Meza/Common Meza Test Environment (CMTE)

aka: Installing and testing MEZA 35.x LTS on a local Rock Linux 8 VM from scratch


P.1 Purpose
This purpose of this document is twofold.
P1.1 First, It serves to provide Meza Developers with a Common Meza Test Environment (CMTE). This is essential to ensure that all Meza Developers will experience Meza the same way. In order for an issue to be recognized as a bug in Meza it must first be reproducible in a well-defined readily reproducible system environment. This way Meza user's in different locations can be sure to experience the same behavior. Similarly, this CTE for Meza is intended to serve as an tool for acceptance of Meza development procurements. Meza Developers can "procure" software development from 3rd parties and state in a Statement of Work that the contracted performance be evaluated against the CMTE.
P1.2 The second purpose of this document is to provide all users with a clear and accessible procedure detailing how NASA's Meza Project can be easily tested without actually needing a separate dedicated physical computer. Using Oracle's Free VirtualBox VM Hosting Tool, users can easily spin-up a new Virtual Machine (VM) on their own personal computer without making any appreciable changes to their own system other than simply installing VirtualBox. If the user decides not to use Meza they can simply uninstall VirtualBox from their system and both VirtualBox and all traces of Meza are removed restoring the user's system to its pre-existing state. No commitment. No Investment. No Risk. Just some geeky fun checking out NASA's Meza project

About Meza

Meza is an Ansible-based MediaWiki administration software project which provides a simple to use set of automation scripts that automates the installation, maintenance, and configuration management of an otherwise very complex MediaWiki server application. In other words, Meza enables anyone to easily set-up and maintain a full-featured mediawiki site with a just few simple commands.

Meza is short for MediaWiki E-Z Admin (MEZA)

The goal is Meza is to make it possible for everyone to have a modern, fully-featured MediaWiki installation. Standard MediaWiki is easy to install, but increasingly its newer and better features are contained within extensions with more complicated install procedures. Additionally, they may be particularly difficult to install on Enterprise Linux derivatives (e.g. Red Hat, CentOS, etc.). This project aims to make features like VisualEditor, CirrusSearch, etc., easy to install, backup, reconfigure, and maintain in a robust and well-tested way.

The Procedure

In following this procedure you will functionally be installing NASA GRC-ATF's production version of MEZA from scratch on a local Rocky Linux 8 VM running on a computer of your choice.



The goal of part 1 is to install a fresh new Rockly Linux 8 Virtual Machine using Oracle's Virtual Box that will serve as a convenient baseline VM image for used to quickly spin-up a new clone for testing Meza. You should only ever need to perform part 1 once on a given host system. Once Part 1 is completed on your host system, you will always start this procedure at Part 2.

1.1 - Download and Install the prerequisite software

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.1.1 Host System Desktop Download and install Oracle VirtualBox 7.0
  • VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use. Many Operating Systems (OS) work on VirtualBox, For Example, the CENTOS7 OS can be installed on Virtual Box. VirtualBox only provides a virtual (hardware) platform for a computer system. User's of VirtualBox will still need to have their own access to installation source media for the Operating Systems and Software they wish to run using VirtualBox.
Download the Virtual Box installation file from:

Perform a default installation of Virtual Box

  • Accept all defaults
1.1.2 Host System Desktop Download the DVD ISO image of Rocky Linux 8
  • Rocky Linux is a distribution (or distro) of Linux that is made to be similar to Red Hat.
  • Meza uses Rocky Linux 8 because it is 100% free and 100% compatible with Red Hat 8 so it is the ideal linux distribution to test and develop Meza with for the intended RHEL8 enterprise production environments.
Download: Must be RL8 not RL9 or anything else

You now have everything you need to create a RL8 Virtual Machine (VM) on your computer.

1.2 - Start VBox and create a new VM named "RL8"

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.2.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.2.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Initiate the "Create Virtual Machine" dialogue Box Click "New"
1.2.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Set the Machine Name and Operating System of the new VM being created Virtual Machine Name and Operating System
  1. Set Name: RL8
  2. Set Type: Linux
  3. Set Version: Red Hat (64-bit)
  4. Click "Next"
1.2.4 VirtualBox Host Client App Configure the VM Memory and number of CPUs of the new VM being created Hardware
  1. Set Base Memory: 4096M
  2. Set Processors: 1 CPU
  3. Click "Next"
1.2.5 VirtualBox Host Client App Configure the virtual hard disk of the new VM being created Virtual Hard Disk
  1. Create a Virtual Hard Disk Now
    • Set Disk Size: 40.55 GB
    • Click "Next"
1.2.6 VirtualBox Host Client App Complete the creation of the new VM system in Virtual Box Summary

Be sure to click the checkbox for 'skip unattended install' because we'll manually do the OS install in the next section

  • Click "Finish"

You know have a virtual new platform (virtual hardware only) in VirtualBox that you can use to install the Rocky Linux 8 (RL8) Operating System (OS) on.

1.3 - Prep new VM for a fresh install of RL8

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.3.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.3.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select the RL8 VM Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
1.3.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Open the "Settings" dialogue box for the RL8 VM Click the big orange "Settings" icon in the top menu of VBox
1.3.4 VirtualBox Host Client App (Virtually) Insert the Rocky Linux 8 Install DVD (as an ISO file) in the virtual Optical Disk of the VM In the "Storage Devices" menu, click the "Empty" blue disk icon to select the optical drive
  1. In the "Attributes" section on the right
  2. Set Optical Drive: Rocky Linux 8 DVD iso by clicking the blue disk icon with the little black pulldown arrow on the far right and browsing for the RL8-DVD.iso
  3. Ensure that the "Live CD/DVD" checkbox is selected
1.3.5 VirtualBox Host Client App Close the "Settings" dialogue box for the RL8 VM Click "OK" to close settings

You now have the RL8 DVD Installation DVD (ISO file) virtually inserted into the new VM and are ready to begin a fresh "Boot from CD" install of RL8 upon start-up of the new VM

1.4 - Install RL8 on to the new RL8 VM

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.4.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.4.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select the RL8 VM Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
1.4.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Start the RL8 VM Click the big green "Start" icon in the top menu of VBox
1.4.4 RL8 VM Optical Drive Initial Boot Screen Choose to do a fresh install of Rocky Linux 8 onto the new VM Using your keyboard arrows, select "Install Rocky Linux 8" and press "Enter"
  • watch more loading messages
1.4.5 RL8 Pre-Install ScreenINSTALLATION Choose English for the installation Choose "English" -> "English (United States)" and click "Continue"
1.4.6 RL8 Pre-Install ScreenINSTALLATION SUMMARY Configure the installation as a workstation with no extra software Click "SOFTWARE SELECTION"
  1. select "Workstation" (no other options)
  2. Click "DONE"
1.4.7 RL8 Pre-Install ScreenINSTALLATION SUMMARY Configure the installation to use the default virtual drive of the target VM Click "INSTALLTION DESTINATION"
  1. Click "DONE" (this selects the default option of automatic partitioning of the only available disk)
1.4.8 RL8 Pre-Install ScreenINSTALLATION SUMMARY Configure the installation to set the root password to "wiki" Click "Root Password"
  1. set root password to "wiki"
  2. click twice to confirm such a simple password (don't worry this is just a VM)
1.4.9 RL8 Pre-Install ScreenINSTALLATION SUMMARY Configure the installation to have an enabled network adapter Click "NETWORK & HOST NAME"
  1. Click the right side toggle button to enable ethernet adapter
  2. make sure the network adapter says "Connected"
  3. click "DONE"
1.4.10 Click "Begin Installation" and watch screen switch to "Installation Progress"
1.4.11 wait while RL8 is installed on the VM from the RL8 DVD iso file
1.4.12 (virtually) eject the Rocky Linux 8 DVD.iso disk from the virtual optical drive From the Oracle VM Virtual Box Application top level menu
  • Devices
    • Optical Drives
      • Remove disk from virtual drive
        • click "Force Unmount" (There will be a checkmark next to the ISO filename if it is mounted. The checkmark will be absent if the ISO is unmounted.)
1.4.13 Power-off/reboot

You now have a fresh install from DVD of Rocky Linux 8 on your new RL8 VM

1.5 - Perform updates and other post install configurations on RL8 VM

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.5.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.5.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select the RL8 VM Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
1.5.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Start the RL8 VM Click the big green "Start" icon in the top menu of VBox
1.5.4 RL8 VM


Accept the Licensing Agreement Click "LICENSE INFO", agree to whatever, click Done
1.5.5 RL8 VM


Create a user called "Userx" Click "User Creation"
  1. Set Full name: userx
  2. Set User name: userx
  3. Click: Make this user administrator
  4. Set Password: wiki
  5. Set Confirm password: wiki
  6. Click "Done" twice to accept such a simple password
1.5.6 RL8 VM


Exit the initial set-up screen Click FINISH CONFIGURATION
1.5.7 RL8 VM Login Screen Login to the RL8 VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your password
1.5.8 RL8 VM Welcome Screen Set the first-login language options to English
  • Confirm English
  • Click Next
  • Confirm English (US) Typing
  • Click Next
  • Toggle Location Services: Off
  • Click Next
  • Click Skip for Online Accounts
  • Click Start Using Rocky Linux button
  • "X" out of Getting Started window
1.5.9 RL8 VM Desktop Disable the screen blanking Activities --> Show Application --> Settings --> Power --> Power Saving:
  • set: Blank Screen = never
1.5.10 RL8 VM Desktop Launch a Terminal Click the "Activities" menu option in the top left to see the Terminal Icon
1.5.11 RL8 VM Terminal Perform a system package update sudo dnf upgrade -y and watch the system update
1.5.12 RL8 VM Terminal Reboot the system sudo reboot

Your new RL8 VM is now fully up-to-date with the latest updates to packages since the install DVD was made.

1.6 - Install Guest Additions

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.6.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.6.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select the RL8 VM Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
1.6.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Start the RL8 VM Click the big green "Start" icon in the top menu of VBox
1.6.4 RL8 VM Login Screen Login to the RL8 VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your passord
1.6.5 RL8 VM Desktop Launch a Terminal Click the "Activities" menu option in the top left to see the Terminal Icon RL8 Repos Enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repo because you won't find dkms without it. sudo dnf install epel-release

sudo dnf upgrade RL8 VM Terminal Install dependencies for Kernel and perform update sudo dnf install -y gcc make perl kernel-devel dkms

sudo dnf upgrade kernel-*

1.6.7 VirtualBox Guest Client App Insert Install Guest Additions CD Image Go to the Virtualbox menu >> Device and then select the “Install Guest Additions CD Image…” option.
1.6.8 VirtualBox Guest Client App Run the Guest Additions Click "Run" to Install
1.6.9 RL8 VM Terminal Reboot for the guest addtions to take effect sudo reboot

Your new updated RL8 VM now has the drivers needed to communicate with the VirtualBox software so that the screen scales nicely and the clip-board works well between the Host (your computer) and the Guest (the RL8 VM).

1.7 - Perform some final tweaks to new RL8 VM

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
1.7.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
1.7.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select your RL8 VM Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
1.7.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Start your RL8 VM Click the big green "Start" icon in the top menu of VBox
1.7.4 RL8 VM Login Screen Login to the RL8 VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your passord
1.7.5 RL8 VM Desktop Launch a Terminal Click the "Activities" menu option in the top left to see the Terminal Icon
1.7.6 RL8 VM Desktop Enable Share Clip and Drag & Drop features Click on the Devices given in the Oracle VirtualBox Host window main menu
  • click Share Clipboard
    • select “Bidirectional”.
1.7.7 RL8 VM Terminal Verify that the guest additions are installed properly lsmod | grep vboxguest and note the response.

A response means that the guest additions module is installed

1.7.8 RL8 VM Terminal Disable SELinux sudo sed -i -e 's;SELINUX=enforcing$;SELINUX=permissive;g' /etc/selinux/config
1.7.9 RL8 VM Terminal Exclude "ansible", and "python38" from OS specific repos: For RL8 use:

sudo sed -i -e 's;countme=1$;countme=1\nexclude=ansible python38;g' /etc/yum.repos.d/Rocky-AppStream.repo

For RHEL8 use:

sudo sed -i -e 's;countme=1$;countme=1\nexclude=ansible python38;g' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

1.7.10 RL8 VM Terminal Reboot for the changes to SELinux to take effect sudo reboot

Your new updated RL8 VM now has all the post RL8 install configuration tweaks needed to qualify as a proper Common Meza Test Environment (CMTE) for Meza.



Stop! Congratulations!! - Your Rocky Linux 8 VM is finally set-up

Be sure to CLONE this system using VBox before proceeding to install MEZA

Why? - All of the the preceding steps are rather time consuming and if you ever want to set-up a fresh new VM to test something, you'll appreciate the ability to just start with a clone of this system.



2.1 - Clone the new RH8 system

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
2.1.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
2.1.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select your Clean RL8 VM for cloning Click on the "RH8" VM on the left menu in VBox
2.1.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Activate the Clone Option Right-Click on the RL8 VM option in the left side menu and click "CLONE"
2.1.4 VirtualBox Host Client App Name the Clone "RL8 Clone" Set Clone Name to:"RL8 Clone" and click "NEXT"
2.1.5 VirtualBox Host Client App Make sure you get a full clone choose "Full clone"
2.1.6 VirtualBox Host Client App Watch the Clone being made click "Finish" and watch the system get cloned

You now have a perfect clone of your perfect RL8 CMTE VM. As needed, you can quickly make and destroy as many clones as you wish of the clean RL8 CMTE VM.



3.1 - Start the RL8 Clone VM

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
3.1.1 Host System Desktop Start VirtualBox Click the VirtualBox Icon from the desktop of your host system
3.1.2 VirtualBox Host Client App Select the RL8 Clone VM Click on the "RH8 Clone" VM on the left menu in VBox
3.1.3 VirtualBox Host Client App Start the RL8 Clone VM Click the big green "Start" icon in the top menu of VBox
3.1.4 RL8 Clone VM Login Screen Login to the RL8 Clone VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your passord
3.1.5 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that you are using Rock Linux 8 cat /etc/os-release
3.1.6 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that the fapolicyd service is disabled sudo systemctl status fapolicyd
3.1.7 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that the system is not in FIPS mode cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
3.1.8 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that the selinux status is 'permissive' sudo sestatus
3.1.9 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that you can execute in /tmp sudo vi /etc/fstab
3.1.10 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that you can execute in /var/tmp sudo vi /etc/fstab
3.1.11 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that "python38" is excluded from the repo AppStream (EPEL) repo sudo egrep 'python38|ansible' /etc/yum.repos.d/Rocky-AppStream.repo
3.1.12 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that "ansible" is excluded from the AppStream (EPEL) repo sudo egrep 'python38|ansible' /etc/yum.repos.d/Rocky-AppStream.repo
3.1.13 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that you have the right repos enabled sudo dnf -v repolist

You are now logged-in to a properly configured CMTE for Meza and are ready to do some official testing of Meza

3.2 - Install Meza on the RL8 Clone VM


At this point.. you should have a fully installed and fully updated Rocky Linux 8 Linux Workstation with all the VBox Guest Additions installed.

Now its time to install Meza 😎 ..

Important!!! - Always use a fresh new clone of a completely clean new Rocky Linux 8 VM VM (such as the RL8 Clone VM you just created in the previous step, right????!)

So assuming you are here with a fresh clone of the RL8 Meza CMTE .. perform the following steps:

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
3.2.1 RL8 Clone VM Login Screen Login to the VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your passord
3.2.2 RL8 VM Desktop Launch a Terminal Click the "Activities" menu option in the top left to see the Terminal Icon
3.2.3 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Install git and watch the package manager install the Git
  • git may already be installed, which is fine
sudo dnf install -y git
3.2.4 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Use Git to clone the Meza project from to the /opt/meza folder of the RL8 Clone VM where xyz is the name of some meza repo on
  • For the official NASA repo, xyz is nasa
  • For some other fork of meza, replace xyz with <the name of the fork you wish to test> (i.e. revansx)
sudo git clone /opt/meza
3.2.4b RL8 Clone VM Terminal Update the meza parent folder to allow non-root users to access it. sudo chmod a+rx /opt/meza
3.2.5 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Change to the /opt/meza directory cd /opt/meza
3.2.6 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Tell git that the /opt/meza directory is safe for sudo users sudo git config --global --add /opt/meza
3.2.7 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Tell git that the /opt/meza directory is safe for the current user git config --global --add /opt/meza
3.2.8 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Switch Meza to the "grc-atf" branch sudo git checkout "grc-atf"
3.2.9 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Set MEZA_REPOSITORY_URL (optional)

This is an override if you want to retrieve code from a different repository location. Default:

3.2.10 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Set MEZA_BRANCH_NAME (optional)

This is an override if you want to use a different branch. Default: main

export MEZA_BRANCH_NAME='grc-atf'
3.2.11 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Go back down to the /opt directory cd ..
3.2.12 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Run the "" initialization script and watch the shell script initialize the system for meza sudo bash /opt/meza/src/scripts/
3.2.13 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Perform a package update sudo dnf -y upgrade
3.2.14 RL8 Clone VM Terminal This is the big step we've been working towards - Deploy Meza onto the VM 😎

Note 1 - If you want to see all the details during the deploy, you can deploy with the verbosity switch sudo meza deploy monolith -vvvv

Note 2 - if you are just now jumping into the procedure from some other RHEL8 compatible VM (and not the Oracle VBox VM from the steps above) .. be sure to use the FQDN of your target system rather than "localhost".

sudo meza deploy monolith
  1. When prompted enter: localhost as the target
  2. When prompted press enter to have meza generate a database password for you
  3. After which Meza will begin an lengthy deployment on to the VM
3.2.15 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Enjoy watching Meza install and configure an entire MediaWiki software stack and all dependencies and extensions to the default 'monolith' environment Watch Meza runAfter about 15-20 minutes Meza will finish deploying and report the status of all tasks performed

If Meza crashes or if any of these steps produces a warning or error, please let us know in the talk page so we can address it.

Congratulations, you now have a fully deployed MediaWiki application stack providing a fully-featured MediaWiki Wiki Farm and 1 fully installed and configured "demo" wiki.

No small thing.

3.3 - Perform a few post-deploy VM specific tasks


In a production environment, you will likely have a trusted cert that was signed by a third party, however, when Meza deploys to a VM it creates a "self-signed" certificate which is a problem for Visual Editor. To solve this problem we need to add the meza self-signed cert file to the RL8/RHEL8 cert store. This will allow visual editor to function properly in the VM environment.

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
3.3.1 RL8 Clone VM Terminal copy the self-signed cert from the haproxy location to the pki location sudo cp /etc/haproxy/certs/meza.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/meza.crt
3.3.2 RL8 Clone VM Terminal update the OS trust store sudo update-ca-trust

3.4 - Visit and test your new Meza Site and Demo Wiki

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
3.4.1 VM Login Screen Login to the VM as Userx Click Userx and enter "wiki" as your passord
3.4.2 VM Desktop Launch Firefox Click the "Activities" menu option in the top left to see the Firefox Icon
3.4.3 Firefox Visit the landing page of your Meza Wiki Server https://localhost
3.4.4 Firefox Visit the Demo Wiki Click on the Demo Wiki
3.4.5 Firefox Click through the Firefox warning that the localhost cert is self-signed and therefore not trusted Click: Advanced and Accept Risk and Continue
3.4.6 Demo Wiki Login as Admin with password adminpass! Click the "Log in" link in the top right
3.4.7 Demo Wiki Open the Main Page for creation through editing Click the "Create Page" link in the action menu

(Agree to start editing)

3.4.8 Demo Wiki Create the main page with a link to the special logon [[Special:Login]]
3.4.9 Demo Wiki Save the page click the "Save Page" button
3.4.10 Demo Wiki View your preferences Click the "Preferences" link in the user links in the top right of the wiki page
3.4.11 Demo Wiki View your Skin Options Select the "Appearance" tab in the User Preferences Page
3.4.12 Demo Wiki Select Chameleon Select "Chameleon" and click "Save" at the bottom

Start making and editing pages and storing data and uploading files.

Gratz! .. You are done.

If ... anything in the Mediawiki application does not work produces warning or errors, please let us know in the talk page so we can address it.

If ... everything went well and you benefited from this procedure, please don't hesitate to let us know in the talk pages.

/*End CMTE Procedure*/



4.1 - Verification of Runnings Components

Step From Command Expected output
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo dnf list installed
Installed Packages
GConf2.x86_64                                                                               3.2.6-22.el8                                                                                         @AppStream        
ImageMagick.x86_64                                                                                                                                                      @epel             
ImageMagick-libs.x86_64                                                                                                                                                 @epel             
LibRaw.x86_64                                                                               0.19.5-3.el8                                                                                         @appstream        
ModemManager.x86_64                                                                         1.20.2-1.el8                                                                                         @anaconda         
ModemManager-glib.x86_64                                                                    1.20.2-1.el8                                                                                         @anaconda         
NetworkManager.x86_64                                                                       1:1.40.16-9.el8                                                                                      @baseos           


RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo systemctl status httpd shows httpd running
sudo httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (rocky)
Server built:   Aug 17 2023 23:57:25
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo systemctl status memcached tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo systemctl status mariadb tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal node.js tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal npm tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo systemctl status parsoid tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo systemctl status haproxy tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal php -version PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2022 10:36:05) ( NTS )

Copyright (c) The PHP Group

Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

    with Zend OPcache v7.4.33, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

RL8 Clone VM Terminal composer --version Composer version 2.1.14 2021-11-30 10:51:43a
RL8 Clone VM Terminal python tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal python3 tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal pip tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal pip list tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal netdata tbd
RL8 Clone VM Terminal sudo dnf list installed | grep firewalld

firewalld.noarch 0.9.3-13.el8 @anaconda

firewalld-filesystem.noarch 0.9.3-13.el8 @anaconda

PART 5 - (Optional) IMPROVE MEZA


5.1 - What you need to do at

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
5.1.1 Create an account on github Go to: and make an account
  • note your username
5.1.2 Fork your own copy of Meza logged in as you, visit the MEZA project at:
5.1.3 Create a github API Token generate a classic token at:

5.2 - What you need to do on your MEZA CMTE RL8 Clone VM

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
5.2.1 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Install Canberra GTK2 sudo dnf install -y libcanberra-gtk2
5.2.2 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Switch to the MEZA project directory cd /opt/meza
5.2.3 RL8 Clone VM Terminal tell git on the RL8 Clone VM what your github username is sudo git config --global "<your_github_username>"
5.2.4 RL8 Clone VM Terminal tell git on the RL8 Clone VM what your github account email is sudo git config --global "<>"
5.2.5 RL8 Clone VM Terminal remove the NASA repo as the default remote origin sudo git remote rm origin
5.2.6 RL8 Clone VM Terminal add your fork of Meza on gihub as the new remote origin sudo git remote add origin<your-github-username>/meza.git

5.3 - Make whatever local changes you think are worth making to MEZA on the RL8 Clone VM


Important - The only code that is actually part of Meza Core is what it git cloned into /opt/meza/ any local changes you make anywhere else on the CMTE is part of the local CMTE instance and is not able to be pulled into meza. This is an important part of how meza works.

5.4 - Stage and push your commits to your project on GitHub

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
5.4.1 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Switch to the MEZA project directory cd /opt/meza
5.4.2 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Verify that you have local changes sudo git status
5.4.3 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Review that your local changes sudo git diff
5.4.4 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Stage a commit by adding all the locally altered files to a commit sudo git add .
5.4.5 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Add a helpful message to your commit sudo git commit -m "Some Commit message"
5.4.6 RL8 Clone VM Terminal Push your commit to you project sudo git push -f origin grc-atf
  1. Enter your github username
  2. Enter your github user token

5.5 - Submit your commit from your project in github to the nasa project as a Pull Request (PR)

Step From Goal Commands or Directions (if any)
5.5.1 tbd tbd