


Previous Action Items

  • Pam to share out communication channels feedback (in progress)
  • Ramsey to breakdown user stories (we have some epics that could use attention) (in progress)
  • Ramsey to document Product-->Design-->Eng pipeline and share (in progress)
  • Max to shorten retro by 15 min (DONE)
  • Max to archive retro (DONE)

What in the team's process is going well?

  • Still getting things done (impressive given the number and diversity of things we do)
  • The only person I am currently working with (Ramsey) is very responsive

What in the team's process could be improved?

  • Pam to chat about expectations around design process/dialogue
  • I got a bit bogged down in code review last week ... not exactly clear to me how I'm supposed to deal with code review requests from other teams
  • Looking forward to getting more feedback on designs as we work out our process
  • On the product side, we're still improving how we decide on the big picture direction (not really our team's fault, but I think there is opportunity for us to be more proactive)
  • Should we talk about QA backlog (as Max brought up in standup)? (addressed)

What in the team's process is confusing?

  • We're good!
  • Nothing is confusing... just the figuring out of how everything works, collaboration-wise, is taking time

Action Items

  • Ramsey to document Product-->Design-->Eng pipeline and share
  • Max to set up a recurring meeting for devs to hash out design feedback with Pam
  • Ramsey to archive this retro

Parking Lot

  • What direction should we be going with Commons and SDoC?