Phabricator/Bugzilla default CCs

Wikimedia has migrated from Bugzilla to Phabricator. If you are not yet in Wikimedia Phabricator: please register!

While accounts from Bugzilla were migrated and can be claimed in Phabricator we could not automatically migrate default assignees and default CCs.

If you were on the default CC list (or default assignee) for at least one Bugzilla component you are included in the list below.

Please join and watch the projects yourself that you are interested in or work on (as the concept of default CCs does not exist in Phabricator)!

The list below shows the (truncated) email address that you used in Bugzilla. Please note:

  • The list also includes Bugzilla components which might have been inactive ("archived" in Phabricator). Bugzilla projects with zero reports did not get migrated, hence a small number of links might not work and result in a "404 Not Found" error message.
  • Some teams might have renamed their projects in Phabricator in the meantime to go for a different naming and workflow scheme. You can search for projects in Phabricator.

Your (truncated) user ID in Bugzilla and your projects edit