Reading/2015-2016 Q1 Planning Data
Here's some data queried from various systems as part of the Reading 2015-2016 Q1 goal setting, which may also be valuable as a frame of reference in Reading strategy formulation as well.
The following Google Sheet shows some data such as apps uniques, an hour slice of pageview data across multiple days, Wikipedia for Android app installations based on country and device type and Wikipedia for Android app ratings.
Uniques data for apps is available when data usage is enabled. Following are some additional data around counts of daily and monthly active users of features.
Monthly Apps Uniques
edityear month os uniques 2015 1 Android 6218069 2015 2 Android 5924051 2015 3 Android 6153423 2015 4 Android 8027334 2015 1 iOS 2276728 2015 2 iOS 2091847 2015 3 iOS 2126688 2015 4 iOS 2273389
Table of Contents
Schema revision 11014396 available since 20-January-2015
Android logging: yes
iOS logging: no
Sampling: 1%
select left(timestamp,8) as dt, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppToCInteraction_11014396 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt; +----------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +----------+-------------------------------------+ | 20150401 | 1417 | | 20150402 | 1526 | | 20150403 | 1794 | | 20150404 | 1947 | | 20150405 | 2130 | | 20150406 | 2025 | | 20150407 | 1900 | | 20150408 | 2008 | | 20150409 | 1887 | | 20150410 | 1870 | | 20150411 | 2005 | | 20150412 | 2225 | | 20150413 | 1929 | | 20150414 | 1956 | | 20150415 | 1863 | | 20150416 | 1978 | | 20150417 | 2269 | | 20150418 | 2923 | | 20150419 | 3243 | | 20150420 | 2798 | | 20150421 | 2804 | | 20150422 | 2861 | | 20150423 | 2573 | | 20150424 | 2509 | | 20150425 | 2649 | | 20150426 | 2743 | | 20150427 | 2490 | | 20150428 | 2425 | | 20150429 | 2724 | | 20150430 | 2071 | | 20150501 | 2765 | | 20150502 | 2427 | | 20150503 | 2693 | | 20150504 | 2149 | | 20150505 | 2158 | | 20150506 | 2142 | | 20150507 | 2206 | | 20150508 | 2174 | | 20150509 | 2318 | | 20150510 | 2494 | | 20150511 | 2144 | | 20150512 | 2168 | | 20150513 | 2040 | | 20150514 | 2136 | | 20150515 | 2008 | | 20150516 | 2119 | | 20150517 | 2317 | | 20150518 | 1957 | | 20150519 | 1988 | | 20150520 | 1897 | | 20150521 | 1869 | | 20150522 | 1962 | | 20150523 | 2145 | | 20150524 | 2344 | | 20150525 | 2002 | | 20150526 | 1904 | | 20150527 | 1818 | | 20150528 | 1690 | | 20150529 | 1702 | | 20150530 | 1914 | | 20150531 | 1863 | +----------+-------------------------------------+ select left(timestamp,6) as dt, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppToCInteraction_11014396 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt; +--------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +--------+-------------------------------------+ | 201504 | 32986 | | 201505 | 27386 | +--------+-------------------------------------+
Schema revision 10641988 available since 25-November-2014
Android logging: yes
iOS logging: implemented recently (forthcoming releases should generate higher numbers) (note: a regression where all search metadata events were being sent instead of 1% on iOS has been spotted and a fix is forthcoming - this data would be reflected in in June 2015 numbers if running queries)
Sampling: 1%
select left(timestamp,8) as dt, case when userAgent like '%Android%' then 'Android' when userAgent like '%iPhone%' then 'iOS' else 'other' end as ua, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt, ua; +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | ua | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | 20150401 | Android | 3902 | | 20150402 | Android | 3951 | | 20150403 | Android | 4467 | | 20150404 | Android | 4628 | | 20150405 | Android | 5123 | | 20150406 | Android | 4727 | | 20150407 | Android | 4305 | | 20150408 | Android | 4356 | | 20150409 | Android | 4205 | | 20150410 | Android | 4184 | | 20150411 | Android | 4491 | | 20150412 | Android | 4906 | | 20150413 | Android | 4302 | | 20150414 | Android | 4247 | | 20150415 | Android | 4118 | | 20150416 | Android | 4207 | | 20150417 | Android | 4541 | | 20150418 | Android | 5204 | | 20150419 | Android | 5662 | | 20150420 | Android | 5104 | | 20150421 | Android | 5060 | | 20150422 | Android | 5013 | | 20150423 | Android | 4566 | | 20150424 | Android | 4648 | | 20150425 | Android | 4801 | | 20150426 | Android | 4986 | | 20150427 | Android | 4559 | | 20150428 | Android | 4408 | | 20150429 | Android | 4712 | | 20150430 | Android | 3673 | | 20150501 | Android | 5058 | | 20150502 | Android | 4946 | | 20150503 | Android | 5390 | | 20150504 | Android | 4492 | | 20150505 | Android | 4617 | | 20150506 | Android | 4558 | | 20150507 | Android | 4572 | | 20150508 | Android | 4615 | | 20150508 | iOS | 1 | | 20150509 | Android | 4876 | | 20150510 | Android | 5172 | | 20150511 | Android | 4620 | | 20150511 | iOS | 1 | | 20150512 | Android | 4623 | | 20150512 | iOS | 4 | | 20150513 | Android | 4507 | | 20150513 | iOS | 7 | | 20150514 | Android | 4618 | | 20150514 | iOS | 9 | | 20150515 | Android | 4539 | | 20150515 | iOS | 4 | | 20150516 | Android | 4707 | | 20150516 | iOS | 4 | | 20150517 | Android | 5133 | | 20150517 | iOS | 2 | | 20150518 | Android | 4447 | | 20150518 | iOS | 7 | | 20150519 | Android | 4191 | | 20150519 | iOS | 12 | | 20150520 | Android | 4225 | | 20150520 | iOS | 8 | | 20150521 | Android | 4293 | | 20150521 | iOS | 6 | | 20150522 | Android | 4326 | | 20150522 | iOS | 5 | | 20150523 | Android | 4796 | | 20150523 | iOS | 4 | | 20150524 | Android | 5079 | | 20150524 | iOS | 16 | | 20150525 | Android | 4724 | | 20150525 | iOS | 33 | | 20150526 | Android | 4500 | | 20150526 | iOS | 27 | | 20150527 | Android | 4432 | | 20150527 | iOS | 30 | | 20150528 | Android | 4181 | | 20150528 | iOS | 30 | | 20150529 | Android | 4104 | | 20150529 | iOS | 33 | | 20150530 | Android | 4547 | | 20150530 | iOS | 32 | | 20150531 | Android | 4617 | | 20150531 | iOS | 31 | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ select left(timestamp,6) as dt, case when userAgent like '%Android%' then 'Android' when userAgent like '%iPhone%' then 'iOS' else 'other' end as ua, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt, ua; +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | ua | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | 201504 | Android | 40579 | | 201505 | Android | 38189 | | 201505 | iOS | 153 | +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+
Click through ratio for a day
editselect count(*) from MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988 where timestamp > '20150531' and timestamp < '201506' and event_action = 'start'; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 11929 | +----------+ Clicked: select count(*) from MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988 where timestamp > '20150531' and timestamp < '201506' and event_action = 'click'; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 10241 | +----------+
That's about an 85% clickthrough rate.
Other query examples that could be repurposed can be found at
Saved Pages
Schema revision 10375480 available since 31-October-2014
Android logging: yes
iOS logging: since approximately mid-April 2015
Sampling: 100%
select left(timestamp,8) as dt, case when userAgent like '%Android%' then 'Android' when userAgent like '%iPhone%' then 'iOS' else 'other' end as ua, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppSavedPages_10375480 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt, ua; +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | ua | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | 20150401 | Android | 13364 | | 20150401 | iOS | 11 | | 20150402 | Android | 13344 | | 20150402 | iOS | 11 | | 20150403 | Android | 13868 | | 20150403 | iOS | 22 | | 20150404 | Android | 13554 | | 20150404 | iOS | 10 | | 20150405 | Android | 14755 | | 20150405 | iOS | 11 | | 20150406 | Android | 14966 | | 20150406 | iOS | 8 | | 20150407 | Android | 15377 | | 20150407 | iOS | 15 | | 20150408 | Android | 15701 | | 20150408 | iOS | 14 | | 20150409 | Android | 15367 | | 20150409 | iOS | 14 | | 20150410 | Android | 14471 | | 20150410 | iOS | 19 | | 20150411 | Android | 14491 | | 20150411 | iOS | 9 | | 20150412 | Android | 15175 | | 20150412 | iOS | 11 | | 20150413 | Android | 15706 | | 20150413 | iOS | 10 | | 20150414 | Android | 15973 | | 20150414 | iOS | 38 | | 20150415 | Android | 15856 | | 20150415 | iOS | 1377 | | 20150416 | Android | 16119 | | 20150416 | iOS | 4532 | | 20150417 | Android | 16919 | | 20150417 | iOS | 4315 | | 20150418 | Android | 18499 | | 20150418 | iOS | 4626 | | 20150419 | Android | 20481 | | 20150419 | iOS | 5386 | | 20150420 | Android | 20842 | | 20150420 | iOS | 5348 | | 20150421 | Android | 21310 | | 20150421 | iOS | 4885 | | 20150422 | Android | 20976 | | 20150422 | iOS | 4730 | | 20150423 | Android | 18778 | | 20150423 | iOS | 3949 | | 20150424 | Android | 18483 | | 20150424 | iOS | 4124 | | 20150425 | Android | 16405 | | 20150425 | iOS | 4121 | | 20150426 | Android | 17144 | | 20150426 | iOS | 4256 | | 20150427 | Android | 18412 | | 20150427 | iOS | 4158 | | 20150428 | Android | 18228 | | 20150428 | iOS | 3897 | | 20150429 | Android | 19710 | | 20150429 | iOS | 4386 | | 20150430 | Android | 14825 | | 20150430 | iOS | 3100 | | 20150501 | Android | 17820 | | 20150501 | iOS | 4446 | | 20150502 | Android | 16323 | | 20150502 | iOS | 4338 | | 20150503 | Android | 17526 | | 20150503 | iOS | 4919 | | 20150504 | Android | 17187 | | 20150504 | iOS | 4407 | | 20150505 | Android | 18295 | | 20150505 | iOS | 4489 | | 20150506 | Android | 18623 | | 20150506 | iOS | 4560 | | 20150507 | Android | 17773 | | 20150507 | iOS | 4343 | | 20150508 | Android | 16797 | | 20150508 | iOS | 4228 | | 20150509 | Android | 16134 | | 20150509 | iOS | 4612 | | 20150510 | Android | 17524 | | 20150510 | iOS | 5046 | | 20150511 | Android | 17897 | | 20150511 | iOS | 4604 | | 20150512 | Android | 18058 | | 20150512 | iOS | 4577 | | 20150513 | Android | 17742 | | 20150513 | iOS | 4969 | | 20150514 | Android | 17508 | | 20150514 | iOS | 5468 | | 20150515 | Android | 16128 | | 20150515 | iOS | 4702 | | 20150516 | Android | 15282 | | 20150516 | iOS | 4648 | | 20150516 | other | 1 | | 20150517 | Android | 16804 | | 20150517 | iOS | 5195 | | 20150518 | Android | 16453 | | 20150518 | iOS | 4548 | | 20150519 | Android | 14227 | | 20150519 | iOS | 3734 | | 20150520 | Android | 15539 | | 20150520 | iOS | 4427 | | 20150521 | Android | 16582 | | 20150521 | iOS | 4550 | | 20150522 | Android | 15546 | | 20150522 | iOS | 4253 | | 20150523 | Android | 15015 | | 20150523 | iOS | 4670 | | 20150524 | Android | 16248 | | 20150524 | iOS | 5153 | | 20150525 | Android | 16157 | | 20150525 | iOS | 4890 | | 20150526 | Android | 17088 | | 20150526 | iOS | 4710 | | 20150527 | Android | 16826 | | 20150527 | iOS | 4571 | | 20150528 | Android | 16422 | | 20150528 | iOS | 4461 | | 20150529 | Android | 15182 | | 20150529 | iOS | 4318 | | 20150530 | Android | 15085 | | 20150530 | iOS | 4615 | | 20150531 | Android | 14615 | | 20150531 | iOS | 4762 | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ select left(timestamp,6) as dt, case when userAgent like '%Android%' then 'Android' when userAgent like '%iPhone%' then 'iOS' else 'other' end as ua, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppSavedPages_10375480 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt, ua; +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | ua | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | 201504 | Android | 268095 | | 201504 | iOS | 51105 | | 201505 | Android | 257902 | | 201505 | iOS | 94940 | | 201505 | other | 1 | +--------+---------+-------------------------------------+
Image Gallery
Schema revision 10923135 available since 9-January-2015
Android logging: yes
iOS logging: no
Sampling: 100
select left(timestamp,8) as dt, case when userAgent like '%Android%' then 'Android' when userAgent like '%iPhone%' then 'iOS' else 'other' end as ua, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppMediaGallery_10923135 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt, ua; +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | ua | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ | 20150401 | Android | 78426 | | 20150402 | Android | 79490 | | 20150403 | Android | 90718 | | 20150404 | Android | 95054 | | 20150405 | Android | 105564 | | 20150406 | Android | 95671 | | 20150407 | Android | 81753 | | 20150408 | Android | 80812 | | 20150409 | Android | 80294 | | 20150410 | Android | 78739 | | 20150411 | Android | 91069 | | 20150412 | Android | 99451 | | 20150413 | Android | 81556 | | 20150414 | Android | 78439 | | 20150415 | Android | 76866 | | 20150416 | Android | 78319 | | 20150417 | Android | 87169 | | 20150418 | Android | 106335 | | 20150419 | Android | 119175 | | 20150420 | Android | 101164 | | 20150421 | Android | 99037 | | 20150422 | Android | 99451 | | 20150423 | Android | 89661 | | 20150424 | Android | 95515 | | 20150425 | Android | 101072 | | 20150426 | Android | 106084 | | 20150427 | Android | 93318 | | 20150428 | Android | 88085 | | 20150429 | Android | 97892 | | 20150430 | Android | 71918 | | 20150501 | Android | 113034 | | 20150502 | Android | 108558 | | 20150503 | Android | 119564 | | 20150504 | Android | 97713 | | 20150505 | Android | 97414 | | 20150506 | Android | 94754 | | 20150507 | Android | 95370 | | 20150508 | Android | 95305 | | 20150509 | Android | 106979 | | 20150510 | Android | 115923 | | 20150511 | Android | 96888 | | 20150512 | Android | 94369 | | 20150513 | Android | 92532 | | 20150514 | Android | 100016 | | 20150515 | Android | 94499 | | 20150516 | Android | 103576 | | 20150517 | Android | 115159 | | 20150518 | Android | 93848 | | 20150519 | Android | 89115 | | 20150520 | Android | 89161 | | 20150521 | Android | 89807 | | 20150522 | Android | 87998 | | 20150523 | Android | 105810 | | 20150524 | Android | 114121 | | 20150525 | Android | 102855 | | 20150526 | Android | 93849 | | 20150527 | Android | 89968 | | 20150528 | Android | 89061 | | 20150529 | Android | 87549 | | 20150530 | Android | 99647 | | 20150531 | Android | 104623 | +----------+---------+-------------------------------------+ (following query skips checks for type of userAgent as they’re all Android) select left(timestamp,6) as dt, count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) from MobileWikiAppMediaGallery_10923135 where timestamp > '201504' and timestamp < '201506' group by dt; +--------+-------------------------------------+ | dt | count(distinct(event_appInstallID)) | +--------+-------------------------------------+ | 201504 | 1509562 | | 201505 | 1604548 | +--------+-------------------------------------+
Share a Fact
editPrevious data were communicated on mobile-l about the Share a Fact feature.