Quality Assurance/Meetings/2015-06-09

#wikimedia-office: Browser-Tests triage meeting


Meeting started by zeljkof-meetingz at 15:07:46 UTC. The full logs are available at https://tools.wmflabs.org/meetbot/wikimedia-office/2015/wikimedia-office.2015-06-09-15.07.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • triaging "doing" column (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:14:11)
    • LINK: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T73531 is waiting for review (marxarelli, 15:15:20)
    • ACTION: zeljkof-meetingz to review commit related to T73531 (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:15:32)
    • ACTION: marxarelli to work on T99653 (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:16:58)
  • triaging waiting-for column (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:21:31)
  • discussion about the names and the setup of the columns on the board (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:25:31)
    • AGREED: the existing columns make sense for now (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:32:51)
  • triaging to-triage column (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:45:13)
    • AGREED: lower T99660 from high no low, move from to-triage to todo column (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:46:52)
    • AGREED: change T94577 from high priority to low, move it from to-triage to todo column (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:51:45)
    • AGREED: remove from browser-tests board, leave it on releng board (zeljkof-meetingz, 15:53:54)

Meeting ended at 15:55:46 UTC.

Action items

  • marxarelli will +2 the related commit and resolve the bug
  • zeljkof-meetingz to review commit related to T73531
  • marxarelli to work on T99653

Action items, by person

  • marxarelli
    • marxarelli will +2 the related commit and resolve the bug
    • marxarelli to work on T99653
  • zeljkof-meetingz
    • zeljkof-meetingz to review commit related to T73531

People present (lines said)

  • zeljkof-meetingz (26)
  • hashar (12)
  • marxarelli (5)
  • wm-labs-meetbot (3)
  • hasharMeeting (1)

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