
Previous Action Items

  • Cormac: Archive this and last retro
  • Ramsey to continue to work with engineering team to set norms around absences and picking up the slack/coverage
  • Pam (email): Explore better communication channels for feedback (IRC is the current default)
  • Pam and Ramsey to talk about Product->Design->Engineering pipeline, starting with what is missing from user stories, try to get started with a loose process upon which we can iterate

What in the team's process is going well?

  • haha, are we suffering from retro burnout? (end of year burnout)
    • ^ This is a good thing?
  • We good, yo.
  • I think things are fine
  • We have a Blocked Column that helps clarify what is actually in-progress! +1

What in the team's process could be improved?

  • Cormac & Matthias need +2 on 3d2png repo
  • Nothing that I can think of
  • As illustrated by recent events, our communication with outside teams as far as staffing/resources/attention may need to be...more aggressive

What in the team's process is confusing?

  • Nothing at this moment
  • How we acquire talent, even when we don't ask for it Right?

Action Items


Parking Lot
