MediaWiki 1.26/wmf22
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Deployment of MediaWiki 1.26wmf22 to Wikimedia sites | MediaWiki 1.26/wmf23![]() |
The latest version (labeled "1.26wmf22") of MediaWiki, the software that powers Wikipedia and its sister sites, is being deployed to all Wikimedia sites in stages, starting on Tuesday, 08 September 2015 (see the roadmap).
Core changes
edit- git #39a830ba - Updated mediawiki/core (T113456)
- git #98277a32 - Updated mediawiki/core (T113456)
- git #17395d93 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #4d5a7d49 - ResourceLoaderModule: cache file content hash
- git #d0503a59 - Use MD4 to compute file hash rather than SHA1
- git #87f820e9 - registration: Fix merging of array_plus (T112868)
- git #b2b4af8e - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #44ad58a8 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #7c9ea6ed - resourceloader: Support absolute-path references in mw.loader.load()
- git #866106d6 - Updated mediawiki/core (T107936)
- git #d78e16a7 - Updated mediawiki/core (T112592)
- git #9a8f4f75 - resourceloader: Don't call wfExpandUrl() on load.php urls (T106966, T112646)
- git #9a6ebc87 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111304)
- git #1265464e - Updated mediawiki/core (T112417)
- git #3cc4c8c3 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #37c9c0e1 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #b45a8922 - Revert Echo to 1.26wmf21 version (T112401, T112552)
- git #a4d46ab1 - resourceloader: Proxy 'window.performance' to support Safari bug (T112287)
- git #fc2c957b - Updated mediawiki/core (T112585)
- git #13214521 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111870, T112045)
- git #408974af - Updated mediawiki/core (T71691, T112446)
- git #85155c6b - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #3981c0a9 - Updated mediawiki/core (T112401)
- git #d381ac2e - Updated mediawiki/core (T112407)
- git #fc81c2d4 - Updated mediawiki/core (T112401)
- git #14993218 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #88f87bfb - Updated mediawiki/core (T112004)
- git #8063c39b - Updated mediawiki/core (T112254)
- git #b4241c2e - Updated mediawiki/core (T112224)
- git #b9bde3a6 - resourceloader: Jobs created in request() should wait for executing modules (T112232)
- git #70814e08 - resourceloader: Document internal mw.loader#jobs property
- git #220d2c7e - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #20b349eb - Updated mediawiki/core (T112168)
- git #2c56fe31 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111825)
- git #768a829b - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #e732bf25 - Updated mediawiki/core (T108190)
- git #77661a8f - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #9bf13dbe - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #3203b045 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #6b5223fe - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #14095e36 - Updated mediawiki/core (T112003)
- git #dae97e97 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111821)
- git #46024f3e - Updated mediawiki/core (T111908)
- git #7b3d7154 - Revert "Do not encode "'" as %27 (redirect loop in Opera 12)" (T106793)
- git #e5fc1af1 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #5af9c267 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #8cb8a7f9 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111987)
- git #bc2fd1df - Updated mediawiki/core (T111494)
- git #4339cf86 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111853)
- git #88d6bbbb - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #3a5e6654 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #441719e5 - Updated mediawiki/core (T111783)
- git #dae36536 - Updated mediawiki/core (T108190)
- git #a5af82aa - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #ad92e62a - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #e910558e - Updated mediawiki/core (T111137)
- git #20f4d264 - wikimedia/cdb 1.2.0 → 1.3.0
- git #5a2fbffc - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #ac562a4b - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #67c6f564 - wikimedia/cdb 1.0.1 → 1.2.0
- git #70c8dfe1 - resourceloader: Don't create empty objects for every module (T105162)
- git #03801450 - Drop message whatlinkshere-title/zh-tw
- git #ba1835f1 - Enhance debug log output for stacktraces (T89169, T107440)
- git #a6016137 - Enhance stacktrace logging for fatals (T89169)
- git #23e2f64e - Sync up with Parsoid parserTests.
- git #13b120e9 - Remove unused parameter in DjVuImage
- git #e2741f0c - resourceloader: Expose fetch promise in addScript()
- git #6e903b94 - resourceloader: Introduce new module state "executing"
- git #27a88a84 - resourceloader: Move creation addLink() function to shared mw.loader scope
- git #f7c52269 - Remove not needed global imports in BitmapHandler
- git #6a8c8342 - Remove unused private field in OutputPage
- git #d27a88c8 - Remove dead private methods
- git #41c23c63 - Add PHP7 build to TravisCI
- git #a71f5865 - Write TravisCI build matrix in more readable and extandable manner
- git #cecd1e02 - Update TravisCI config to use hhvm rather than hhvm-nightly
- git #51646dda - build: Enable jscs jsDoc rule 'requireNewlineAfterDescription' and make pass
- git #b6cdd333 - build: Enable jscs jsDoc rule 'requireParamTypes' and make pass
- git #b159471d - build: Enable jscs jsDoc rule 'requireReturnTypes' and make pass
- git #8bf774f1 - build: Enable altered jscs rule 'disallowQuotedKeysInObjects' and make pass
- git #d9d846b8 - Add // @codingStandardsIgnore around very very long line in Language.php (T110238)
- git #58f8f519 - Provide $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio convenience function (T97935)
- git #1c6d85e5 - Improve wording of imageinfo API userid prop
- git #b4b64c82 - In LocalFile normalize integer fields to integers (T111089)
- git #9b685a4a - In namespaceDupes.php, fix link tables
- git #1255998f - mw.widgets.DateInputWidget: Add required config
- git #f5e6b581 - Use double-underscore instead of non-ASCII character for class name separator
- git #a89a2199 - Do not encode "'" as %27 (redirect loop in Opera 12) (T106793)
- git #aceff2e7 - build: Enable jscs rules 'requireSpacesInside*Brackets' and make pass
- git #09745f8c - Rephrase apihelp-query+logevents-param-action
- git #610a4391 - Remove the SourceForge interwiki
- git #483e9d3c - Add option to ApiFormatRaw to generate a HTTP errorcode
- git #80a48c99 - Clarify 'target' label on the Special:Log options. (T48494)
- git #2b7e7382 - Add dependencies from template implementations to mediawiki.template
- git #7389dd76 - Avoid some unused parameter IDEA errors in User.php
- git #1c9acfcd - resourceloader: Document mw.loader state machine
- git #77837c03 - Move print rule for .mw-metadata-show-hide-extended
- git #8410a0de - Add 'mediawiki.action.view.filepage' style module
- git #f62bcacb - poolcounter: PoolCounterRedis doc cleanups
- git #e176c76d - resourceloader: Fully remove ResourceLoaderLESSFunctions
- git #5b0749d3 - resourceloader: Implement mwLoadEnd marker
- git #4eea6b5d - Avoid PHP warning if key is not set in getValidationHash()
- git #f7be9ccf - resourceloader: Rename 'mediaWikiStartUp' mark to 'mwLoadStart'
- git #a37e25c3 - Only use FastStringSearch on PHP <5.5
- git #c20f2778 - build: Alter jscs rule 'requireDotNotation' to reflect need for ES3 compatibility
- git #dabc661f - Preferences: Fix issues from 6d3c65b5b0 (T19496)
- git #42fe11a2 - build: Enable jscs rule 'requireSpacesInsideParentheses' and make pass
- git #5ac63862 - build: Bump grunt-jscs to 2.1.0 and make pass
- git #07325942 - Fix issues spotted by jshint 2.9.0 (T111380)
- git #e64b54a8 - build: Update grunt-contrib-jshint to v0.11.3
- git #2404adde - Remove id #colophon from print styles
- git #826ac5dc - LivePreview: Prevent unnecessary DOM change for spinner
- git #17a41f92 - registration: Allow custom prefixes for configuration settings (T97186)
- git #a86ad78b - ParserOptions: added comment regarding editsections usage.
- git #cd027382 - Default the "watchlisttoken" value to a derived HMAC value (T92357)
- git #4b7ba45d - MessageCache: Don't try to log a ContentHandler object
- git #337b1e2e - PrefixSearch: Avoid passing non-strings to Title::newFromText() (T109975)
- git #2be60e77 - Avoid MessageCache rebuilds if replace() was called recently
- git #4595e34f - Decline to cache preprocessor items larger than 1 Mb (T111289)
- git #1fbbb8a9 - tests: Remove "install" target from makefile documentation
- git #89a167b5 - More MessageCache locking/update cleanups
- git #58a4a664 - resourceloader: Ensure startup module returns early for incompatible browsers (T111233)
- git #0eeed1d3 - In phpunit don't try to write to the source directory
- git #c08ad28a - Update wikimedia/utfnormal to 1.0.3
- git #cd3ddb1f - Sync up with Parsoid parserTests.
- git #b416cf20 - Move style to mediawiki.special.changeslist.enhanced.css
- git #0bb9ae17 - Fix comment in
- git #afdbf423 - Remove non-existing param PHPDoc tag from Title
- git #7ab2c2e2 - ApiLogin: Don't try to add block info if there's no block (T111082)
- git #583fdd54 - Support empty string for wgEmergencyContact/wgPasswordSender (T104142)
- git #e02d3310 - mediawiki.Upload: Consistently use getters rather than direct property access
- git #f28e51ad - resourceloader: Use increment() for resourceloader_cache miss metric
- git #bff922cc - Fix notice when restbaseCompat is omitted
- git #a6e585ed - Expose the ability to change suggestion api's (T111091)
- git #9dd0f0d8 - Update OOjs UI to v0.12.7
- git #cb956c9f - Link DB docs from tables.sql
- git #b74003c9 - Language: Fix 'pretty' fallback in getDateFormatString() (T110945)
- git #de862298 - Deprecate unconditional loading of mediawiki.ui.button on all pages (T98395)
- git #20f2df9c - Implement wfArrayPlus2d which combines 2d arrays
- git #31b41c53 - Use wgResourceBasePath instead of wgScriptPath for wgStylePath etc.
- git #dd04b310 - OOUIHTMLForm: Make boolean form field parameters actually work everywhere
- git #22571999 - mediawiki.Uri: Use extended RegExps through templates
- git #83f60a8e - Reword 'stub-threshold' message in Special:Preferences advanced section (T107732)
- git #2d9324aa - IEUrlExtension: Add tests for the main use case the lib exists for
- git #174b09c1 - Allow stop characters as quoted attribute delimiters
- git #ae14351c - Rephrase tooltip-ca-nstab-special
- git #3d58a954 - mediawiki.special.upload: Use jquery.spinner properly, instead of only its CSS classes
- git #d4a0af09 - Avoid passing anything but a string to Title::newFromText in UploadBase::getTitle (T109974)
- git #d302cb2d - Move HTMLForm-specific styles out of mediawiki.legacy.shared (T89981)
edit- git #bc44e7a0 - monolog: Don't waste milliseconds counting microseconds
- git #fdff79a5 - wikimedia/cdb 1.2.0 → 1.3.0
- git #48a22435 - wikimedia/cdb 1.0.1 → 1.2.0
- git #3d868a61 - wikimedia/utfnormal 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
- git #9610505e - Add composer/LICENSE
edit- git #06e3bc62 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
edit- git #da08f624 - Use set() for tokens with unique keys
- git #f57b2c92 - Fixed setCookie() type docs
- git #c390414c - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
- git #6bd83005 - Converted SUL2 handshake tokens to use CentralAuthUser::getSessionCache() (T108253)
- git #b8c38529 - Converted api-token store to CentralAuthUser::getSessionCache() (T108253)
edit- git #be848887 - Bypass query length limit for incategory search (T107947)
- git #33b55b20 - Properly create interwiki redirect titles
- git #647387e4 - Adding kbd tags to API message
- git #660f8c44 - Improve completion suggestion suggester (take 2) (T110915)
- git #f3f4f424 - Avoid PHP notices on undefined timed_out response
- git #898300cf - Convert Searcher to use config object (T110075)
edit- git #41f2c4cf - Actually use new backup message (T93800)
- git #b81ee385 - Provide alternative access to citoid-template-type-map.json (T93800)
- git #6189db1e - Use ve.userConfig for storing citoid-mode
- git #fbfa8679 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
edit- git #e1a0217c - build: Updating development dependencies
edit- git #7c46f247 - Removed the redirection from be-tarask to be-x-old
- git #e441bbac - Stats: Generate personal tools before head element
- git #b9c838bc - Generate personal tools before head element (T111668)
- git #0ebb26cf - Add composer dependency autoloader support
- git #f36562ef - Remove invalid call to .showSourceSelector() (T111538)
- git #fdb10201 - Add missing apihelp values
- git #0c316485 - Implement limit parameter in ApiQueryContentTranslation (T109556)
- git #61d02498 - Preparations for showing trend line instead of cumulative published articles (T105192)
- git #ae5e6299 - Update CX VRS code
- git #f9036618 - Add missing apihelp messages
- git #5f9a9950 - Use the VirtualRESTService to configure CX (T111490)
- git #b9ee8f37 - Fix: References are adapted with same content (T110007)
edit- git #61391482 - Revert to 1.26wmf21 state
- git #f05e020c - Hack around OOUI's icon pack being too large by creating our own (T112401)
- git #d7f69131 - Only load nojs Special:Notifications styles on the special page (T112407)
- git #19d8c4ad - Don't load oojs-ui.styles on every page (T112401)
- git #b87852c7 - Link directly to notification preferences in flyout (T112254)
- git #90f41682 - Wrap notifications with a link for native click behavior (T112004)
- git #25dd588e - Make links non-white in the notification popup in Modern
- git #5259addd - Use localized numbers in the badge (T112224)
- git #36ef1363 - Avoid flashes: late debounce causes annoying flashes (T112168)
- git #f6e66b33 - Override padding for links in personal tools in Modern skin (T111825)
- git #08f4a93a - Remove unnecessary calc() from css
- git #237601e2 - Only show 'mark all as read' AFTER there are notifications
- git #4a1d2a3c - Reduce distance between notification badges (T108190)
- git #93eb17a1 - Add mediawiki.jqueryMsg dependency
- git #4119cd9e - Align popup footer buttons to take 50% width each
- git #1836db00 - Only use inverted icons for skins using the MediaWiki OOUI theme (T111821)
- git #d0ab583b - Use #pt-notifications-alert to get Special:Notifications link (T111783)
- git #41c15dca - Add a tooltip to the notification badges (T108190)
- git #0e928418 - Show unread notifications first in the popup
- git #125a2446 - The return of the 'mark all as read' button
- git #bd67fc03 - chmod 644 for php files (T111740)
- git #f4fd809e - Only send api request if the popup is opening (T111667)
- git #327466a2 - Align notification badge higher on the personal navigation bar (T108190)
- git #36191fc2 - Fix the badge icon update (T111432)
- git #dbefd3b6 - Specify firstHeading rule for .mw-special-Notifications only (T111628)
- git #311c3aad - Restore echo.alert styles
- git #f9c58089 - Move edit-user-talk to messages (T108760)
- git #c5434d59 - Use the correct cache key when storing 'hasMessages'
- git #fc2711eb - Create an 'initiallyUnseen' class for initially unseen notifications
- git #ea1f23e0 - Don't wait for the API to update seen status of notifications
- git #820eaa27 - Add a border between the popup head and notification list (T111432)
- git #59efdc51 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
- git #e650df66 - Separate 'seen time' for alerts and messages (T111285)
- git #f6a12f10 - Correct 'primaryLink' to 'primaryUrl' everywhere
- git #35c4a379 - Use db-replicated objectcache for storing last seen time (T95839)
- git #1ac72cc0 - Split alerts and messages in Echo (T108190)
- git #86da8324 - Require a Language object in DiscussionParser::getTextSnippet()
- git #5d772ad7 - Expose the revid of the event revision in the API
edit- git #12314f8e - orgs -> institutions in a message text
- git #dc4a6a76 - EducationProgram: Add GENDER to some messages.
edit- git #41b9a587 - Log url size errors to statsd (T112592)
- git #0fa41cfd - only matches eventlogging tests (T111438)
edit- git #335bf26f - build: Upgrade jscs to 2.1.0
edit- git #85b0dff2 - Don't open multiple editors when editing posts that have replies (T111987)
- git #5fe09cbd - Avoid null pointer exception and instead show relevant debugging info (T111494)
- git #d748290f - chmod 644 for php files (T111742)
- git #0e651cc7 - Remove unused message flow-error-edit-restricted (T110932)
- git #f9c9047c - Design the anon warning widget (T110086)
- git #5effd215 - Don't trigger event in mediawiki.ui.enhance test (T111459)
- git #0e6b8857 - Add debugging code for invalid titles in WikiReference (T111267)
- git #8f76ee13 - Fix variable capitalization
- git #e12a4f01 - <br> → <br /> in 'flow-notification-enabled-on-talkpage-title-message'
- git #fe99819b - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
- git #17935658 - Unbreak update.php for wikis using MW_INSTALL_PATH
- git #d2477fcc - Add a confirmation dialog for canceling edits (T111115, T109365)
- git #7c6b48e0 - Hackily move the check icon a bit so it appears to align better (T108263)
- git #b5c1fdff - Remove 'last modified' message from the description (T110082)
- git #39a52955 - Activate guided tour from opt in process (T98270)
- git #3ec19752 - Fix/clarify some comments
- git #9920d620 - Create a guided tour for first-time users (T108266)
- git #06e56d56 - Always refetch data editing description (T109365)
- git #6a353119 - Beta feature Flow on user talk page (T98270)
- git #8dda4564 - Use addJsConfigVars() instead of makeInlineScript() for JSON blob
- git #b06fa4a0 - Browser tests: fix typo in step usage
- git #2af44bb6 - Edit post widget (T109000)
- git #041b7339 - Add namespace for Arabic (T110999)
- git #15b5758b - Use the VirtualRESTService to configure Flow (T110721)
- git #d04ba546 - Fix positioning of resolved check icon in RTL
- git #98d4e25a - Reduce font size and vertical padding of topic header (T108263)
edit- git #dbecdaee - chmod 644 for php and json files (T111743)
edit- git #4e3168ee - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #962caa6b - Follow up change in MobileFrontend (T110069)
edit- git #c7654e6a - Enhance message "globalcssjs-custom-css-js" (T72588)
edit- git #ac89a568 - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #f5b6a522 - VisualEditor: Replace jQuery node with HTMLElement
- git #cece69b1 - VisualEditor: Override GeneratedContentNodes methods at a lower level
- git #fa00167c - VisualEditor: Remove ve.ui.BlockLabelWidget
edit- git #746dd27e - Revert "Adapt to Echo's new modules"
- git #3ff02168 - Don't overwrite Schema property defaults when logging
- git #53ccf5d6 - Message text enhancements
- git #dbc903de - Little message text clarifications.
- git #17238d9e - Fix EventLogging schema dependencies (T110272)
- git #2e25893b - Remove import reference to missing file (T111516)
- git #ca50cca9 - QA: Fix failing tests due to change to desktop login form (T111489)
- git #5695252b - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
- git #2c8f34c0 - Remove hard requirement of in (T110069)
- git #acfe1b97 - QA: Run language browser tests per commit (T107910)
- git #47e5fc6c - QA: Run ui links tests per commit
- git #8fc5bd26 - Use core login form (T70758, T65328, T74910, T54059)
- git #6c3d83fa - minerva: Let background-color of last-modified-bar transition
- git #7dd49472 - Let interested parties know whether the beta opt-in panel is shown (T111188)
- git #12801004 - Make edit link and watchstar accessible to ios voiceover (T87670)
- git #191f9255 - Hygiene: SchemaMobileWebBrowse extends SchemaMobileWeb
- git #0657a21b - Separate Search Api code from search frontend modules (T110069)
- git #dbd03300 - Blacklist iOS8 for new Wikitext editor
edit- git #90e956e0 - Remove CSS readiness workaround (T63852)
- git #33908e64 - Improve Personality Rights restriction icon
edit- git #a69e7a6f - Ensure timings are reported after the page has loaded
- git #9405b703 - Revert "Fetch missing Navigation Timing metrics and mwLoadEnd."
- git #692f2608 - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #5d4824f4 - Fetch missing Navigation Timing metrics and mwLoadEnd. (T109756)
edit- git #0d2c16a1 - Revert "Fix logic to refresh the service catalog." (T110629)
edit- git #5b034af5 - build: Use npm for jshint, jscs, jsonlint, csslint and banana; composer (T63618, T108779)
edit- git #1e032616 - Fix support for height parameter and mustRender (T111870, T112045)
- git #5893b7f7 - Fix syntax error
edit- git #5ea5b1bc - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #27d85b4f - Follow-up: I11eb8292ca9fce18add93167a53db314d3bf8df5
- git #eaa988eb - Use jshint in npm
- git #7bc5242e - Update i18n messages and files
edit- git #a64439f2 - Improves the range checking of <page> tag (T111035)
edit- git #7693cdc0 - Use context's $out instead of undefined $wgOut (T111206)
edit- git #ae7efa68 - Get language names via core functions (T111643)
edit- git #d18769d9 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
edit- git #5686adeb - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
edit- git #5e1ded3f - chmod 644 WebVideoTranscodeJob.php (T111745)
- git #1538fed8 - Do language formatting on numbers in [[Special:TimedMediaHandler]]
- git #23014159 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
edit- git #7e7bee30 - Avoid checking blacklists in isBlacklisted() for existing titles
- git #90e2e784 - Avoid checking the blacklist for actions which do not modify content
- git #fa7e5fdb - Avoid loading the blacklist in TitleGetEditNotices hook handler
edit- git #023b8cd9 - Avoid FOUC on translatable pages (T111713)
- git #3bf86ed2 - Allow external or per-namespace support URL (T40635)
- git #805767f0 - Restore table styles on Special:Translations
- git #d083a534 - Refactor $wgTranslateSupportUrl constructions (T40635)
- git #64c3342b - Add position for ext.translate.legacy
- git #3e8eaac4 - Fix styles on Special:SearchTranslations (T111262)
- git #7f43fe2e - Remove code supporting MediaWiki 1.23
edit- git #4088b143 - Fix-up for Ib98499040
- git #069fd2c4 - Use localStorage to store previous languages, not cookies (T110353)
- git #f3a05e27 - Remove not useful comments
edit- git #584655c0 - Don't fail horribly when invalid categories are passed (T112417)
- git #72dbd8cd - Really recover from 'badtoken' error when uploading (T71691, T112446)
- git #0dc31784 - Always set 'offset' with chunked uploads, even for first chunk (offset == 0) (T111908)
- git #ccc1ce57 - Consider the object reference not being passed in the expected format (T111381)
- git #23096bda - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #e0d4ab7c - Added support to ignore file extension (T103224)
- git #a8a82ec1 - Work around <input type=file multiple> having wrong .value on IE 11 (T88223)
- git #02ed1a8d - Correctly report an error for file names without extension (T89792)
edit- git #2e963221 - Update VE core submodule to master (97742c0)
- git #78b415cc - build: Upgrade grunt-banana-checker to v0.3.0
- git #36dc5147 - Initialize actions toolbars
- git #5337b249 - Update VE core submodule to master (d58d7d4)
- git #486bc7e6 - mw.trackSubscriber: Log platform as phone vs. desktop
- git #8815d139 - Abstract mwExtension behaviour into MWExtensionWindow
- git #2c201a6d - Load new gallery styles module (T98878)
- git #6d94d060 - Bump Schema:Edit to revision 13457736 (T111420)
- git #ecdcdcc6 - VisualEditorDataModule: remove $msgKeys
- git #efe72708 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue
- git #7c2f6e1f - Don't break when you cancel the link inspector (T111241)
- git #a02d8573 - Fix cancelling of extension inspectors (T110992)
- git #471df53a - MWLinkInspectorTool: Add parent method call to #updateState (T111099)
- git #b9183540 - Remove explicit setting of ce=false on FocusableNodes
- git #7cc23367 - Specialized inspector for ISBN magic links (T63558)
- git #febd93b1 - <visualeditor-dialog-media-size-section-help>: Fix grammar
edit- git #7eba01c3 - Finish updates for Schema:Edit (T111421)
- git #28f11970 - Bump Schema:Edit to revision 13457736 (T111421)
edit- git #36e62751 - Update Wikidata - Do not filter affected pages by namespace. (T113456)
- git #9e5e7f5c - Update Wikidata - No longer ignore changes to statements when processing changes on the client (T113456)
- git #d81941db - Update Wikidata - Fix autocomment format and change coalescing bugs
- git #44de6aaf - Update Wikidata - Fix uncaught exception on some diff pages (T112003)
- git #11664848 - Fix JSON entity keys in api results
edit- git #4f9ee787 - Delay rendering of OOUI icons until banner rendering (T111304)
- git #4ca64733 - WikidataPageBanner set focus after banner load (T111710)
- git #1af285ea - WPB title should use Mediawiki:Pagetitle (T111593)
- git #45064452 - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #8f327bdc - WikidataPageBanner disable on diff pages (T110384)
edit- git #d5a7ba17 - More reliable handling of WMA and WIWOSM buttons (T107936)
- git #6e1c2d10 - Update CompletionSuggestion bucket selection (T112585)
- git #f756a2ef - A/B test for experimental suggestions api (T111137)
- git #99956f12 - statsd: Add missing schedule() call to the 'counter' listener
edit- git #b515b868 - Revert "Remove old be-tarask -> be-x-old alias"
- git #379a7ce4 - Remove old be-tarask -> be-x-old alias (T111853)
edit- git #3f3bde51 - build: Bump grunt-contrib-jshint from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 to fix upstream issue