Project:Support desk/Sections/System

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Sidebar: edition without changes

Hello, I have Mediawiki v1.16.0beta3. From 3 days I'm trying to do sth with MediaWiki:Sidebar and everything looks ok except menu where changes never appear. Present situation: another content in MediaWiki:Sidebar, another in menu on the left where changes should be visible. Every things described on wiki help (disscusion) pages didn't work, cache cleaning, purging, trying from another admin account, deleting and renewing page either. Site: Please help, I'm losing my hairs. (Adam)

IIS7 Installation and International characters in URL bug

  • When diacritics is used in url after installation on IIS7 (tested 1.13.2 and 1.15.1, PHP 5.2.9) WIN28K, and semicolon (:) is used, server throws an error and in URL is xn-- (yes and server throws HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found), example:
  • original: http://localhost/index.php?title=á:á
  • when entered: http://localhost/index.xn--php?title=-14a:%C3%A1 This is fundamental problem especially when custom namespaces with accent characters are used.
  • This critical bug is not present on Apache.
  • MediaWiki version: 1.15.1
  • PHP version: 5.2.9
  • MySQL version: 5.0.77
  • URL (Local Server)

Hi, All I'm trying to parse a page which need login condition to edit. I successfully logged in the mediawiki via api. An d try to open a protected page with following link,

$h=@fopen("http://path/to/mediawiki/api.php?action=parse&page=".$pagename."&format=xml", "r");

But the output have not any edit link.

404 for non-logged in users

  • MediaWiki 1.15.1 (r59167)
  • PHP 5.2.10 (cgi-fcgi)
  • MySQL 5.0.51a-community-nt
  • URL: (private network)
  • Win2k/IIS5 (using php5isapi.dll)

Many links result in a 404 error, if the user tries to navigate as a non-logged in user. As soon as they log in, everything is then fine...

Resolved: 404 when using short url

  • MediaWiki: 1.11.0
  • PHP: 5.2.5 (cgi-fcgi)
  • MySQL: 5.0.67.d7-ourdelta-log
  • URL:

Hello, I have been trying to use short url for my wiki by following instructions at Manual:Short URL/wiki/Page title -- no root access but could not achieve the results. My server is Apache and my wiki is saved at htdocs\Mediawiki. I have tried saving the .htaccess file in htdocs\Mediawiki, htdocs\, htdocs\sample_html, htdocs\Mediawiki\sample_html, but it didn't work. Whenever I tried to go to, it throws error 404, page not found. This is what I have put in my .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^wiki/(.*)$ /Mediawiki/index.php?title=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^wiki/*$ /Mediawiki/index.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/*$ /Mediawiki/index.php [L,QSA]

Can you please help me in getting this working?

Thanks a lot, Vikas

I tried the same settings on server and it worked fine there. Somehow on my localhost it didn't work and was giving 404. Works great on the godaddy server.

(Resolved) Error 404 Page Not Found - MediaWiki Install on IIS 6.0, PHP, Windows 2003, FastCGI

I had some trouble resolving the error 404 Page Not Found
IIS virtual directory configuration: On Home Directory tab, click on Configuration and add Application Extension Mapping for php. The entry must be ".php" and "C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.dll" for FastCGI, otherwise use c:\php\php5isapi.dll.
My version of fcgiext.ini had incorrect [Types] section... Should be (verify php path on your install)



Also, was very helpful.

Signatures don't work properly on 1.15.1

Also asked here: w:en:Wikipedia_talk:Signatures#Invalid_links_in_signatures_-_MediaWiki_1.15.1.

I just realized that ~~~~ is creating links to SomeUserName and not User:SomeUserName. Is this a known MediaWiki bug? Is there a fix and/or workaround?

HELP! Anyone?

Hi there, please check in the user's preferences if the check box under the signature is hooked. Does this cause any effect to your problem? Bye --Robis.

Something similar to early WikiWords?

  • MediaWiki: 1.14.0

Hey, I'm setting up a wiki right now and i need to know if it is possible to create variables/functions for strings in wiki articles and pages?


Some text on the page
And even more text.

So now i know for sure that ppl at my company filling the wiki will miss to add [[links]] to other pages from time to time. I just want to make sure that the links to other pages that exist will be created. So i need to know if it's possible (maybe using MagicWords) if i set the string text as a variable for the function [[text]]. I have no idea how to do that and if it is even possible :).

TOC/Numbered List Formatting Bug

There is a formatting bug when a left aligned TOC has a numbered list to its right. The indentations don't appear to occur and the numbers themselves are located within the TOC box.

I tried upgrading to 1.15.1 to see if it had been fixed but it looked the same. (I then went back to 1.12.0 because I was having trouble convincing 1.15.1 to allow page edits, but that's likely my issue)

Here's the simple code that my example page uses to test it:

''Special notice text''
{| align="left"
| __TOC__
== Sample Section Heading ==

:#First item in an indented, numbered list
:#Second item in an indented, numbered list
:#Third item in an indented, numbered list

== Another Sample Heading ==

Blah, blah, blah

No Entries in "Recent Changes"

  • MediaWiki version: 1.15.1
  • PHP version: 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10(apache2handler)
  • MySQL version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5
  • URL:

In the menu entry "Recent Changes" is no entry listed. I cannot find any solution for this Problem in the internet. Hopefully, someone here can help me


Hi Stefan, have you filtered your Recent Changes (RC) list? See the choice in the upper part of the RC page. There is also a checkbox for filtering minor or controlled edits in the user's preferences. Bye --Robis.

Hydrowiki - No Display of Content in Read Mode, BUT in Edit Mode

First we had a Raid Crash - We had to copy all the data to new HDDs All Rights were set to read only, then to 775 WWWRUN:WWW for the Hydrowiki

Now when accessing the Site all Hydrowiki articles are not displayed at all, BUT when going in Edit Mode the content of each Hydrowiki article is there.

Here is a screenshot of the database -

Here is a screenshot of the hydrowiki in reading mode -

Here is a screenshot of the hydrowiki in edit mode -

Has anyone seen this behaviour ?

We installed a fresh copy of the newest mediawiki with a fresh database setup and the problem is the same!

Hope Someone can help us out here!

Greetings Michael


MediaWiki 1.15.2 PHP 5.3.2 (apache2handler) MySQL 5.1.47 URL:

In my Wiki I use ISBN # to univoquely identify bibliographic sources with transclusions. Therefore I would like to remove the automatic redirection to the search page whenever I write an ISBN. Is it possible?

Csoliverez, Patagonia, July 26 2010.

Searchfunction in Files

  • MediaWiki version: 1.15.4
  • PHP version: 5.3.0 (apache2handler)
  • MySQL version: 5.1.37
  • URL: Intranet

Hi there!

I've got a little question about the searchfunction in my MediaWiki. Is it possible to search not only pages fulltext but also a word or phrase inside of a file uploaded to MediaWiki? One Solution would be to create for every file a new Wikipage and Copy the text into it. This would be much work and i think there must be a better way. Maybe there is a plugin which can handle this?

Thanks for your help and i hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards