Meza/Short procedure on how to submit a PR to Meza

For Meza

  1. At
    1. Log in to your an account at
    2. Visit the Meza project page at:
    3. Create a "Fork" of the official Meza project on your github account
  2. On your wiki server
    1. cd /opt/meza/
    2. git remote set-url origin<yourgitusername>/meza
    3. Edit the files you think are wrong or need improved
    4. git push -A "a few words about what your changes are"
  3. Back at<yourgitusername>/meza
    1. Verify that the changes you made a reflected in your fork of the meza project
    2. (optional) - Make a pull request (PR) in github using github gui tools to invite primary extension owner to "pull" your changes into their master repo.

For a specific extension on github

  1. On your wiki server
    1. vi either /opt/meza/config/core/MezaExtensions.yml or /opt/conf-meza/public/MezaLocalExtennsions.yml and identify the repo source and version of the extension you wish to develop
  2. At
    1. Log in to your an account at
    2. Visit the extension project page at:<extension owner>/<extension name>
    3. Create a "Fork" of the official extension project on your github account
  3. On your wiki server
    1. cd to /opt/htdocs/mediawiki/extension/<extension name>
    2. git remote set-url origin<yourgitusername>/<extension name>
    3. Edit the files you think are wrong or need improved
    4. git push -A "a few words about what your changes are"
  4. Visit<yourgitusername>/<extension name>
    1. Verify that the changes you made a reflected in your fork of the extension
    2. (optional) - Make a pull request (PR) in github using github gui tools to invite primary extension owner to "pull" your changes into their master repo.

tgr's notes


You might set it something other than origin, but that's more of a personal workflow choice. e.g.:

  • git remote set-url fork ...;
  • git branch my-fix;
  • git commit;
  • git push fork;
  • git checkout master

...would be more of a feature branch type workflow