MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/Annual Report 2023

Focus Areas


In 2023, we focused mainly on these areas:

  • Continuation and improvement of MediaWiki user experience. We are striving to keep user experience of MediaWiki as consistent and integrated as possible for self-installed MediaWiki instances (see output).
  • Outreach to relevant stakeholders. We have continued our efforts to reach out to MediaWiki maintainers by co-organizing conferences.
  • Exchange of experience among stakeholders, i.e. primarily people running MediaWiki as their platform. This was done in regular online meetings and through our discussion platform on Element.
  • Stabilization and continuity of MediaWiki experience. We actively maintain a number of MediaWiki extensions (see output).



Exchange of Experience


Real Life Meetings

  • There were informal meetups at various MediaWiki related conferences.

Online Meetings

  • 12 regular telcos (video calls), all documented. Average attendance: 10 participants, with a range of 5-20 participants.
  • Ongoing chat discussions on Element - Several rooms for different topics. Activity in these rooms has again considerably increased compared to last year. This is now a well frequented medium for exchange and requests for help.



Real Life


In 2023, we actively participated in various MediaWiki and Open Source conferences, among others with these topics:

  • EMWCon Spring 2023: Sponsorship opportunities for Semantic MediaWiki
  • SMWCon Fall 2023: Natural language interaction with a wiki, AI assistants for organizations, SMW community & survey, Small but useful MediaWiki extensions



Participation in discussions on 3rd party relevant topics

Financials and internals

  • Our financial report can be found here . Note: This report is best effort and not externally audited.
  • We have a functional board with monthly meetings (all documented)
  • End of 2023, we had 16 voting and 6 corporate members.