Meza/Install with Vagrant

To get a basic Meza setup running on your personal computer use Vagrant.



You must have the following installed on your computer:

  1. Git
  2. VirtualBox
  3. Vagrant
  4. More than 4GB of RAM on your machine (the virtual machine requires 4GB, and you need some left over)



If you have the requirements listed above installed, open a terminal (on Windows, open Git Bash) and run the following commands.

Launch your terminal (or, on Windows, open Git Bash) and run the following to clone the Meza repository:

git clone

Next, change directory (cd) into the newly retrieved meza repository:

cd meza

Next, setup a virtual machine and do the initial setup of meza by running:

vagrant up

With the virtual machine set up, SSH into it. This means that after you run this command you'll be controlling your virtual machine, as if you're in a terminal on that machine, versus controlling your personal computer.

vagrant ssh

Finally, now that you're inside your virtual machine, deploy meza onto the machine:

sudo meza deploy vagrant

If you get any errors, that stop the command from running, just try running sudo meza deploy vagrant again.

Then, navigate to address in your browser.

Modifying your vagrant config


Within the meza repository, the file vagrantconf.default.yml is used by default. To use a custom config, copy that file:

cp vagrantconf.default.yml vagrantconf.yml

Prior to modifying this file, however, make sure you destroy any existing meza servers managed by vagrant. This is destructive. See Vagrant docs regarding packaging boxes for how to save your work.

# WARNING: This is destructive. See above.
vagrant destroy -f

You can then edit this file and make changes like number of CPUs or amount of RAM, or uncomment the `app2` or `db2` sections to add second app or database servers, respectively.

When you have the happy with the config, save the file and run:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo meza deploy vagrant

SSH with another client


In order to SSH in from another client (recommended MobaXTerm or WinSCP) do the following

sudo su
*type a password and press enter*

Then in your new client type

username: root
password: *your password typed above*