebration of Media Viewer on Thursday evening
  • Wrote co-worker reviews for multimedia team members
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting with Mark and Gergo, plan next steps
  • Flesh out Mingle tickets for next week's work, discuss with team
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Lunch with Alolita to catch up and discuss Wikimedia projects
  • Test new Media Viewer features on Commons, after SWAT deploy
  • Review and hand-code survey responses for Enwiki and German Wiki
  • Follow up about next week's multimedia metrics meeting with Dario and Toby
  • Meet with Howie 1+1 to discuss current work and next steps
  • Get Exploratorium tickets for team celebration of Media Viewer on Thursday evening
  • Follow up with Google and YouTube teams about discussions at VP9/WebM Video Summit
  • Upload metrics meeting photos to Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Organized emergency response to community feedback for Media Viewer, invited team members
  • Prepared cards for possible Media Viewer solutions to address community concerns
  • Prepared team planning page for possible follow-up actions on Enwiki, German Wiki
  • Met with Philippe Beaudette to discuss community issues
  • Hosted team meeting to discuss community issues on English and German Wikipedias
  • Hosted design meeting to discuss next steps for Media Viewer and Upload Wizard
  • Discussed with Erik and Lila follow-up plans to address community concerns
  • Reviewed survey responses for English Wikipedia, prepared new Survey Monkey dashboard
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discuss Media Viewer plan with Erik, Lila and team
  • Prioritize Mingle tickets to address first (e.g. 'View original file')
  • Discuss proposed priorities with the team, agree on what to do today
  • Post public update on follow-up actions for Enwiki, German Wiki
  • Discuss German community response with our partners
  • Meet with Maryana and Dan about collaborations between mobile and multimedia teams
  • Meet with Abbey about collaborating on the English and German Wikipedia survey feedback
  • Present multimedia update at Product Manager meeting, discussed next steps
  • Prepare agenda, goals and Mingle cards for tomorrow's sprint planning meeting
  • Prepare for team celebration of Media Viewer on Thursday evening
  • Write co-worker reviews for multimedia team members
  • Follow up on next week's multimedia metrics meeting with Dario and Toby


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attended VP9/WebM Video Summit at Google, discussed collaborations with YouTube
  • Reviewed and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Reviewed survey responses for English Wikipedia, checked for possible issues
  • Discussed community feedback on English and German Wikipedias with team, set meeting
  • Discussed Structured Media next steps with Wikidata team
  • Edited metrics meeting photos, uploaded to Flickr
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Prepare cards for possible solutions to address community concerns
  • Prepare decision tree for possible follow-up actions on Enwiki, German Wiki
  • Lunch with Philippe Beaudette to discuss community issues
  • Host team meeting to discuss community issues on English and German Wikipedias
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Host design meeting to discuss next steps for Media Viewer and Upload Wizard
  • Follow up with Google and YouTube teams about discussions at VP9/WebM Video Summit
  • Write co-worker reviews for multimedia team members
  • Upload metrics meeting photos to Commons


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Facilitated Next Cycle Planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Presented Upload Wizard update with Pau in metrics meeting
  • Reviewed survey responses, updated summary
  • Reviewed and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Discussed Structured Media plan with Wikidata team
  • Discussed scrolling alternatives with team, tested Pau's prototype
  • Uploaded metrics meeting slides to Commons
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attend VP9/WebM Video Summit at Google, discuss collaborations with YouTube
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Discuss community issues on English and German Wikipedias with team


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Promoted English launch on social media, schedule blog post
  • Checked first survey responses from English and German Wikipedias
  • Review and responded to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Wrote and posted monthly engineering report
  • Met with Rachel DiCerbo to discuss community engagement
  • Met with Keegan about Media Viewer feedback and next steps
  • Met with Pau to rehearse Upload Wizard presentation for metrics meeting
  • Groomed Mingle backlog and prepared agenda for Next Cycle Planning meeting
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Facilitate Next Cycle Planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Present Upload Wizard update with Pau in metrics meeting
  • Tag survey responses from English and German Wikipedias, update summary
  • Write summary of Next Cycle plan, based on meeting notes
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Write co-worker reviews for multimedia team members
  • Schedule and start Media Viewer blog post
  • Prepare for team celebration of Media Viewer
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted meeting with Wikidata team to discuss Structured Data goals and questions
  • Updated Media Viewer project pages and dashboards, prepared announcements
  • Released and tested Media Viewer on English and German Wikipedias
  • Announced Media Viewer launch on mailing lists and English Wikipedia
  • Reviewed first community comments about Media Viewer
  • Participated in Product Manager meeting on Annual Plan
  • Responded to Lila's questions about launch and our metrics plan
  • Prepared Mingle backlog for next sprint, based on community feedback so far
  • Studied deletion rates for mobile uploads (vs. desktop) with Brian Wolff
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Promote English launch on social media, schedule blog post
  • Check first survey responses from English and German Wikipedias, update summary
  • Review and respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Write monthly engineering report
  • Lunch with Rachel DiCerbo to discuss community engagement
  • Meet with Keegan about Media Viewer feedback and next steps
  • Meet with Pau to rehearse Upload Wizard presentation in tomorrow's metrics meeting
  • Groom Mingle backlog and prepare agenda for tomorrow's Cycle Planning meeting
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions in coming weeks (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Prepared for tomorrow's Media Viewer release on English and German Wikipedias
  • Met with Lila Tretikov to discuss lessons learned and the future of Wikipedia
  • Responded to community comments about Media Viewer on
  • Updated Upload Wizard project overview, planning slides
  • Prepared Annual Planning page, posted update on mailing lists, invited feedback
  • Updated Media Viewer help page and requested translations
  • Met with Rachel DiCerbo to discuss Media Viewer community engagement
  • Wrote Structured Data agenda, goals and product FAQ for meeting with Wikidata
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Meet with Wikidata team to discuss Structured Data collaboration goals and questions
  • Update Media Viewer project pages and dashboards, prepare announcements
  • Prepare Mingle backlog for next sprint, based on community feedback so far
  • Release and test Media Viewer on English and German Wikipedias
  • Announce Media Viewer launch on mailing lists and English Wikipedia
  • Respond to community comments about Media Viewer
  • Attend Product Manager meeting
  • Write monthly engineering report
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions in coming weeks (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Updated help FAQ about final release, preference and how to find attribution
  • Prepared Upload Wizard slides for all-staff metrics meeting
  • Started annual planning meeting notes and overview
  • Prepared slides on Future of Wikipedia for meeting with Lila
  • Updated Wikimania session pages with new dates, coordinated with organizers
  • Prepared slide show of Sue Gardner photos for goodbye party
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Prepare for tomorrow's Media Viewer release on English and German Wikipedias
  • Meet with Lila Tretikov to discuss the future of Wikipedia and lessons learned
  • Respond to community comments about Media Viewer on
  • Update Upload Wizard project overview, planning slides
  • Prepare annual planning page, post update on mailing lists, invite feedback
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions in coming weeks (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)
  • Update Media Viewer help page and dashboards
  • Write etherpad of questions for Wikidata
  • Write monthly engineering report


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted annual planning meeting with multimedia team, updated notepad
  • Tested Media Viewer release on all Wikisources
  • Added new FAQ about disabling unrelated images, asked for feedback
  • Prepared Upload Wizard project overview page, uploaded planning slides
  • Set up meetings with Anasuya, Philippe, Rachel
  • Wrote and posted annual self-review notes
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Write and post Upload Wizard planning meeting notes, invite feedback
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions in coming weeks (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)
  • Write annual planning meeting notes, prepare planning page, update engineering roadmap
  • Prepare Upload Wizard slides for all-staff metrics meeting
  • Respond to community comments about Media Viewer, as needed
  • Update Media Viewer dashboard and help page
  • Start etherpad of questions for Wikidata
  • Start monthly engineering report


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Updated Annual Planning agenda, goals and timeline for Thursday meeting
  • Met with Katherine, to discuss communications projects
  • Met with Gilles to discuss annual planning process
  • Met with Howie for biweekly 1:1 and annual planning
  • Set up first meetings with Wikidata team (next Tuesday, Wikimania)
  • Scheduled all-staff meeting presentation of Upload Wizard vision with Pau
  • Reviewed Mary Meeker's Internet Trends 2004
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host annual planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Update Annual Planning notepad based on team comments
  • Write annual planning meeting notes, prepare planning page, update engineering roadmap doc
  • Test Media Viewer release on all Wikisources, announce on English Wikipedia?
  • Respond to community comments about Media Viewer, as needed
  • Write Upload Wizard planning meeting notes, summarize next tasks
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Upgrade overview and discussion pages
  • Prepare for Upload Wizard community discussions in coming weeks (onwiki, IRC, roundtable)
  • Respond to Media Viewer feedback on, Commons or Enwiki
  • Update Media Viewer dashboard and help page
  • Start etherpad of questions for Wikidata


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Scheduled meetings with Wikidata team, in coming weeks and months
  • Met with Abbey to analyze Upload Wizard feedback together
  • Attended Product Managers meeting, update product plans and reports
  • Prepared Mingle cards for Wednesday's sprint planning meeting
  • Prepared Annual Planning agenda for Thursday meeting with multimedia team
  • Responded to email thread about Zoom/View original file/Download
  • Responded to Media Viewer feedback on
  • Met with Tilman, to discuss communications and product-related projects
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Update Annual Planning agenda and goals for Thursday meeting
  • Lunch with Katherine, to discuss communications projects
  • Meet with Gilles to discuss annual planning process
  • Meet with Howie for biweekly 1:1 and annual planning
  • Finalize meetings with Wikidata team (next Tuesday, Wikimania, September)
  • Review Mary Meeker's Internet Trends 2004


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Met with Katherine and Victor, to discuss how to better tell community stories
  • Wrote first proposal draft for 'multimedia conversations' and 'WikiTalk' projects
  • Met with Keegan to discuss Media Viewer release and community engagement
  • Worked with Abbey to analyze feedback about Upload Wizard
  • Followed up about meeting with Wikidata team, to plan work on Structured Data and Upload Wizard
  • Prepared slides on "A Culture of Kindness", for Saturday's talk on Social Machines, posted them online
  • Presented "A Culture of Kindness" at Wikimania's Social Machines weekend, responded to feedback
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Schedule meetings with Wikidata team, in coming weeks and months
  • Lunch with Tilman, to discuss communications and product-related projects
  • Meet with Abbey to analyze Upload Wizard feedback together
  • Attend Product Managers meeting, update product plans and reports
  • Prepare Mingle cards for Wednesday's sprint planning meeting
  • Prepare Annual Planning agenda for Thursday meeting with multimedia team
  • Respond to email thread about Zoom/View original file/Download
  • Respond to Media Viewer feedback on


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Posted more Upload Wizard tickets on Mingle, to prepare meeting
  • Hosted Upload Wizard planning meeting, updated Etherpad and slides
  • Tested Media Viewer release on Italian and Russian Wikipedias
  • Responded to community feedback on
  • Started writing Upload Wizard planning meeting notes
  • Proposed meeting with Wikidata team, to plan work on Structured Data and Upload Wizard
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Meeting with Katherine and Victor, to discuss how to better tell community stories
  • Meet with Keegan to discuss Media Viewer release and community engagement
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Update Upload Wizard tickets based on planning meeting
  • Work with Abbey to analyze feedback about Upload Wizard
  • Write Upload Wizard planning meeting notes, summarize next tasks
  • Prepare slides on "A Culture of Kindness", for Saturday's talk on Social Machines


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Facilitated weekly sprint planning meeting, updated Etherpad and Mingle
  • Updated release plan to push back English and German to June 3
  • Announced release change, updated and summarized survey results
  • Updated Media Viewer tickets for next sprint (multiple licenses)
  • Posted discussion about Zoom and 'View original file' options
  • Responded to community feedback on Commons
  • Continued product planning for Upload Wizard, identified key tasks
  • Update Upload Wizard agenda, prepare slides and key questions
  • Collected and analyzed Upload Wizard first metrics, created graphs
  • Updated spreadsheet of Upload Wizard feedback and wrote summary
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Post more Upload Wizard tickets on Mingle, to prepare meeting
  • Host Upload Wizard planning meeting, update Etherpad and Mingle
  • Test and announce Media Viewer release on Italian and Russian Wikipedias
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Write Upload Wizard planning meeting notes, summarize next tasks
  • Set up meeting with Wikidata (Lydia), to plan work on Structured Data and Upload Wizard


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Updated Media Viewer tickets for next sprint (multiple licenses, etc.)
  • Continued product planning for Upload Wizard, identify first tasks
  • Prepared Upload Wizard agenda, started slide deck
  • Met with James Forrester about work to date on Upload Wizard for VE
  • Prepared spreadsheet for reviewing Upload Wizard feedback and help
  • Registered for Wikimania, book flights and file expense report
  • Discussed Commons backlash and 'View original file' idea, posted ticket
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Facilitate weekly sprint planning meeting, update Etherpad and Mingle
  • Post discussion about Zoom and 'View original file' options
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Update Media Viewer tickets for next sprint (multiple licenses)
  • Continue product planning for Upload Wizard, identify key tasks
  • Update Upload Wizard agenda, prepare slides and key questions
  • Update spreadsheet of Upload Wizard feedback and help questions


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Asked legal to review multiple license options for Media Viewer
  • Scheduled Next Cycle Planning Meeting and agenda
  • Continued product planning for Upload Wizard, discuss first tasks
  • Prepared Upload Wizard kickoff meeting agenda
  • Reviewed help pages for Upload Wizard, filed FAQ ticket
  • Discussed browser matrix for Upload Wizard & IE issues
  • Facilitated hiring Brian Wolff as summer contractor
  • Advised Jared and Heather Walls on focus groups for linked icons project
  • Scheduled meetings with Lila, Katherine and Tilman
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Finalize Media Viewer tickets for next sprint (multiple licenses, etc.)
  • Continue product planning for Upload Wizard, identify first tasks
  • Prepare Upload Wizard agenda, slides and key questions
  • Meet with James Forrester, discuss work to date on Upload Wizard for VE
  • Prepare spreadsheet for reviewing Upload Wizard feedback and help questions
  • Register for Wikimania, book flights and file expense report


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Responded to community feedback on Commons and
  • Posted proposal and FAQ on how to exclude unrelated images in Media Viewer
  • Met with Keegan to discuss next steps for multimedia community work
  • Attended staff lunch with new ED Lila Tretikov
  • Proposed specs for importing Upload Wizard feedback, posted on Trello and Mingle
  • Prepared Upload Wizard slides of current workflow, as well as Best Practices (Facebook, YouTube)
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Ask legal to review multiple license options for Media Viewer
  • Continue product planning for Upload Wizard, identify first tasks
  • Plan Upload Wizard kickoff meeting agenda, prepare slides and key questions
  • Prepare Upload Wizard project wall on Mingle, post more cards for key tasks


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted multimedia design meeting, updated Etherpad and Mingle cards
  • Tracked and tested Media Viewer release on Wikimedia Commons
  • Wrote weekly multimedia update (Commons, sprint planning, design meetings)
  • Started product planning for Upload Wizard, broke down workflow, reviewed designs
  • Met with Abigail and Jared about multimedia research goals
  • Discussed Upload Wizard bug triage and response with Andre Klapper
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Respond to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Update FAQ with instructions on how to exclude unrelated images in Media Viewer
  • Meet with Keegan to discuss next steps for multimedia community work
  • Attend staff lunch with new ED Lila Tretikov
  • Continue product planning for Upload Wizard
  • Prepare spreadsheet for reviewing Upload Wizard feedback


  • Monitored activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting, updated Etherpad and Mingle cards
  • Responded to community feedback on Commons, Enwiki and
  • Prepared for Thursday's release on Wikimedia Commons, tested and approved cards
  • Discussed options for Zoom feature, to address concerns about the current link version
  • Prepared agenda for Thursday's design meeting
  • Monitor activity on Media Viewer sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host multimedia design meeting, update Etherpad and Mingle cards
  • Test and announce today's release on Wikimedia Commons
  • Write weekly multimedia update (Commons, sprint planning, design meetings)
  • Start product planning for Upload Wizard, review usability studies and feedback
  • Meet with Abigail and Jared about multimedia research goals
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Upgrade overview and discussion pages
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Best Practices slides (Facebook, Flickr, YouTube)


  • Responded to community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer enabled
  • Analyzed new metrics data, identifying most frequent actions and most active wikis
  • Tested and announced release on Telugu and Kannada Wikipedia, filed metrics request
  • Prepared agenda and Mingle site for Wednesday's sprint planning meeting
  • Postponed survey update to next week, as Spanish / Portuguese feedback is mostly favorable
  • Wrote project update about recent and upcoming releases for product manager meeting
  • Responded to Victor about multimedia community portal ideas
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting, update Etherpad and Mingle cards
  • Prepare for Thursday's release on Wikimedia Commons, test and approve any cards
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Upgrade overview and discussion pages
  • Prepare for Thursday's design meeting
  • Review Upload Wizard usability studies and feedback, start product planning
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Best Practices slides (Facebook, Flickr, YouTube)


  • Reviewed community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer enabled
  • Prepared Tuesday's release on Telugu and Kannada Wikipedia, updated calendar
  • Reviewed release plan with Keegan (plan mass-announcement for all wikis)
  • Discussed releases with community partners (Dutch, Swedish, Telugu, Kannada)
  • Announced upcoming releases on Commons and English Wikipedia Village Pumps
  • Asked community members what class name to use for excluding images from Media Viewer (.metadata class)
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Respond to community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer enabled
  • Test and announce release on Telugu and Kannada Wikipedia, check we have metrics
  • Prepare agenda and Mingle site for Wednesday's sprint planning meeting
  • Compile survey results from last week, with focus on Spanish and Portuguese feedback
  • Write project update about recent and upcoming releases for product manager meeting
  • Prepare Upload Wizard Upgrade overview and discussion pages
  • Respond to Victor about multimedia community portal ideas


  • Reviewed community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer enabled
  • Discussed releases with community partners (Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
  • Groomed product backlog, prioritized cards for full release of Media Viewer, added a few more
  • Added more attributions to my photos on Commons, responded to Pete Forsythe
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Discuss release plan with Keegan (plan mass-announcement for all wikis)
  • Respond to community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer enabled
  • Discuss / announce upcoming releases with community partners (Telugu, Kannada, Commons, English)
  • Ask community members what class name to use for excluding images from Media Viewer (.metadata class)
  • Write project update about recent and upcoming releases for product manager meeting
  • Compile survey results from last week, with focus on Spanish and Portuguese feedback


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Tested and announced this week's release (Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
  • Prepared more survey graphs to show approval over time
  • Completed and posted survey report for Media Viewer, onwiki and on list
  • Responded to community comments on discussion pages
  • Met with Katherine Maher
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review community feedback for large wikis with Media Viewer
  • Discuss releases with community partners (Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
  • Groom product backlog, prioritize cards for full release of Media Viewer, add a few more
  • Add more attribution to my photos on Commons, respond to Pete Forsythe


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted sprint planning meeting with multimedia team, updated agenda
  • Prepare more cards based on team meeting (simpler zoom, caption, upload wizard metrics)
  • Prepared for upcoming releases (more large wikis on Thur., Indic wikis on Tue., Commons on Thur.)
  • Prepared graphs and report for Media Viewer survey, experimented with approval over time
  • Discuss upcoming releases with Indic language community partners
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Test and announce this week's release (Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
  • Complete and post survey report for Media Viewer, onwiki and on list
  • Discuss releases with community partners (Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish)
  • Add more attribution to my photos on Commons
  • Meet with Katherine Maher


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Compiled survey results for all Media Viewer pilots (1,700+ responses)
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Indic community partners
  • Prepared cards for next sprint planning with multimedia team
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host next sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Prepare more cards based on team meeting (simpler zoom, caption, upload wizard metrics)
  • Test and accept last tickets for this week's release (Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
  • Write survey report for Media Viewer, post onwiki and on list
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Add more attribution to my photos on Commons


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attended Jury Duty selection process (took a half-day off)
  • Compiled survey/discussion results for Media Viewer pilots (in progress)
  • Discussed support of HTML Embed text in Visual Editor (and prefix localization idea)
  • Added more attribution to my photos of metrics meetings on Commons
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Compile survey/discussion results for Media Viewer pilots
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Prepare cards and groom backlog for next sprint planning with multimedia team
  • Prepare for this week's release (Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu?)
  • Attend product manager biweekly meeting


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Reviewed community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Updated release plan to push Commons back, sent to mailing lists
  • Posted release update on Commons and other touchpoints
  • Discussed upcoming releases with community partners
  • Started compiling feedback from surveys and discussions
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attend Jury Duty selection process in San Rafael, CA
  • Compile survey/discussion results for Media Viewer pilots
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attended metrics meeting about new ED, took and posted photos
  • Released and tested Media Viewer on Dutch and French Wikipedias
  • Responded to community, posted on other Enwiki touchpoints
  • Filed new feature request to track number of opt-outs
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Dutch, French, German and other partners
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Review community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Update release plan to push Commons back, send to mailing lists
  • Post release update on Commons and other touchpoints
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Start compiling feedback from surveys and discussions


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted next sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle and Etherpad
  • Sent update about next cycle plans on multimedia mailing list
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Dutch, French and Portuguese partners
  • Moved Upload Wizard planning meeting to mid-May, created special wall
  • Participated in survey discussion with analytics
  • Wrote monthly engineering report
  • Met 1:1 with Howie
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Attend metrics meeting about new ED, take and post photos
  • Release and test Media Viewer on Dutch and French Wikipedias
  • Respond to community, post on other Enwiki touchpoints
  • File new bugs or feature requests based on user feedback, as needed
  • Compile feedback so far from surveys and discussions
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted next cycle planning meeting (part 2), updated Mingle and Etherpad
  • Prepared and helped deploy new Dutch and Spanish surveys
  • Tested and approved current sprint tickets, prepared next sprint planning meeting
  • Updated survey page with latest results, as well as highlights from ca and hu surveys
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish partners
  • Participated in product manager meeting, posted MM update
  • Filed more tickets for tooltips and making meta-data more discoverable
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host next sprint planning meeting, update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Send update about next cycle on multimedia mailing list
  • Respond to community, post in other Enwiki touchpoints
  • Compile feedback so far from surveys and discussions
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Move Upload Wizard planning meeting to mid-May, create special wall
  • Participate in survey discussion with analytics
  • Write monthly engineering report
  • Meet 1:1 with Howie


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Hosted next cycle planning meeting, update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Prepared new walls for next cycle, sorted Media Viewer cards into 4 release walls
  • Announced release on English Wikipedia's Village Pump, linked to updated landing page
  • Responded to community, posted new cards based on feedback
  • Updated new Spanish survey with Pau, posted Catalan survey feedback
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion pages
  • Host next cycle planning meeting (part 2), update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Prepare update about next cycle on multimedia mailing list (send tomorrow)
  • Respond to community, post in other Enwiki touchpoints
  • Enable new Dutch and Spanish surveys
  • Test and approve current sprint tickets, prepare next sprint planning meeting
  • Compile feedback so far from surveys and discussions
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners
  • Participate in product manager meeting
  • Write monthly engineering report


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Responded to community, posted new cards based on feedback
  • Discussed release plan with Keegan, spread it out over 4 weeks, updated deploy page
  • Prepared agenda and Mingle wall for Monday's next cycle planning meeting
  • Discussed improvements for landing and discussion page on English Wikipedia
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Dutch, French, German and Indian partners
  • Followed up with WMF colleagues about next steps
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Host next cycle planning meeting, update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Announce release on English Wikipedia's Village Pump, link to updated landing page
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Enable new Spanish survey, compile survey feedback so far
  • Discuss upcoming releases with community partners


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Hosted design meeting, updated Mingle and Etherpad
  • Responded to community, posted new cards based on feedback
  • Tested and announced next round of pilot releases, with project report
  • Discussed upcoming releases with Indian, German and Swedish partners
  • Posted product and discussion pages on English Wikipedia
  • Met 1:1 with Erik to discuss next steps
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Discuss community engagement and release plan with Keegan
  • Prepare agenda and Mingle wall for Monday's next cycle planning meeting
  • Announce upcoming release on English Wikipedia's Village Pump, with link to landing page
  • Follow up with WMF colleagues about next steps


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle and Etherpad
  • Respond on discussion page, posted many new cards based on feedback
  • Prepared for next round of pilot releases with Keegan
  • Discussed release with Dutch, French and German community champions
  • Updated surveys to add email option, prepared new Spanish survey
  • Updated topic thread for Commons link with Daniel Schwen's proposal
  • Prepared tasks for tomorrow's Design Meeting (Media Viewer, Upload Wizard)
  • Posted onwiki spec for BetaFeatures popup guider, discussed across teams
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Host design meeting, update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Test and announce next round of pilot releases, with quick report
  • Contact Indian, Italian and other partners about upcoming releases
  • Prepare announcement and landing page for English Wikipedia
  • Meet 1:1 with Erik to discuss next steps


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Deployed new surveys in French, German and Portuguese, informed community champions
  • Posted new survey email collection language, now approved by legal, asked for translations
  • Reviewed new metrics dashboards from Gilles, asked for clarifications on file image load
  • Contacted Dutch and Spanish community champions about upcoming releases
  • Tested and approved new feature tweaks and bug fixes
  • Prepared for sprint planning meeting, added new tasks (e.g. Preferences link)
  • Continued to onboard Danny Horn as new PM (will now work on Flow instead)
  • Agreed with Howie to extend my role as multimedia PM through September
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting, update Mingle and Etherpad
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Prepare for next round of pilot releases with Keegan
  • Contact Indian and other partners about upcoming releases
  • Update surveys to add email option for users who want to be contacted
  • Prepare announcement and landing page for English Wikipedia
  • Start new topic thread for Commons link with Daniel Schwen
  • Prepare tasks for tomorrow's Design Meeting (Media Viewer, Upload Wizard)


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Posted surveys in French and German, contacted team for final review
  • Posted first survey report, cleared email collection with legal
  • Onboarded Danny Horn as new multimedia PM
  • Discussed solutions to large image outage issue
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Contact Indian, Spanish and other partners about upcoming releases
  • Start new topic thread for Commons link with Daniel Schwen
  • Discuss interim PM staffing issues, onboard Danny Horn


  • Monitored activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Posted first report, responded to community and team comments
  • Discussed release plan and community engagement tasks with Keegan
  • Scheduled team meetings for the coming weeks
  • Followed up with French, German, Portuguese and other wikis
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Post surveys in French and German, contact team for final review
  • Contact Indian, Spanish and other partners about upcoming releases
  • Start new topic thread for Commons link with Daniel Schwen
  • Onboard Danny Horn as new multimedia PM


  • Hosted sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Tested first pilot release and announced it to community
  • Gave new design tasks to Pau, posted Mingle card about prominent progress bar
  • Contacted French, German, Portuguese and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Wrote report about New Feature popup notice, updated Mingle cards
  • Interviewed for community engagement director job
  • Monitor activity on pilot sites, surveys, discussion page
  • Respond to community, post new cards based on feedback
  • Discuss release plan and community engagement tasks with Keegan
  • Schedule team meetings for the coming weeks
  • Start new topic thread for Commons link with Daniel Schwen


  • Hosted IRC chat about Media Viewer with community members
  • Filed Mingle tickets about bugs and feature tweaks
  • Prepared agenda and goals for next sprint planning meeting
  • Updated surveys in multiple languages, coordinated with team
  • Started onboarding process with new PM Danny Horn
  • Interviewed for community engagement director job
  • Host sprint planning meeting with multimedia team
  • Test first pilot release and announce it to community
  • Contact French, German and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Write report about New Feature popup notice, update Mingle cards
  • Respond to community comments, start new topic thread for Commons link
  • Interviews for community engagement director job


  • Discussed New Feature popup notice, posted updated specification
  • Prepared landing page on Commons and posted link to it on Village Pump
  • Sent reminder for Wednesday's IRC chat about Media Viewer
  • Prepared other surveys in multiple languages, pinged team
  • Responded to concerns about "View expanded" button on Commons
  • Edited and sent lessons learned as PM for community engagement
  • Host IRC chat about Media Viewer with community members
  • File Mingle tickets about bugs and feature tweaks
  • Contact French, German and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Update surveys in multiple languages, coordinate with team
  • Interview for community engagement director job


  • Followed up on usability tests and new feature notifications
  • Posted specification for New Feature notifications, discussed with teams
  • Prepared list of follow up tasks for Echo's next release
  • Responded to community comments on talk page
  • Wrote lessons learned as PM for community engagement
  • Discuss New Feature popup notice, post updated specification
  • Prepare landing pages on Enwiki, Commons, post and announce
  • Send reminder about tomorrow's IRC chat about
  • Contact French, German and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Prepare other surveys in multiple languages, check with team
  • File Mingle tickets about bugs and feature tweaks
  • Edit and send lessons learned as PM for community engagement


  • Participated in release retrospective, update Ethernet page, post photos
  • Discussed community engagement plan with Keegan for Media Viewer release
  • Proposed alternative proposal to create New Feature popup notice to team
  • Updated survey page, add results section, with links to resolutions
  • Responded to community comments on mailing list
  • Follow up on usability tests and new feature notifications
  • Prepare landing pages on Enwiki, Commons, post and announce
  • Contact French and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Respond to community comments as needed
  • Write lessons learned as PM for community engagement


  • Hosted sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle site
  • Tested and announced Media Viewer release
  • Discussed proposal to create New Feature notifications with team
  • Participate in release retrospective, update Ethernet page, post photos
  • Discuss community engagement plan with Keegan for Media Viewer release
  • Propose alternative proposal to create New Feature popup notice to team
  • Update survey page, add results section, with links to resolutions
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • Tested Media Viewer release version, filed bugs and feature requests
  • Prepared for next sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle tickets
  • Researched integration of Media Viewer with locally-stored images
  • Updated survey based on legal feedback, invited translations, created new ticket
  • Discussed proposal to create New Feature notifications with Erik and Howie
  • Host sprint planning meeting, update Mingle site
  • Test and announce Media Viewer release
  • Discuss proposal to create New Feature notifications with team, report back
  • Prepare landing pages on Enwiki, Commons, discuss with Keegan
  • Contact French and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • Posted update for First Pilot Release on MM list
  • Updated Media Viewer Help page with browser coverage
  • Updated About Media Viewer page, discussed announcements with Keegan
  • Started testing release version, reported issues to team
  • Discussed changes to tabs on local file pages
  • Posted/updated Mingle tickets
  • Test Media Viewer release version
  • Prepare landing pages on Enwiki, Commons, discuss with Keegan
  • Contact French and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Prepare for next sprint planning meeting, update Mingle tickets
  • Research integration of Media Viewer with locally-stored images
  • Follow up with Andrew Lih, Kevin Gorman, Internet Archive
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • Read/triaged 1k+ emails from past 2 weeks (while I was on vacation)
  • Hosted Media Viewer Product Review for upcoming launch
  • Updated Release Plan + coordinated with Greg about this week's launch
  • Finalized next pilots list and community engagement tasks with Keegan
  • Scheduled IRC chat for Media Viewer on Wed. Apr. 16
  • Discussed usability testing and design tasks with Pau
  • Posted follow-up emails about Wikimania talks on MM list
  • Participated in Aaron's retrospective about his time at Wikimedia
  • Update Media Viewer Help page with browser coverage
  • Prepare landing pages on Enwiki, Commons, discuss with Keegan
  • Contact French and Swedish wikis about upcoming releases
  • Announce First Pilot Release (when Greg says they're ready)
  • Prepare for next sprint planning meeting, update Mingle tickets
  • Follow up with Andrew Lih, Kevin Gorman, Internet Archive
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • On vacation
  • Updated Feeback survey
  • Wrote and published Help page
  • Wrote and posted Wikimania talks


  • Participated in conflict management workshop (Day 3)
  • Met with Howie about Multimedia plans and next steps
  • Prepared Mingle cards for our next sprint planning meeting
  • Prepared first draft of slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Discussed design tasks with Pau, set up new 'Design needed' dashboard
  • Prepared first draft of Feeback survey
  • Host sprint planning meeting, updated Mingle tickets per team discussion
  • Update slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Send vacation email to team, identify delegates to cover for me
  • Update Feeback survey, get started on Help page
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • Participated in team retrospective on last cycle
  • Participated in conflict management workshop (Day 2)
  • Met with Erik about Community Engagement plans and next steps
  • Prepared and presented multimedia update at Product Manager meeting
  • Prepared slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Participate in conflict management workshop (from 10am-2pm PT)
  • Meet with Howie about Multimedia plans and next steps
  • Prepare Mingle cards for tomorrow's sprint planning meeting
  • Complete slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Get started on Feeback survey and Help page
  • Respond to community comments as needed


  • Discussed design plans with Pau, set up next meeting
  • Wrote proposal for image load metric and updated all cards
  • Participated in conflict management workshop (next 3 days from 10am-2pm PT)
  • Responded to community comments on discussion page
  • Host team retrospective on last sprint and cycle
  • Participate in conflict management workshop (Tue. + Wed. from 10am-2pm PT)
  • Meet with Erik about Community Engagement plans and next steps
  • Prepare and present multimedia update at Product Manager meeting
  • Prepare slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Respond to comments about image load metric plans
  • Respond to community comments on discussion page


  • Discussed Media Viewer community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Wrote & posted research questions for image load issues in Media Viewer
  • Updated #149 + asked team to vet acceptance performance criteria
  • Started slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Responded to community comments on discussion page
  • Posted short update about video uploads with Internet Archive
  • Discuss design plans with Pau, set up next meeting
  • Prepare card for histogram to visualize image load issues
  • Prepare slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Participate in conflict management workshop (next 3 days from 10am-2pm PT)
  • Respond to community comments on discussion page


  • Hosted sprint planning meeting, discussed cards for next cycle
  • Updated goals for upcoming cycles, selected cards for first pilot release
  • Posted report about next cycle plans on mailing list
  • Met with Internet Archive about uploading content from their site
  • Wrote IA meeting notes, updated Mingle ticket #306
  • Respond to community comments on discussion page
  • Discuss Media Viewer community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Write research questions for image load issues in Media Viewer
  • Prepare slides for Multimedia Quarterly Review meeting
  • Respond to community comments on discussion page
  • Post update about next steps on MP4 RfC page


  • Facilitated team planning meeting for our next cycles
  • Updated Mingle site to prioritize and move cards into appropriate cycles
  • Updated release plan and community engagement goals for Media Viewer v0.2
  • Tested 'Use this file' patch on Vagrant, wrote notes about improvements
  • Added more Mingle tickets for Upload Wizard, Structured Data tasks
  • Responded to community comments on discussion page
  • Host sprint planning meeting, discuss cards for next cycle
  • Update goals for upcoming cycles, select cards for first pilot release
  • Post report about next cycle plans on mailing list
  • Meet with Internet Archive about uploading content from their site
  • Write research questions for image load issues in Media Viewer
  • Respond to community comments on discussion page


  • Met with mobile and VE product managers about next quarter's MM plans
  • Prepared goals and slides for tomorrow's planning meeting for Q4
  • Updated site with 10 more Mingle tickets based on community and team discussions
  • Responded to community comments on mailing list
  • Participated in product manager bi-weekly meeting, learned to use Vagrant
  • Facilitate team planning meeting for Q4's next cycles
  • Update Mingle site to prioritize and move cards into appropriate cycles
  • Write and post report about next cycle plans on mailing list
  • Respond to community comments on onwiki discussion page
  • Update release plan and community engagement goals for Media Viewer v0.2


  • Hosted design meeting, focused on pilot release (opt-in, Commons links, reader feedback)
  • Updated Mingle tickets based on community and team feedback
  • Asked for community feedback about commons link on mailing list and onwiki
  • Followed up with Internet Archive about MP4 videos
  • Posted metrics meeting photos on Commons
  • Meetings with mobile and VE product managers about next quarter's MM plans
  • Prepare goals, notepad and slides for tomorrow's planning meeting for Q4
  • Update site with more Mingle tickets based on community and team discussions
  • Respond to community comments on mailing list and onwiki discussion page
  • Product manager bi-weekly meeting


  • Discussed community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Asked for community feedback about opt-out feature on mailing list wiki
  • Updated Mingle tickets based on designer and community feedback
  • Posted metrics meeting photos online
  • Host design meeting, focus on pilot release (opt-in, Commons links, reader feedback)
  • Update site with more Mingle tickets based on community and team feedback
  • Respond to community comments on mailing list and wiki discussion pages
  • Ask for community feedback about commons link on mailing list wiki


  • Hosted weekly meeting, planned next sprint, estimated new cards, discussed pilot release
  • Presented Media Viewer at monthly metrics meeting, updated slides and test pages
  • Posted MV presentation video, slides and test page on mailing list and social media
  • Set up meetings with VE and Mobile teams about next quarter plans
  • Edited metrics meeting photos and team video
  • Discuss community engagement plan with Keegan
  • Update Mingle tickets based on designer and community feedback
  • Respond to community comments on mailing list and wiki discussion pages
  • Ask for community feedback about opt-out and commons link on mailing list wiki


  • Prepared Mingle cards for next sprint, tested completed tasks, add a few new ones
  • Completed and rehearsed presentation for monthly metrics meeting
  • Meeting with Howie about multimedia plans
  • More MP4 RfC research, late at night
  • Host weekly meeting, plan next sprint, estimate new cards, discuss pilot release
  • Present Media Viewer at monthly metrics meeting
  • Ask for community comments about opt-out and commons link on mailing list wiki
  • Set up meetings with VE and Mobile teams about next quarter plans


  • Posted monthly engineering report for multimedia team
  • Discussed Partnership feature requirements with community members, filed a Mingle ticket for it
  • Reviewed community comments about French and Polish outreach, recommended next steps
  • Participated in product manager meeting
  • Updated Article Feedback project pages
  • Prepare Mingle cards for next sprint, test completed tasks, add a few new ones
  • Complete and rehearse presentation for monthly metrics meeting
  • Respond to more community comments on wiki discussion pages
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about video plans (this keeps getting pushed back, sadly)


  • Removed Article Feedback from enwiki and frwiki, communicated project end, proposed data archive plan
  • Responded to Pau's new designs for Media Viewer features (links to/from Commons, survey link)
  • Responded to more community comments, organized French outreach for Media Viewer
  • Set up new weekly team meeting and design meeting
  • Post monthly engineering report for multimedia
  • Prepare presentation for monthly metrics meeting
  • Respond to more community comments on wiki discussion pages
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about research and video plans
  • Prepare and rank more Mingle cards for next sprints and releases
  • Participate in product manager meeting


  • Guided next design steps for Media Viewer release, pointing Pau to highest priorities
  • Posted update on the Zoom feature design on the mailing list and wiki discussion page
  • Coordinated announcements about Media Viewer Release with Keegan, updated plan
  • Responded to Media Viewer comments on mailing list and blog post
  • Posted announcements about Monday's removal of Article Feedback on enwiki and frwiki
  • Prepare and rank more Mingle cards for next sprints and releases, confirm team meetings
  • Prepare for removal of Article Feedback from enwiki and frwiki on Monday
  • Respond to more community comments on wiki discussion pages and mailing list
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about research and video plans


  • Hosted Multimedia weekly team meeting, planned next sprint and Media Viewer release
  • Wrote Media Viewer Release Plan Update based on team recommendations
  • Published and socialized Media Viewer blog post
  • Tested and accepted/rejected new features on MediaWiki
  • Prepared Next Release wall, moved cards over and scheduled planning meeting
  • Continue MP4 research, prepare update about research and video plans
  • Respond to more community comments on wiki discussion pages and mailing list
  • Prepare and rank more Mingle cards for next sprints and releases
  • Prepare for removal of Article Feedback from enwiki and frwiki on Monday


  • Posted Media Viewer Update + Release Plan on multimedia email list, asked for feedback
  • Prioritized and ranked more Mingle cards for tomorrow's sprint planning
  • Updated Metrics plan for Media Viewer, as well as Mingle/Trello cards
  • Prepared Mingle card #263, 264 and 270 for Media Viewer launch-related tasks
  • Host Multimedia weekly team meeting, plan next sprint and Media Viewer release
  • Write Media Viewer Release Plan Update based on team recommendations
  • Publish and socialize Media Viewer blog post
  • Test and accept/reject new features on MediaWiki
  • Prepare Next Release wall, move cards over and schedule planning meeting


  • Wrote and posted Release Plan for gradual deployment of Media Viewer v0.2
  • Contacted community champions for pilot sites (French, Swedish, Catalan, Korean, Vietnamese)
  • Participated in product manager meeting to discuss beta features + reader feedback
  • Prepared Mingle card #261 for quick survey to get reader feedback
  • Post Media Viewer Update + Release Plan on multimedia email list, ask for feedback
  • Respond to more community comments on onwiki discussion pages
  • Prepare and rank more Mingle cards for tomorrow's sprint planning
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about research and video plans


  • Hosted design meeting, updated usability plan, upgraded account
  • Wrote updated blog post draft for Media Viewer v0.2, discussed with team
  • Discussed gradual release plan for Media Viewer v0.2 with team, addressed image load issues
  • Helped finalize plan for using Multimedia mailing list to discuss more development details
  • Write and post Release Plan for gradual deployment of Media Viewer v0.2, contact community champions for pilot sites
  • Write Media Viewer Update, email multimedia list, ask for feedback
  • Respond to community comments on onwiki discussion pages
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about research and video plans
  • Prepare Mingle cards for next sprint


  • Hosted IRC chat, with pre-announcement as well as team retrospective and chat notes
  • Updated Media Viewer pages with more info, including Pau thumbnails
  • Updated Community Engagement Plan for Media Viewer v0.2
  • Facilitate design meeting, review new designs, update usability plan
  • Engage community for gradual release of Media Viewer v0.2, respond to emails, onwiki discussions
  • Complete MP4 research, post update about research and video plans
  • Prepare next sprints and release for Media Viewer on Mingle


  • Hosted weekly sprint planning meeting, updated agenda and Mingle deck
  • Updated Community Engagement Plan for Media Viewer v0.2 (prepare IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Prepared Mingle cards for next release , move Media Viewer v0.3 cards to that release
  • Host IRC chat, with pre-announcement as well as team retrospective and chat notes
  • Update Media Viewer pages with more info, including Pau thumbnails
  • Post update about MP4 RfC closure and video plans
  • Respond to Article Feedback questions, prepare for removal


  • Met with Kaltura about upgrading to their new video player 2 and integrating with Media Viewer v0.3
  • Posted update for Media Viewer v0.2 (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Met with Pau and Mark for short design catchup meeting, with list of key tasks
  • Posted more Mingle cards for Media Viewer v0.2, based on community feedback
  • Worked with Keegan on MP4 RfC analysis
  • Host weekly sprint planning meeting, updated agenda and Mingle deck
  • Update Community Engagement Plan for Media Viewer v0.2 (prepare IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Prepare Mingle cards for next release , move Media Viewer v0.3 cards to that release
  • Update Media Viewer pages with more info, including Pau thumbnails


  • Updated feature requirements in Embed feature based on team discussions
  • Discussed/updated community engagement plan with Keegan (MP4 RfC > Media Viewer v0.2)
  • Archived old discussion items for Media Viewer v0.1, cleaned up discussion page for v0.2
  • Finalized next steps following MP4 RfC closure, started response hand-coding with Keegan
  • Participated in product manager bi-weekly meeting at 3pm
  • Meet with Kaltura about upgrading to their new video player 2 and integrating with Media Viewer v0.3
  • Post update for Media Viewer v0.2 (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Post more Mingle cards for Media Viewer v0.2, based on community feedback
  • Prepare list for short design catchup meeting, add Pau thumbnails
  • Prepare update about MP4 RfC closure and video plans


  • Updated feature requirements for attributions in Embed and Download features
  • Prepared community engagement plan for this quarter (MP4 RfC > Media Viewer v0.2)
  • Reviewed community feedback on MP4 RfC Report closure, prepare update
  • Reviewed community feedback to AFT5 announcements on enwiki, frwiki and mediawiki
  • Took a few hours off for personal reasons
  • Update Mingle cards based on team discussions, prepare design meeting tomorrow
  • Discuss community engagement plan for this quarter with Keegan
  • Archive old discussion items for Media Viewer v0.1, add Pau thumbnails for v0.2
  • Post update for Media Viewer v0.2 (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Finalize update about MP4 RfC closure and video plans
  • Product manager bi-weekly meeting at 3pm


  • Facilitated weekly sprint planning meeting with Multimedia team
  • Reminded folks about MP4 RfC closure, finalized closure plans with Commons bureaucrats
  • Finalized getting Keegan's time for community engagement for the quarter (yay!)
  • Long dental procedure in the afternoon, not much got done while I was under :)
  • Finalized legal license requirements for Embed feature
  • Reviewed community feedback to AFT5 announcements on enwiki, frwiki and mediawiki, thanked contributors
Today (+ coming days)
  • Update feature requirements for attributions in Embed and Download features
  • Discuss community engagement plan for this quarter with Keegan (MP4 RfC > Media Viewer v0.2)
  • Start archiving old discussion items for Media Viewer v0.2, add Pau thumbnails
  • Prepare update about MP4 RfC closure, after reviewing new community feedback
  • Prepare update for Media Viewer v0.2, to be posted next week (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Taking a few hours off this afternoon for personal reasons


  • Facilitate weekly sprint planning meeting with Multimedia team
  • Start archiving old discussion items for Media Viewer v0.2, add Pau thumbnails
  • Prepare update for Media Viewer v0.2, to be posted next week (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Prepare MP4 RfC Report + Retrospective, get ready to post it when RfC is closed
  • Will be working from home on both days, and will join you via Hangouts + IRC


  • Started engagement plan for Media Viewer v0.2 + Scheduled IRC Chat
  • Contacted Commons bureaucrats about closure of MP4 RfC, updated spreadsheet
  • Asked legal guidance on license requirements for Embed feature
  • Prepared wiki version of Article Feedback report
  • Archive old discussion items for Media Viewer v0.2
  • Prepare update for Media Viewer v0.2 (IRC Chat, on-wiki discussion)
  • Prepare for Thursday's weekly meeting (groom Mingle cards and backlog)
  • Wikify MP4 RfC Report + Retrospective, get ready to post it when RfC is closed
  • Post Article Feedback Report + Retrospective, socialize recommendation
Thursday + Friday
  • I will be working from home on both days, and will join you via Hangouts + IRC


  • Multimedia Design Meeting with Pau & team, follow-up notes + next meeting
  • Wrote detailed attribution specs for Embed/Download this file and Email a link
  • Wrote development plan for Kaltura audio/video upgrade + Media Viewer v0.3 integration
  • Posted 80 photos of recent Wikimedia events (+ researched batch use of Upload Wizard)
  • Posted quick update on Article Feedback
  • Write engagement plan for Media Viewer v0.2 + Schedule IRC Chat
  • Write MP4 RfC Report, study responses, contact community members
  • Post Article Feedback Report + Retrospective, socialize recommendation


Friday + Weekend
  • Updated Media Viewer pages to describe v0.2 and v0.3 features
  • Posted progress reports on Media Viewer Discussion page
  • Updated Article Feedback Report + Retrospective
  • Multimedia Design Meeting with Pau & team
  • Write engagement plan for Media Viewer v0.2 + Schedule IRC Chat
  • Write MP4 RfC Report, study responses
  • Post Article Feedback Report + Retrospective


  • Multimedia Design Notes + Meeting
  • Multimedia Features Testing + Acceptance
  • Monthly Metrics Meeting + Photos
  • Article Feedback Retrospective
  • Update Multimedia and Media Viewer pages
  • Write MP4 RfC Report, study responses
  • Post Article Feedback Recommendations


  • Plan Weekly Sprint, update Mingle
  • Multimedia Features Testing + Acceptance
  • Multimedia Quarterly Review Meeting
  • Article Feedback Report
  • Multimedia Design Notes + Meeting
  • Multimedia Features Testing + Acceptance
  • Monthly Metrics Meeting + Photos
  • Article Feedback Retrospective


  • Wrote Multimedia Engineering Report
  • Product manager offsite
  • Meet with Vimeo about importing WebM videos from their site
  • Plan Weekly Sprint, update Mingle
  • Test Current Sprint features
  • Update Media Viewer pages
  • Write MP4 RfC Report