Parsing/Get involved

24 November 2017, update

You can visit Parsing/Replacing_Tidy/Linter/Stats for links to periodic updates that will allow you to learn how your wiki is doing with the Tidy-related fixes.

10 August 2017, update

We have a revived dashboard that tracks linter error counts on wikis for all linter categories. See

05 August 2017, update

You can now see the results of visual differences tests on a sample of articles: .

10 July 2017, new

We will not use Tidy on Wikimedia wikis in the future. It will be replaced by June 2018. It could be earlier. Editors' support is necessary to fix pages that could break. See the simplified instructions for editors; you can use tools such as Linter or WPCleaner to assist you.

26 June 2017, update

Because of the preprocessor changes, pages containing certain syntax are now broken (in some cases, you may need to refresh to notice it). The latest update to the list of the affected pages on each wiki was just published.

15 May 2017, new

Markup that looks like code for language variants might need to be fixed. This is because of some code fixes to the preprocessor and affects all wikis. You can now see the full list of wikis with this problem and help fix them to avoid that things break later. You might find false positives. Read more about what to fix. You can use community tools such as AutoWikiBrowser to assist you.