Templat dan Modul Berbagai Bahasa
Halaman ini menjelaskan cara membuat modul dan templat global, lintas-wiki, dan multibahasa, dan cara menjaganya agar tetap sinkron di seluruh wiki Wikimedia.

Mengapa ini penting? Karena kita tidak memiliki Wikipedia tunggal, kita memiliki 300+ Wikipedia terpisah dan proyek wiki lainnya, dan setiap kali seseorang membuat template baru yang baik atau modul Lua, itu disalin dan diterjemahkan 300+ kali. Setiap penerjemah harus memahami secara menyeluruh MediaWiki markup, membuat menyalin adalah proses yang sangat membosankan dan cenderung kesalahan, sebagian karena penulis template sering berasumsi templat mereka akan digunakan hanya dalam satu bahasa. Setelah disalin, templat asli seringkali ditingkatkan, dan setiap salinan harus diperbarui sambil menjaga semua terjemahan yang ada. Biaya manusia murni menyalin template dan modul sangat tinggi sehingga sebagian besar tidak pernah dityalin atau tidak pernah diperbarui, terutama untuk wiki yang lebih kecil.
Apakah ini pendekatan yang terbaik? Tidak, tapi itu pendekatan terbaik dengan teknologi saat ini. Sebuah penulisan ulang MediaWiki yang signifikan diperlukan untuk memungkinkan ini di tingkat sistem. Templat multi-situs telah diminta sejak awal tahun 2001, tetapi tidak banyak yang dilakukan hanya karena ini adalah masalah yang sulit untuk diselesaikan. Dengan pendekatan ini, sekarang sudah mungkin untuk membuat konten multilingual, dan setelah MediaWiki mendukungnya, kita dapat dengan mudah memindahkan konten multilingue ke sistem baru tanpa banyak pekerjaan.
Here are some examples of Lua modules that have been globalized and are being kept in sync across wikis using the Sinkronisasi tool:
- Module:Excerpt (Q52428273-enwiki)
- Module:Transcluder (Q96679044-enwiki)
- Module:Cycling race (Q21707933-wikidatawiki)
- Module:TNT (Q28132212-mediawikiwiki)
Metode umum
Untuk membuat modul global:
- Desain atau mendesain ulang modul sehingga memberikan cara bagi wiki untuk memlokalkan semua yang mungkin mereka butuhkan untuk memlokalisasi, tanpa harus memodifikasi kode sumber. Halaman ini menjelaskan beberapa teknik untuk mencapai ini.
- Gunakan alat Sinkronisasi untuk menjaga kode sumber yang sama di seluruh wiki Wikimedia.
Praktik terbaik
Bagian ini menjelaskan beberapa praktik terbaik saat ini untuk mengembangkan modul global.
This section can be ignored for modules designed to be called from templates only.
Global modules that are meant to be used by other modules should be named the same in all wikis to avoid dependency breaks with other global modules. For example, if a module named A requires a module named B, but in some wiki, module B is named C, then module A will not work in that wiki, unless the source code of module A is changed locally to require C instead of B, which would defeat globalization (of module A).
If a local community does not accept the global name, or renaming is too much trouble, then a workaround is to create a "redirect module" with the global name, that simply requires and returns the module with the local name.
Fortunately, the fact that the Module namespace is named differently in each language doesn't break dependencies, because "Module" is an alias for the Module namespace in all languages.
Master module
Global modules should pick one wiki where to do the development. Generally this will be the home wiki of the module, but it may migrate for various reasons, for example to increase the chances of recruiting new developers by centralizing the development in a larger or more appropriate wiki.
Global modules should start with a comment that includes a link to the master module, to reduce the chances of forking and help recruit new developers (example).
Global modules should have a /sandbox subpage where to test out changes before deploying them to the master module and the other wikis (example).
Global modules should have a /testcases subpage with good unit tests to ensure high quality and stability of the module (example). Test cases should:
- Use Module:ScribuntoUnit
- Run with both the main module and the sandbox versions, so that we can compare the results (example)
- Use require('strict') to avoid accidentally using non-declared variables
- Output results both in
and the main/doc
page of the module, to catch errors as early as possible
Global modules should have a /doc subpage with documentation of all public functions of the module (example) and a section with the testcase runs for both the primary and the sandbox versions of the module (example).
Global modules that require configuration should have a separate /config submodule to prevent local wikis from modifying the source code to configure the module (example).
Once a module is able to be copied unchanged to other wikis, the Sinkronisasi tool can be used to copy it and keep it synced across all Wikimedia wikis.
Backwards compatibility
Global modules should generally keep development backwards-compatible, because changes that are not backwards-compatible will often require manual updates to each and every wiki, template and module that uses the module.
Localization of template parameters
Global modules can have their parameters localized by the template callers. For example, consider the following module that simply outputs the given text (or "Example" if none is given):
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame.args
local text = args['text'] or 'Example'
return text
return p
Then a Spanish template would localize the module like so:
| text = {{{texto|Ejemplo}}}
Notice that the template not only localizes the name of the "text" parameter ("texto" means "text" in Spanish), but also the default text ("Ejemplo" means "Example" in Spanish).
See Plantilla:Extracto for a real case of a template that localizes a global module with this technique. Also, see Template:Excerpt for a case where a global module is localized to the English Wikipedia, demonstrating that localization is not always the same as translation.
Localization of user-readable strings
Many modules need to output user-readable strings, such as error messages and interface elements (like buttons). Hard-coding the text of these strings forces other wikis to modify the code in order to localize them, preventing globalization. To avoid this, developers should provide ways to localize user-readable strings without having to modify the code itself. This section explains several ways to accomplish this.
Template parameters
User-readable strings can be localized through template parameters when calling the module. This approach is convenient when:
- The text is likely to vary with each template call
- The text is likely to be changed by users when calling the template
- The text is likely to contain a magic word, a template call, a parser function or some other wiki element
An example of a module using this approach would be:
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame.args
local text = args['text'] or 'Example'
return text
return p
This way, every template may modify the text when calling the module, like so:
| text = Ejemplo
Notice that in this example, if a template calls the module without specifying the text
parameter, then the hard-coded English text 'Example' would be used.
This is not necessary.
Modules may require template callers to set the text
parameter by throwing an error if they don't.
However, it's often friendlier to have a fallback.
Config file
Another way to localize user-readable strings is through a separate /config subpage. This approach is convenient when:
- The module is meant to be called by many templates per wiki, thus allowing localization to be done only once and then reused
- There're many messages to localize, so it's easier to have them all together in their own place
- There's already a need for a /config file for other reasons, so we might as well use it for localization too
An example of a module using this approach would be:
local config = require('Module:Example/config')
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local text = config.text or 'Example'
return text
return p
Then wikis would be able to create /config files like the following:
return {
text = 'Ejemplo'
Translation tables
Another way to localize user-readable strings is through a central translation table at Commons. This approach is convenient when:
- The strings should vary with the preferred language of the user, rather than the language of the wiki or page.
- We want to centralize localization efforts on a single page.
The Module:TNT was created specifically to get strings from translation tables. An example module using TNT could look like this:
local TNT = require('Module:TNT')
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local text = TNT.format('I18n/Example', 'text')
return text
return p
See Data:I18n/Template:Graphs.tab for a simple but real example of a translation table with two messages, each having a single parameter. It's important to store parameters as parts of the strings because in many languages the parameter would have to be placed at a different position in the string according to the norms of the language.
Translation tables should start with the "Data:I18n/..." prefix to separate them from other types of tabular data. If a message has not yet been localized, TNT will fall back to English (or other fallback language as defined by the language's fallback sequence ). TNT also supports all standard localization conventions such as {{PLURAL|...}} and other parameters .
One downside of this approach is that it requires installing and setting up Ekstensi:JsonConfig , which may not have been done on non-Wikimedia wikis, limiting the ability to reuse these modules on third-party wikis.
MediaWiki messages
In some cases, MediaWiki itself (or some extension) may have the messages we need already localized. For example, if we need the string "New page" we may use MediaWiki:Newpage, like so:
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local msg = mw.message.new('newpage')
local text = msg:plain()
return text
return p
See Special:AllMessages for a list of all available messages.
All of the above
Depending on the case, all of the above methods may be combined. For example, MediaWiki messages may be used when available, and when not, a translation table or config file is queried, and if no localization is found there, then a hard-coded English text is used, unless a template parameter overrides it.
Combining several methods can be effective, but the benefits should be weighted against the downsides of the increased complexity, which may cause performance loss and bugs, as well as more difficulty in maintaining the code and recruiting new developers.
Template data
Template parameters are usually stored as a JSON templatedata block inside the template's /doc
This makes it convenient to translate, but when a new parameter is added to a global template, all /doc
pages need to be updated in every language.
Module:TNT helps with this by automatically generating the templatedata block from a table stored on Commons.
Placing the following line into every /doc
subpage will use Data:Templatedata/Graph:Lines.tab table to generate all the needed templatedata information in every language.
Even if the local community has not translated the full template documentation, they will be able to see all template parameters, centrally updated.
See also
- Wishlist proposal 2019 (40 votes)
- T122086 - RFC: Sharing templates and modules between wikis - poor man's version (original idea for this bot)
- T121470 - Central Global Repository for Templates, Lua modules, and Gadgets ticket (main ticket for everything cross-site shareable)
- T41610 - Scribunto should support global module invocations
- Global templates/Proposed specification, short version - Proposal to implement a similar idea comprehensively, without the need for the special tools, and with full support in MediaWiki core and extensions
- Global gadgets - Gadgets that are designed and ready to be used in any wiki