
This page is a translated version of the page Phabricator/Permissions and the translation is 9% complete.

Roles and permissions in phabricator.wikimedia.org.

Anonymous users can view all the public information as read-only.

નોંધાયેલ સભ્યો

Registered users can perform all the common activities: create and edit tasks, comment, upload mockups and files, edit their own profile...

Any Wikimedia SUL and any Wikimedia LDAP user can register.

ACL સમૂહો

Phabricator contain some ACL projects which is used to enforce policy restrictions. The following is a partial list of ACL projects; the description is usually only part of permissions of the groups.

ACL projects are for access control only; they are not meant to be used for task management. Tasks should be added to a corresponding team project (which is public).

Other than those indicated specifically, membership application are handled by tasks in the Phabricator project.

A minimal policy control group for access to certain features in Phabricator which might be prone to abuse, including "protect as security issue" feature and personal Herald rules.
Have permission of batch edits.
Create projects. See phab:T706 for permission request. Note public projects may be edited by all Trusted-Contributors.
Create and edit Diffusion Repositories.
Policy-Admins and subprojects; acl*sre-team, acl*stewards, acl*otrs-admins, etc.
Various "policy admins" projects are used to manage access policies of Phabricator objects (for example, tasks and other projects). They are also used in space policies. Other than dedicated "policy admins" projects, ACL projects may also be created for otherwise defined restricted user groups or WMF teams.
Manages homepage dashboard and global Herald rules.
Access to tasks restricted to some of WMF employee, and volunteers who signed Trusted Volunteer Access & Confidentiality Agreement (see that page for process to sign).
Access to Security issues. Members must be approved by Wikimedia Security Team and have 2FA enabled. See Access To Security Issues for group membership unless otherwise indicated. Per phab:T244165, members consist of the following subgroups (Wikimedia Security Team may define additional subgroups):
For current bugwrangler(s).
acl*security_developer, acl*security_documentation, acl*security_legal, acl*security_management, acl*security_product_manager, acl*security_program_manager, acl*security_releng, acl*security_secteam, acl*security_sre, acl*security_trusa
Some groups of WMF employees, who have access to security issues for work purposes. NDA is signed as part of Terms of Employment.
WMDE employees who have access to security issues for work purposes.
(Some of) current stewards who have access to security issues. (This ACL is separate from acl*stewards, which includes all stewards with a Phabricator account and does not give access to security issues.)
Other volunteer with access to security issues.


Administrators can do and break a lot, although in Phabricator they are not all-powerful by design. They can access protected data (except your password), and they can make it accessible to others accidentally. However, administrators cannot bypass object access policies.

For these reasons, membership of the Administrators team is very restricted. No one can be an administrator in Phabricator without signing an NDA. A process to join/leave this team must be defined (currently, please file a task under phab:tag/phabricator/ and explain your reasoning). Also see the (now obsolete) Bugzilla administrator rights policy.

Some tasks (e.g. removing Two Factor Authentication) may not be done by ordinary Phabricator administrators; They may only be performed by people with shell access to Phabricator servers.

Phabricator Training

See the Help page to learn more about using Phabricator.