Mobile web/Trello

For project and workflow management, the Mobile Web team uses Trello. Various housekeeping and procedural things in Trello are documented here. Some if not all of these are specific to the mobile web project.

All procedures below assume that you are logged in to Trello and have administrative access to the Mobile Web boards.

Boards edit

At any given time, the mobile web team maintains 4 distinct boards in Trello. The 4 board types are documented below. Note that the board names follow specific conventions, and that sprint names are determined collectively by the team at Sprint Kickoff, fitting into a category defined at the beginning of the fiscal year and proceeding in alphabetical order. For example, for FY2014-2015, the team has decided to have sprint names that correspond to 'kick-ass movie titles' - eg 'Armageddon', followed by 'Brazil', etc.

The mobile web team uses a third party extension called 'Scrum for Trello' ( The extension adds estimation functionality to Trello cards, and displays an estimate total for each column on the Trello board.

Current sprint edit

Naming convention:

Mobile Web - Current Sprint ## (sprint name)


Mobile Web - Current Sprint 28 (Brazil [n the Hood])

Next sprint edit

Naming convention:

Mobile Web - Next Sprint ## (first letter of next iteration name)


Mobile Web - Next Sprint 29 (C____)

Quarterly backlog edit

Naming convention:

Mobile Web - Q# Backlog (FY)


Mobile Web - Q1 Backlog (2014/2015)

Bug backlog edit

Mobile Web - Bug Backlog

Kicking off a new iteration edit

  1. Move all cards that have not been accepted from the old iteration to the 'next iteration' board, unless there are cards the product owner does not wish to move to the new iteration. This is, sadly, a manual process that must be done card-by-card (there is no way to do this in batches).
  2. Close the old iteration board. (Show sidebar -> Menu -> Close Board)
  3. Go to the 'next iteration' board.
  4. Rename the 'next iteration' board to the current iteration, following the appropriate naming convention and updating the sprint name based on the name agreed upon by the team. (Single-click on the board name which loads a renaming dialog box)
  5. Make sure all team members are added to the board.
  6. Make sure that the Bugello user is added to the board (@bugello_wmf1)
  7. Create a new 'next iteration' board, following the appropriate naming convention.
  8. Make sure that all team members are added to the board (do NOT add the Bugello user at this time).