MediaWiki 1.33

This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.33 and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Attenzione Attenzione: MediaWiki 1.33 contains a very severe security issue. Please upgrade to newer versions of MediaWiki if possible. See 2021-12 security release/FAQ for workaround if you are not able to upgrade your MediaWiki.

MediaWiki 1.33 è una versione obsoleta di MediaWiki. Consulta il RELEASE NOTES documento per una lista completa dei cambiamenti. È stato implementato sui wiki della Wikimedia Foundation attraverso diramazioni "wmf " alpha incrementali, dal 23 ottobre 2018 al 10 aprile 2019. La versione stabile 1.33.0 è stata lanciata il 2 Luglio 2019. Download the latest releases or checkout the REL1_33 branch in Git to follow this release. The 1.33 branch reached with the version 1.33.4 its end-of-life in June 6, 2020.

Problemi noti

  • task T227147 MediaWiki enforces $wgDBprefix to end with the "_" character if set, causing this error otherwise: InvalidArgumentException: A non-empty prefix must end with "_".
  • task T230317 Upgrading from an old MediaWiki version (prior to 1.15) will cause the upgrade script to fail. You'll need to manually add the valid_tag table yourself before running the upgrade script. Questo è stato corretto in MediaWiki 1.33.1.
  • task T227662 Upgrading from an old version may give an Unknown column 'ar_comment_id' in 'where' clause error. You may need to apply the patch-comment-table.sql file manually.
  • task T232129 The version of ConfirmEdit bundled with 1.33.0 will give OOUI\Exception errors when a link is added to a page. This has been fixed in 1.33.1 or you can download a newer version of that extension separately
  • task T232273 Revisioni importate di pagine potrebbero scomparire dopo l'aggiornamento. Il problema può essere aggirato eseguendo lo script di manutenzione cleanupUsersWithNoId.php seguito da migrateActors.php .

Note sull'aggiornamento

1.33 has several database changes since 1.32, and will not work without schema updates. Note that due to changes to some very large tables like the revision table, the schema update may take quite long (minutes on a medium sized site, many hours on a large site).

Non dimenticarti di fare sempre un backup del tuo database prima di aggiornare!

See the file UPGRADE for more detailed upgrade instructions, including important information when upgrading from versions prior to 1.11.

Alcune note specifiche per aggiornamenti a MediaWiki 1.33 di seguito:

  • Some external link searches will not work correctly until update.php (or refreshExternallinksIndex.php) is run. These include searches for links using IP addresses, internationalized domain names, and possibly mailto links.
  • If you ran migrateActors.php using an older version of MediaWiki and want to run your wiki with $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage set to SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD, note that log_search rows needed to find revision deletions by target user were incorrectly deleted. See T215464 for details.
  • If revision deletions were performed when the wiki was configured with $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage set to SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_BOTH and without migrateActors.php having been run, the log_search table may contain rows with empty values for "target_author_actor" which will prevent log searches for revision deletions by target user from finding those log entries. These rows may be corrected by (re-)running migrateActors.php.

Cosa c'è di nuovo

  • The Blocks feature is gaining a new feature, "partial blocks", where IPs and accounts can be restricted from editing particular pages or namespaces. This is currently under development, but can be enabled by setting the $wgEnablePartialBlocks feature flag on. In future releases this feature will be available by default.
  • (task T96041) Categories can now be hidden from Special:UnusedCategories by adding the new behavioural flag __EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__ on the category's page.

Lingue aggiornate

MediaWiki supporta oltre 350 lingue. Molte localizzazioni vengono aggiornate con regolarità. Di seguito sono elencate solo le lingue nuove, nonché le modifiche alle lingue applicate per effetto di report su Phabricator.

  • (task T203908) Aggiunto supporto linguistico per Eastern Pwo (kjp).
  • (task T213717) Risolto un errore di traduzione su Goan Konkani (Devanagari script) (gom-deva) traduzioni per NS_TEMPLATE.
  • (task T212221) Aggiunto $digitTransformTable per santali (sat).
  • (task T216479) Aggiunto supporto linguistico per Saisiyat (xsy).
  • (task T219728) Added support for new Japanese era name "Reiwa".

Altre modifiche

Upgrading system administrators should read carefully the specific notes on upgrading. Developers should read the full release notes.

  • (task T210814) SVGs with multiple language values within them are now by default displayed in the wiki's language on image pages.
  • (task T205040) Multilingual images are now be displayed in the current parse language where available.
  • Special:ActiveUsers will no longer filter out users who became inactive since the last time the active users query cache was updated.
  • Special:CreateAccount ora avvisa l'utente se il nome utente deve essere normalizzato.
  • $wgMiserMode disabilita la {{REVISIONID}} parola magica in namespace di contenuti. È sostituito da una singola lineetta dopo aver salvato la pagina.
