Mobile i18n/Transliteration based

Yes Done marks methods that are going to be included in the preview release of the Mobile Android Keyboard

  1. ady - cyrl-palochka
  2. ahr - mr-transliteration Yes Done
  3. ahr - mr-inscript
  4. am - am-transliteration Yes Done
  5. as - as-transliteration Yes Done
  6. as - as-avro Yes Done
  7. as - as-bornona Yes Done
  8. as - as-inscript
  9. av - cyrl-palochka
  10. be - be-transliteration
  11. be - be-latin
  12. be-tarask - be-transliteration
  13. be-tarask - be-latin
  14. ber - ber-tfng
  15. bn - bn-avro
  16. bn - bn-inscript
  17. bn - bn-nkb
  18. bn - bn-probhat
  19. brx - brx-inscript
  20. ce - cyrl-palochka
  21. da - da-normforms
  22. de - de
  23. en - ipa-sil
  24. eo - eo-transliteration
  25. fo - fo-normforms
  26. fi - fi-transliteration
  27. gom - hi-transliteration
  28. gom - hi-inscript
  29. gu - gu-transliteration
  30. gu - gu-inscript
  31. he - he-standard-2012-extonly
  32. he - he-standard-2012
  33. hi - hi-transliteration Yes Done
  34. hi - hi-inscript
  35. hi - hi-bolnagri Yes Done
  36. hne - hi-transliteration
  37. is - is-normforms
  38. fonipa - ipa-sil Yes Done
  39. jv - jv-transliteration
  40. ka - ka-transliteration
  41. kbd - cyrl-palochka
  42. kn - kn-transliteration Yes Done
  43. kn - kn-inscript
  44. kn - kn-kgp Yes Done
  45. kok - kok-inscript2
  46. lbe - cyrl-palochka
  47. lez - cyrl-palochka
  48. mai - mai-inscript
  49. ml - ml-transliteration Yes Done
  50. ml - ml-inscript
  51. mn - mn-cyrl
  52. mr - mr-transliteration Yes Done
  53. mr - mr-inscript2
  54. mr - mr-inscript
  55. ne - ne-transliteration Yes Done
  56. ne - ne-inscript2
  57. ne - ne-inscript
  58. new - hi-transliteration Yes Done
  59. new - hi-inscript
  60. no - no-normforms
  61. no - no-tildeforms
  62. nb - no-normforms
  63. nb - no-tildeforms
  64. nn - no-normforms
  65. nn - no-tildeforms
  66. or - or-transliteration Yes Done
  67. or - or-lekhani Yes Done
  68. or - or-inscript
  69. pa - pa-transliteration Yes Done
  70. pa - pa-inscript
  71. pa - pa-phonetic Yes Done
  72. rif - ber-tfng
  73. ru - ru-jcuken
  74. sah - sah-transliteration
  75. sa - sa-transliteration Yes Done
  76. sa - sa-inscript2
  77. sa - sa-inscript
  78. se - se-normforms
  79. shi - ber-tfng
  80. si - si-singlish Yes Done
  81. si - si-wijesekara
  82. sv - sv-normforms
  83. ta - ta-transliteration Yes Done
  84. ta - ta-99
  85. ta - ta-inscript
  86. ta - ta-bamini
  87. tcy - kn-transliteration Yes Done
  88. te - te-transliteration Yes Done
  89. te - te-inscript
  90. tkr - cyrl-palochka
  91. ur - ur-transliteration