Quality Assurance/Article Feedback Test Plan

Thanks for helping us test this tool. The point of this tool is to make it easier for Wikipedia readers to assess what articles are good or need improvement, and to encourage them to edit Wikipedia. You've seen this tool on other Wikipedia pages, but we're testing a new and better version of it on certain test pages before we then roll it out across the whole site.

OpenHatch Article Feedback Tool 9 June Test Plan



  • Test nearly-final version of Article Feedback Tool ("AFT"). Last chance to identify potential issues before final version
    • Validate appearance and behavior of AFT user interface to create feedback on articles.
    • Validate appearance, workflow, and display of existing feedback for articles
    • Validate workflow that leads to editing Wikipedia
    • Validate filtering of feedback

Platforms/Browsers of Interest


We should focus our testing on these top browser versions for Wikipedia:

  • IE 9+
  • Chrome 14+
  • Firefox 6+ (with and without the "HTTPS-Everywhere" extension)
  • Safari 4+ (only for desktop, not for IOS mobile platforms)

These should be tested on these desktop platforms:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

We want to test all those browsers, both with and without "privacy/incognito" mode set.

Other platforms are not supported at this time for this project, including mobile browsers. The AFT tool is not supposed to work for any platform other than those listed above

Pages to test


These pages have been set up as special test environments (Note: we are testing the real, live website, so please be respectful).

How to test


For an explanation of Exploratory Testing, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploratory_testing and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session-based_test .

For tracking purposes, include "AFT test" somewhere in the data you type into the Article Feedback tool, when appropriate.

  • Some general testing "charters" (ideas for things to do):
    • Create feedback
      • Use unusual characters, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
    • Display feedback
      • Check links on page
      • Check 'Show more...'
      • Check display of long text, unusual characters, etc.
    • Workflow
      • Check the paths through AFT features, the back button, etc.
      • Check your ultimate ability to edit Wikipedia
    • Negative tests
      • Check that AFT does not appear where it should not: User pages, Talk pages, Main Page, Featured, etc.

Some specific areas of interest for testing:

  • As a reader, consider testing in these areas:
    • use filters to find helpful or featured feedback
    • use sort tools to sort the lists by relevance, date, etc.
    • look for inappropriate feedback and flag it as abuse
    • look for useful feedback and mark it as helpful
    • check to see that the filter counters match the number of list items
  • If you sometimes edit Wikipedia, consider testing in these areas:
    • feature an exceptional post
    • if you see a featured post that has been addressed, mark as resolved
    • check the permalink page to confirm that the relevance and helpfulness scores work

If you find a bug


Please report it in Bugzilla, and make the title ("summary") "OH-AFT <your issue>". That will help us find these reports later.

  • You can use this link to prefill the:
    • Product: MediaWiki extensions
    • Component: 'ArticleFeedbackv5'
    • Keywords: 'aftv5-1.5'
  • Discuss issues in the chat channel, #mediawiki connect.
  • optional: Edit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User_talk:Cmcmahon with description of the issue
  • optional: Email cmcmahon wikimedia.org

Optional extras


IMPORTANT: If possible, create an account on http://en.wikipedia.org/ no later than Tuesday 4 June and complete at least ten edits. This will make your account "autoconfirmed" as of June 9. Autoconfirmed accounts have access to more AFT features. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Article_feedback/Version_5/Feature_Requirements#Access_and_permissions for details. Create your User page and your User_talk page. (Note: editing your user page and your User_talk page count as Wikipedia edits, but feel free to complete your ten edits by updating Wikipedia articles, for example about your home town, or about some subject of interest to you.)

  • For the AFT test, login on http://en.wikipedia.org/. This is not required, but it makes several things easier:
    • Any edits to pages preserve the identity of the editor
    • Provides a User_talk page, which is a good place to take notes
    • Allows you to set and keep various user preferences relevant to testing
  • Create an account in Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/
    • This is also not strictly required, but recommended strongly for reporting issues
  • Join our chat channel, #mediawiki connect, on the freenode IRC server at 10AM Pacific time 9 June for introductions and discussion.

Technical Resources
