MediaWiki 1.22/wmf5
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ウィキメディアのウェブサイト群への MediaWiki 1.22wmf5 の展開 | MediaWiki 1.22/wmf6![]() |
ウィキペディアとその姉妹サイトを支える MediaWiki の最新版 (名前は「1.22wmf5」) が、2013年5月27日(月)以降、全ウィキメディアサイトに段階的に展開されていきます (ロードマップを参照してください)。
Core changes
- git #f6287b2e - support setting Memcached::OPT_SERVER_FAILURE_LIMIT, Memcached::OPT_RETRY_TIMEOUT
- git #0717a4d9 - Updated Zero extension to latest
- git #e2b110a2 - Add new hook AbortTalkPageEmailNotification
- git #b241c1c7 - Update Wikibase with patch for change notification jobs
- git #1899f0e4 - Update Wikibase with fix for lua/geo data type
- git #21cdd4c6 - Update Wikibase
- git #2aa62f6a - Add a script to remove deleted files from storage (バグ 47990)
- git #bad4d500 - Add Parsoid to wmf5 too
- git #bf2b752e - Bump GuidedTour for E3 deploy
- git #5f92a2b0 - updated to latest zero extension
- git #5907b42e - Bump GettingStarted for E3 deploy
- git #0525d2e7 - Give skin more control of OutputPage modules
- git #6280ebe7 - Add Disambiguator extension
- git #22a544be - Fix edit patrolling in multi Diffs (バグ 49019)
- git #7715ffc9 - WebRequest::getIP() cleanups. (バグ 48919)
- git #e44a2ad1 - Migrate Extension:PostEdit interface to core (バグ 48276)
- git #82352634 - Fixed trailing slash removal code.
- git #6d81e017 - Compress PNGs used in new forms
- git #635c33a3 - Darker labels in new login and create acct forms (バグ 47777)
- git #cbd13885 - benefits icon part of background, not float (バグ 48909)
- git #f41b79e4 - Bump GettingStarted for E3 deploy
- git #45488672 - Bump GuidedTour for E3 deploy
- git #e848d3f0 - Bump EventLogging for E3 deploy
- git #72ecd982 - Add new parameter $patrolFooterShown to hook ArticleViewFooter
- git #92bdd366 - Tooltips for HTMLCheckMatrix (バグ 47094)
- git #f7c93380 - Update Wikibase
- git #ef929731 - Updating to latest Zero extension
- git #bcd8f741 - Revert ULS back to 1.22wmf4 version
- git #069daf1b - Update wikidata related extensions to mw1.22-wmf5 branches
- git #94f5faf1 - Commit of various wmf-branch live hacks
- git #f72515cf - Fieldset legends is broken. (バグ 48650)
- git #3bc539e1 - Moved job queue aggregator classes to a subdirectory.
- git #fd3e7dc5 - Add Release notes for I1e24733c
- git #86b54375 - Enable fallback languages when retrieving messages (バグ 1495, バグ 46579)
- git #eb62181c - Updated profiling table definition.
- git #f1cde0f1 - [JobQueue] Allow using gzip on larger jobs in JobQueueRedis.
- git #c44ba874 - Ensure title in NS_FILE before showing archived file
- git #d510d0c0 - Language::convertPlural: check if matching form exists
- git #a3c7a8b8 - Rename $usableSkins to $allowedSkins
- git #c451b320 - Patrol overhaul phase 1: Remove rcid parameters
- git #f9e23492 - Remove 'SkinTemplateTabs' from docs/hooks.txt
- git #617f67c5 - Fixed misleading @since tag.
- git #c143ab00 - Preferences: Add link to user contributions on value of "Number of edits". (バグ 43637)
- git #e990facd - Actually update $lastTime in runJobs.php
- git #669e9fc3 - Apply default robot policy for non-existing user pages
- git #4a2a94b0 - Set context when using UserrightsPage
- git #267b582e - displaytitle: reject some CSS if $wgRestrictDisplayTitle set (バグ 26547)
- git #e7cd380d - jquery.byteLimit: Fix infinite loop if text is longer than max (バグ 41450)
- git #4caa8528 - jquery.byteLimit: Improve unit tests
- git #d2dcea58 - Added a --profiler option to all maintenance scripts.
- git #21884f75 - Avoid select/writes for anon user in WatchedItem
- git #2f8a5b34 - Add ss_active_users in SiteStats::isSane
- git #95712b4a - User::getDefaultOptions duplicate call
- git #dc252e0a - Reset the error string in LoadBalancer::getConnection() to avoid it crufting up.
- git #59b74124 - Removing prefix exception for HTMLCheckMatrix
- git #47c27494 - Fix for wrong prefixing of multi checkbox (バグ 48693)
- git #602b89ca - Add page language to prop=info
- git #51f5d087 - Use square brackets instead of curly braces for char of a string
- git #ec9296e4 - Do not returning external title in ApiPageSet::getRedirectTargets
- git #beb1c4a0 - phpcs: More require/include is not a function
- git #42333412 - SECURITY: Do checks on all upload types
- git #e311f6f8 - TitleSquidURLs hook for changing the URLs to purge
- git #010ff861 - Add parsoid-specific image testing
- git #152ec4f7 - Adding short date format i18n strings to Language message files (バグ 47211)
- git #22eb569f - Fixed behavior of Title::invalidateCache. (バグ 46816)
- git #0eb8d2ed - jquery.textSelection: Fix typos in documentation
- git #ea14e469 - autoloader missed some entries (バグ 47750)
- git #b671f77f - Point to repo for 'normal' extension, rather than referring to CVS.
- git #9bc2081d - Add $namespaceGenderAliases for 'eo'
- git #1f956360 - Deprecate $wgJsMimeType
- git #b7bec085 - Drop redundant attributes in hardcoded html
- git #f8099dc3 - Improve doc for mw.util.getParamValue
- git #7142afab - resourceloader: Write to debug log for all fatal errors (バグ 44018)
- git #bce48e94 - resourceloader: Consistently use 'resourceloader' log group (バグ 44018)
- git #15f68b16 - newlines in wfDebug() calls
- git #e5ba9cac - Make checkUsernames.php use batches (バグ 3507)
- git #819e9a92 - Update formatting
- git #4f98011f - Fix fatal, use Message::isDisabled()
- git #186f5f63 - Move the global to the place it is needed.
- git #bbe0dfb8 - Non existent user subpages should return 404 (バグ 46491)
- git #3b7c4f69 - Removed Closure type hints where not needed.
- git #8672dc79 - SpecialWatchlist: Page header cleanup (バグ 48615)
- git #02919f75 - Remove the $wgHandheldStyle config variable entirely (バグ 47504)
- git #cef46d08 - display: inline-block for .errorbox, .warningbox, .successbox (バグ 33438)
- git #a232f2c1 - Update formatting
- git #8be2e118 - deleteEqualMessages: Refactor to support all langcode subpages (バグ 48050, バグ 43917)
- git #15ff7931 - Fixed spacing and removed unneeded parenthesis
- git #072d5168 - Deprecate OutputPage::out.
- git #a8fdb5da - Add RC_EXTERNAL to comment in tables.sql
- git #f290565f - Delete translatations. English message was set to ''
- git #a57e1da5 - OutputPage: Move our <meta charset="...> so it's placed above the title
- git #3998d1e6 - HTMLCheckMatrix support for forcing options on/off (バグ 47743)
- git #810879a3 - API: indicate default and skipped skins in meta=siteinfo (バグ 47216, バグ 47216)
- git #c3a13553 - DairikiDiff: Optimise method WordLevelDiff._split() (バグ 47989)
- git #0448eed7 - Changing "private" to "protected" on a few functions in User.php
- git #294e591a - Make sure job runner exceptions get logged.
- git #2db7b260 - Blank some new Create account messages by default (バグ 47801)
- git #21e33bfd - SpecialStatistics::getOtherStats use standard language instead of inContentLanguage (バグ 48542)
- git #888b0d06 - document NullJob example usage
- git #5da19f4b - Add helpurls to some api modules
- git #9d690a51 - Fix badcontinue in possible errors of paraminfo
- git #97caae59 - Drop support for XHTML 1.0
- git #af6d3572 - updateCollation.php: sanity check the collation before proceeding" (バグ 46615)
- git #d3b22e8d - Add Parsoid-specific tests for link trail and -prefix escaping
- git #4136f826 - Fixed total breakage of HashRing in 9d1cd9a.
- git #b0b49887 - Fixed bug where FORCE INDEX did not make it to the SQL.
- git #0a8e4a57 - Add more tests for paragraphs and headings with extra spacing
- git #266e46a5 - [JobQueue] Added a function to delete all jobs from a queue.
- git #40078d1c - [FileBackend] Avoid concurrency for the 1 op case in doQuickOperationsInternal().
- git #7064d104 - Do not bold all entries of an unvisited page on the Watchlist
- git #307eee22 - Fix fatal error in Special:Preferences (バグ 41337)
- git #4bd5471c - docs: Remove odd colons after @todo
- git #be7b1016 - Made DatabaseBase::getSoftwareLink() dynamic.
- git #b4ca98b8 - [JobQueue] In addition to flushing any transaction, be sure to avoid new ones
- git #176c5354 - docs: Consistently use "since" phrasing in @deprecated
- git #81551c26 - cleanup: variable referenced without initialization
- git #1bd0d43f - OutputPage: Guard jQuery.ready() against absence of jQuery
- git #679d9c3f - Update and rebuild MessagesEn.php.
- git #619a3f3b - Fixed bug in LocalFile::isCacheable().
- git #e42c4b82 - Fixed LocalFile::isCacheable() to account for object type metadata.
- git #1f424d6d - Fix typo in RELEASE-NOTES
- git #22fe7131 - Allow kbd, samp, and var to be nested. (バグ 41545)
- git #8c7c4e74 - Clean up sublime ignores
- git #bfe2eb4d - Fix Qqq link for userlogin-resetpassword-link
- git #95f0a167 - Clear stat cache before determining local copy error message.
- git #2efe85ca - jquery.tablesorter.test: Reset transform tables in mw.config
- git #9d1cd9ad - Strengthened validation for HashRing a bit.
- git #e87bb70a - Added wiki ID to backend copy script errors.
- git #5b5f8927 - Disambiguate buildForm docs, add TODO
- git #e9daa176 - Reposition nested FancyCaptcha, conditional help. (バグ 47699)
- git #a89d6233 - Whitelist a bunch of url protocols.
- git #7053baca - Remove "will be removed in ..." comments
- git #a0beab8a - Remove the space from between headline and its section edit link
- git #7436a5d3 - Actually try to load intl for test which requires it.
- git #00f891ce - Fix global objects and singletons in NewParserTest
- git #c4e951d3 - Fix inconsistent docs
- git #62cde15a - Use Html::element() to build the links used in 'alphaindexline' message
- git #dd85e115 - Slight improvements to FormSpecialPage behavior.
- git #e0d1aad3 - fix Monobook action tabs not quite touching the page body (バグ 17602)
- git #bc59c4fc - ForeignAPIRepo: Fetch thumb error from foreign repo
- git #ff207f24 - add basic print styles to CologneBlue (バグ 42844)
- git #7705e905 - Hide external changes in Special:AbuseFilter/test
- git #baf5001d - Remove redundant class for syntax errors
- git #841c7e0c - Hide external changes in Special:AbuseFilter/examine
- git #6ac46771 - Fix the subtitle for the AbuseFilter history view
- git #3c5a0748 - Use the UploadVerifyFile hook
- git #3762b0db - Filters don't refresh feedback list any more (バグ 49164, バグ 49164)
- git #5bb9a50a - Don't show enable/disable links if AFTv5 is status is set via categories
- git #a615ffa3 - Database error when trying to protect a page for creation (バグ 49174, バグ 49174)
- git #f083671d - Added Travis CI config file
- git #3fddc74f - Added missing dependency of TimeInput expert
- git #6c78f191 - Input extender: Listening to "animationstep" event
- git #5d357934 - Always resize StringValue expert input element
- git #e949825e - List rotator widget: Assigning position absolute to menu
- git #4044289d - Input extender widget: Removed obsolete stopPropagation()
- git #424b4efa - trim incoming string values
- git #71ac0290 - Stopgap to avoid excessively long string values (backport)
- git #2fab8334 - Removed word 'proleptic' from message
- git #10e0e732 - Removed dead code
- git #5a9c7d69 - Fixed wrong decade precision (バグ 48673)
- git #6015f117 - Fixed typo in test output
- git #188f051f - [time.js/DataValues] Change calendar IDs to match Denny's guidelines
- git #81bf769c - [DataValues] Introduction of UnUnserializableValue (バグ 48622)
- git #e2ec4d06 - [DataValues] Added tests for JSON related DataValue functions
- git #e3ec84d4 - TineInput expert updates its rawValue to invalid values if required (バグ 48621)
- git #9de7be77 - Improved repositioning input extender's extension
- git #c56ceac9 - Prevent setting precision higher than "day"
- git #2b4e91da - Fill time.settings.monthnames with localized strings by MW's $wgLanguageCode
- git #5e7a6efd - Updated "advanced adjustments" label
- git #e3ccab39 - TimeInput expert: Correctly updating time value when adjusting options
- git #29ac429a - [dataValues] introduction of mw.ext.dataValues extension object (バグ 48145)
- git #cf5bcf99 - Introduction of jQuery.fn.focusAt
- git #84ef38c2 - Change TimeInput expert's focus to focus input end
- git #4df94e64 - [time.js] more test cases (バグ 48145)
- git #a6893d1f - [DataValues] Separation of resource loader module definitions
- git #20eba1c5 - [DataValues] TimeValue.newFromJSON fix
- git #5876389a - Close icon for input extender (バグ 48145)
- git #0d56ae89 - [time.js] Various fixes for time.Time.newFromIso8601
- git #1f3c063a - input extender widget: Tabbing into/out of extension (バグ 48145)
- git #b85610e4 - Improved input extender/list rotator hiding routine (バグ 48145)
- git #36ce32fe - List rotator widget refactoring (バグ 48145)
- git #bf645cc7 - TimeInput expert refactoring (バグ 48145)
- git #3782f2bd - TimeInput expert styling improvements (バグ 48145)
- git #f64150f9 - [time.js] Added tests for Time.newFromIso8601
- git #423717cc - [time.js] Added time.settings setting for day vs. month first and its support in parser
- git #5a43b8fb - Adding calendar hint message (バグ 48145)
- git #794e5cb4 - Input extender: Triggering "animationstep" event (バグ 48145)
- git #dff1a1fb - TimeInput expert: Applied toggler widget (バグ 48145)
- git #c8e6632d - TimeInput expert: Added listrotator to select calendar (バグ 48145)
- git #3ca896e8 - Simplified input extender widget (バグ 48145)
- git #1b5cb01c - [time.js] added equals function for Time, and using it in DataValue now
- git #68e74e57 - Introducing listrotator widget to set time precision (バグ 48145)
- git #0c9efc60 - [time.js] Constructor tests for time.Time and introduction of time.validTimeDefinitions
- git #986f01a0 - Applying input expander widget to TimeInput expert (バグ 48145)
- git #162ff58d - [time.js] Added tests for time.Time.parse
- git #003d027d - Implemented input extender jQuery widget (バグ 48145)
- git #3a751007 - [time.js] enhancement of time.Time.validate, making sure required fields for given precision are set
- git #4d970f08 - [time.js] added time.Time.validate and use it in time.Time constructor
- git #cf548087 - [time.js] added time.Time.minPrecision and tests
- git #ed386f8d - [time.js] added time.Time.maxPrecision and tests
- git #bd4f2c7f - [time.js] added time.Time.knowsPrecision and tests
- git #eab79643 - [time.js] Allow construction of time.Time objects by plain object
- git #dca3cfe8 - [time.js] Properly pass jQuery as a dependency to Time.js
- git #fd693ce5 - [time.js] Move Time.js files into its own "src" directory so we can add tests into "tests" directory
- git #79f1bfde - Displaying calendar model (バグ 48145)
- git #2f6c07c3 - Removed PropertyValue class
- git #202cc196 - Have PropertyValue return the value is contains in getValue rather then itself
- git #4f2bfadd - Remove getParsers from DataType interface
- git #1c6c39ce - Removed ValueParsers Error interface
- git #08e33b4b - Remove obsolete registration code
- git #49db836c - Added standalone test runner for DataValues and removed some dependencies on MW from the tests
- git #2cac3854 - Time.newFromIso860: Keep 0 if no other year digits (バグ 48145)
- git #eb77f1a6 - Introduced timeinput jQuery widget (バグ 48145)
- git #c74d9d38 - Passing options object to Time object constructor (バグ 48145)
- git #fd3e5380 - time parser: Reject parsing when no proper precision available (バグ 48145)
- git #4d4b6d31 - Added PHPUnit config and boostrtap files
- git #0101e873 - Toggler widget: Implemented "disabled" functionality and hover
- git #9c9e1a9e - Moving toggler widget from Wikibase to ValueView extension
- git #5bcf8039 - Remove pointless checks that obstruct library usage
- git #3355a564 - Add unhappy path test to DiffTest
- git #5f6cc8b9 - Add unhappy path test to MapDifferTest
- git #4c0e0764 - Add unhappy path test to CallbackListDifferTest
- git #b65ea107 - Improved ListPatcherTest
- git #0e214af6 - Added Travis CI file
- git #fd5d784c - Actually add the build status image now
- git #54c367eb - Remove some deprecated methods
- git #b90ecf35 - Change README to and added Travis CI build status
- git #09f7d838 - fixed typo
- git #48512f3c - Added @covers tags to PHPUnit tests to increase accuracy of code coverage reports
- git #9b2dba35 - Move tests for code in directory diffop/diff into matching test directory
- git #c94fa9b8 - Simplified imports
- git #4de815d5 - 0.6 release
- ** Newly deployed extension
- git #07b35887 - Removing PGY as a valid currency
- git #1c3b9d63 - Load the phpunit.xml we have sitting in tests/
- git #928e95dc - Get the unit tests to run to completion (バグ 48548)
- git #512379d2 - Sandbox cURL, generally make it possible to test (バグ 48270)
- git #9e61407e - Lock out PayPal MYR and BRL
- git #6ffc1cac - Add clickthrough eventlogging to Echo
- git #7c19d024 - Notifications Productivity A/B Test (バグ 49142)
- git #f38ce97e - Database updates for respecting oversight within Echo (バグ 48059)
- git #c638d441 - Echo: Better support for non-default skins, as well as no Javascript (バグ 47932)
- git #78622663 - $wgOut->getContext()->getTitle() may return null
- git #74533036 - Fix some JS issues
- git #9bcb5cc9 - Link to any heading not just a main heading (バグ 48484)
- git #5da9fd76 - Increment version nr
- git #437b77c5 - fixed comments
- git #4f3be1fa - Fixed title construction in EPArticle and added regression test
- git #867ccb19 - Gadget-definitions: Make comment matching non-greedy
- git #1b9f77cd - Clarify setrawcookie comment.
- git #9f3ec727 - Show toolbar after post-edit is done, if applicable.
- git #4ab986cb - Remove template parse operation on every page view
- git #b7bee1a9 - Fix QUnit issues, such as an incorrect use of assert.ok.
- git #9ae9689c - Refactor and add support for multiple tours and sticky tours. (バグ 44924)
- git #938e1230 - Bump for change to Guiders default animation duration.
- git #ffdd0f6c - Fix: Added details to error message
- git #927340d3 - New rendering option LaTeXML (バグ 43222)
- git #9f29f485 - MathJax: Use \mathbf instead \boldsymbol for the \bold command
- git #6b58a514 - Math: Add texvc alias \image to MathJax (バグ 35186)
- git #56be566d - Math: Add \Q, \H and \AA texvc commands to MathJax (バグ 35186)
- git #0967b6b3 - Math: Upgrade MathJax to v2.2
- git #32e2f4d4 - Use i18n params for errors than appending raw string, with test
- git #c41016d9 - Regression: Stop locking viewport on overlays
- git #30a64d3f - : Hide errors in preview output" (バグ 49218)
- git #801d42b9 - Move css for Special:Notifications from global css namespace
- git #aa7a439d - Move ExtMobileFrontend::parseContentFormat() to MobileContext
- git #d84e1703 - More descriptive error messages
- git #d2e1efa4 - : Reinstate refresh button on nearby (バグ 49214)
- git #a4f3d572 - Fix watchstar alignment in stable
- git #89630291 - The id 'zero-language-search' is not used anymore
- git #6a43eb24 - : Filter out recent changes that are RC_EXTERNAL (バグ 45517)
- git #9c02d306 - Alpha: Hijack Search result links
- git #0b420ccd - Return watch list star to search results
- git #15213fbe - Don't lazy load sections on the first load
- git #2bcff770 - Move UnitTestsList handler to MobileFrontendHooks
- git #5258a2bb - Cleanup: Get rid of several pointless returns and if statements
- git #921e56ea - Bind the history state change event after replace state
- git #51f10594 - Rename View#initialize to View#postRender
- git #53a8b53d - Alpha: Lazy load pages using History.js from search and page content
- git #930202d2 - Lots of minor fixes
- git #ee8c4298 - : Hide errors in preview output (バグ 49218)
- git #5f6cdfe3 - Reduce $wgMFCustomLogos cruft
- git #fd40283d - Add some full stops
- git #4fbd7af2 - $wgHtml5 is deprecated
- git #f59d0717 - : Make WML self dependent (バグ 49030)
- git #d9dd5103 - Lock viewports in overlay mode
- git #df4dfa86 - Make talk overlay use M.history.retrievePage
- git #94f644ee - Beta: Reinitialise talk overlay after a page refresh
- git #b6d30db5 - Beta: After a successful edit reinitialise the last modified timestamp
- git #3e9353e5 - Cleanup fixBrowserBugs
- git #72feaa3c - Photo upload tweaks
- git #e93a6183 - Use post for getting previews
- git #2a8e0660 - Show upload cta to anonymous users who come from nearby
- git #84875e9c - Revert "Move zero banner to Zero extension"
- git #bbe8189b - Editor (beta): Refresh the page after an edit
- git #308038ce - Add renderPage function
- git #d1d9fe95 - : Use min height on user info box rather than height (バグ 49146)
- git #7c3dca59 - Explicitly require json gem to avoid warning message on Linux and Windows
- git #d39a12a8 - Cleanup: Move login page handling into own special page
- git #159d3373 - Code hygiene: Consolidate menu creation code
- git #12191182 - Kill dead template code
- git #d542db6e - Story 770: Add notifications (user) icon
- git #a732e7f0 - use M.require('Overlay')
- git #49f3a1a2 - Code cleanup: Separate Overlay, Drawer and CtaDrawer from mf-navigation.js
- git #50a67c53 - Code hygiene: Use more generic nicer variable name for headings
- git #39d0ae3e - Move zero banner to Zero extension
- git #f8401246 - Story 768: Add previews to editor
- git #276714f0 - Only show add topic button if logged in
- git #9fe3e9fc - : Add $wgMFPhotoUploadEndpoint to Special:Uploads for desktop view (バグ 48732)
- git #9cadfa55 - Story 485: Promote talk overlay to beta
- git #3204cbb3 - Updated Ruby gems
- git #2fa1668a - Tweak margins for About and Disclaimer links
- git #e9f67654 - Tweak add topic page for talk
- git #defe3734 - Apply new watch star and talk assets
- git #d8d8efb7 - Story 580: New page menu
- git #19da9fda - Story 755: Add event logging to editing
- git #c0d5ab86 - Story 495: Add about and disclaimer links to menu
- git #ae8dc5d2 - Device type rewrite
- git #b2ad082b - Remove code that does nothing
- git #81093f6e - : Redefine default modules for Minerva Skin (バグ 47882, バグ 47882)
- git #97a40527 - : Always redirect to desktop when hitting history url (バグ 48514)
- git #3d21942a - Profiling
- git #1742d074 - Code cleanup: Remove unused homepage-loaded event.
- git #4dfffa31 - Cleanup: Kill unused getPageArrayFromApiResponse
- git #eb7d0e4c - Upgraded Ruby to 2.0.0-p195
- git #dc80c98a - : Scale thumbnails on Commons (バグ 48728)
- git #c8418bc9 - Don't add instance creator info into puppet
- git #dd4c1baa - Adding params to permissions errors
- ** Newly deployed extension
- git #a6d53125 - Fix warning if pdfinfo fails but pdftext succedes.
- git #d6934dec - Add tracking category in case of broken <score> (バグ 47351)
- git #1ef4cd15 - Fix uncaught exception in LuaStandalone
- git #f4c29486 - Remember kids, 'wiki' and 'wikipedia' aren't the same thing!!
- git #106fc842 - Make $wgServer available for use in remote-mw-script-path
- git #05579b9b - Prevent warning when importing jump config (no questions)
- git #43154777 - Fix options
- git #ec903ecb - Use $wgExtensionAssetsPath
- git #4b50733c - Revert "ResourceLoader-ify SecurePoll"
- git #d71636b6 - bugfix (TypeError: setting a property that has only a getter)
- git #ca8d1264 - bugfix (Exception: Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed)
- git #923807e8 - ("minor edit" and "watch this page" checkboxes no longer work in forms) (バグ 47806)
- git #70ab71d6 - phpcs: Resolve style violations
- git #708bbad1 - Implement Sets
- git #1a38b422 - tests: Reformat tests, evaluate status in addition to I/O
- git #2c89726e - spec: Update specification for InterfaceText structure
- git #0878be5a - spec: Update specification for Set structure
- git #aa2f2351 - Adding optional confirmation process to Thanks workflow (バグ 47658)
- git #4bb070e3 - code cleanup, remove tabs
- git #6403e26d - Consistency tweak: html5 -> HTML5
- git #a9224727 - escape title in edit url (バグ 48300, バグ 48300)
- git #687afa30 - Revert temporary plain text output from I75e37906 (バグ 43747)
- git #20c34419 - Update formatting
- git #aea65d75 - More degloblization
- git #6c3e0534 - SkinTemplateTabs was removed in 1.18
- git #70c61ef2 - Move dependency on ext.translateHooks to base module
- git #2c3692cb - Update formatting.
- git #dced0d23 - Remove key not used in resource
- git #e336a3f2 - Allow adding message documentation when translation is restricted (バグ 47580)
- git #597f4ffa - Remove unused parameter.
- git #a164d457 - More consistent terminology use for review
- git #8bedfbc6 - Remove custom search box clear icon (バグ 47038)
- git #01d335eb - Update formatting
- git #807bf4bb - Make review terminology more consistent (バグ 47824)
- git #686d1748 - Remove unused message
- git #694900b4 - Message tweak.
- git #ed628a03 - Tweak error message
- git #4904671c - Fix incorrect file name
- git #e4c08935 - Update to jQuery UI Position 1.10.3
- git #1759625a - Make TranslateSandboxReminderJob::newJob() static
- git #b6c0b131 - Use localised count
- git #2c2e0f61 - Update jquery.ime from upstream (バグ 49317)
- git #ae27298b - Fix: new language is not added to button on the display panel (バグ 49377)
- git #d10b5c86 - Update jquery.ime from upstream
- git #271ec67a - Update button css from Agora (バグ 49112)
- git #9bc9aa72 - Avoid duplicate language buttons in input settings panel (バグ 49141)
- git #e9ab3008 - Fix: ULS popup moves to sidebar if opened from ime menu (バグ 49060)
- git #6a9b31ad - Use smooth scrolling for the windows when not in viewport
- git #b0575316 - Update jquery.uls from upstream
- git #84355a42 - On show of language settings, update the panel (バグ 49148)
- git #335b338b - Update jquery.ime from upstream (バグ 49152)
- git #c9aa1f11 - Correct the loop logic for language buttons
- git #18fe9e8b - Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'shown' of undefined (バグ 49103)
- git #cfa02f22 - Json mimetype is application/json
- git #0c53c383 - Hide ULS trigger from unsupported browsers (バグ 49028)
- git #ec0ea040 - Introduce Api for loading jquery.i18n json files (バグ 45958)
- git #6075f798 - Huge icons in language settings (バグ 49107)
- git #62385075 - Keyboard icon misaligned in Firefox (バグ 49106)
- git #979c2da4 - 4 (バグ 4907)
- git #1a17ef39 - Properly save back-up preferences for repeated canceling
- git #361eb95f - Make "Cancel" reset preferences and "Apply" save and close (バグ 48898)
- git #8640964f - Clicking on the 'Apply Settings' does not close the ULS panel (バグ 48898)
- git #d1988bb3 - Blacklist old browsers
- git #2a6cb597 - Position the language settings in RTL with interlanguage position
- git #73716f3f - Remove lot of scroll to view related code
- git #a4c0534e - Update jquery.uls from upstream (バグ 47821)
- git #4d196916 - Avoid setting inline style for the element when reset applied (バグ 39992)
- git #000d04c1 - Update jquery.ime from upstream
- git #11fc0347 - Make sure languages section is visible when adding ULS cog icon (バグ 49005)
- git #66e1fab8 - Exclude does not apply if the editfont preference is default
- git #b9462e70 - Update jquery.webfonts from upstream
- git #931cb6dc - Do not use "System" as a font (バグ 48871)
- git #30aaafca - Don't show anonymous users tipsy with setlang (バグ 47970)
- git #fb459cfd - Clarify labels for input methods (バグ 48536)
- git #8b46d340 - Allow ULS language settings accessed from user preference screen. (バグ 47240)
- git #65711c31 - Fix cancel behaviour of display settings (バグ 47976)
- git #86555043 - Refactor interface integration code (バグ 48156)
- git #282b6c76 - Show input methods for selected language correctly (バグ 48163)
- git #540ada59 - Access i18n json files from same domain for IE8 and IE9 (バグ 45958)
- git #f23666a1 - Get the saved font using the fontSelector defined in mw.webfonts.setup
- git #164568e5 - Remove document from anon cover function
- git #2ef2376b - Remove webfonts enabling checkbox and associated preference (バグ 48535)
- git #264652b1 - Reduce use of globals
- git #17c1ce60 - Update formatting
- git #15b57bc3 - Fix some incorrect hook annotations
- git #d10f685e - Remove unused resources
- git #1248d24f - Update jquery.uls from upstream
- git #170be206 - Reset the dirty bit after preferences are saved. (バグ 48703)
- git #cea4d817 - Display notification when disabling input methods from keyboard icon menu (バグ 48534)
- git #4221b97a - Hide the ULS trigger for users who disabled JS (バグ 42500)
- git #3cdcd26b - Do not show ULS in weird positions
- git #8f574326 - Revert "Remove redundant focus handler" (バグ 48703)
- git #76e20523 - Update webfonts test page
- git #6705754c - Optimize images
- git #4a49c25f - Provide disable input tools option in IME menu (バグ 48533)
- git #739d952a - Remove redundant focus handler
- git #a73c24f5 - Add fonts for Syriac Armaic languages (バグ 47229)
- git #a93438a1 - Update jquery.ime from upstream
- git #2174740b - Revert "Add a MediaWiki preference for enabling ULS IME" (バグ 48642)
- git #142bdbd7 - Better way to fix jslint warnings
- git #d93c92af - Remove a redundant CSS rule
- git #bf270812 - Fix all jshint errors
- git #146f0fc2 - Scroll the window to show language settings if necessary
- git #00c37b92 - Update jquery.ime from upstream
- git #b1563040 - Cog icon can be used to close the language settings panel (バグ 47971)
- git #bb3e72f5 - Simplify the language settings display
- git #07465bf2 - Set the position of display settings to match ULS (バグ 47822)
- git #9bb695ae - Avoid setting a fixed height for font selectors
- git #5dde8024 - Revert "Avoid duplicate languagesettings dialog in page source"
- git #73e6e01c - Scroll language settings on all changes
- git #3b2e39d8 - Avoid duplicate languagesettings dialog in page source (バグ 48211)
- git #977b36ad - Replace id uls-more-languages with class
- git #da5555ae - Put the cog icon in the middle of the section title (バグ 47978)
- git #6ae0fe3e - Add a MediaWiki preference for enabling ULS IME (バグ 47240)
- git #875986d0 - Remove data on blanking category input. (バグ 48654)
- git #038501cd - UploadWizard: Remove unused function addWarning
- git #bbd7cb76 - fix regression from I84641dd92581de5bb546663ec60652d60f82cf65
- git #6b5b8e65 - hide flickr upload if multiple upload is disabled
- git #9f7dd03e - Better error messages. (バグ 27305)
- git #4d606846 - Code style improvements
- git #8234dbd2 - Check protection status of titles in details step (バグ 37107)
- git #cba55b93 - Don't do evil shadowing of mw
- git #e6c7aa42 - Clear phantoms on teardown in ProtectedNode
- git #2fd9454c - Convert from DOS line endings (CRLF) to Unix ones (LF)
- git #dd008646 - Rename 'langlinks' to 'languages'
- git #c36df77e - Make reference editing work
- git #dc961f67 - Remove trailing whitespace everywhere
- git #fb768ddc - Restore window overlays
- git #4f1ed682 - Fix misspelled event handler
- git #d13e09ea - Fix undefined i18n message in category popout
- git #b70d6e1b - Remove duplicated code breaking the template dialog
- git #65c3540d - Fix getAnnotationIndexesFromOffset() to always return an array
- git #238d68eb - Merging and remapping of IVStores and InternalLists
- git #6562b32a - Add getDocumentSlice
- git #c85e9ad1 - Fix documentation for GridLayout to add a return type
- git #58193750 - Internationalisation for the metadata dialog
- git #90e4f4d6 - Store multi byte characters as one element (バグ 48630)
- git #83c79bd5 - Wrap pre-formatted nodes at word boundaries, not window width (バグ 38043)
- git #e14defc7 - Attach resize handles to $localOverlay
- git #80a37e9d - Remove resize handles on surface teardown (バグ 48530)
- git #6ca45aa2 - Remove language page tab from MW meta dialog (バグ 48561)
- git #ce86aa77 - Add MW meta button to toolbar (バグ 48561)
- git #626a8c60 - Make MW meta dialog experimental
- git #8157bcc4 - Correctly populate internalList for example documents
- git #026af0d6 - Remove unused toolbar group name.
- git #7ab76291 - Display 'editingold' as a notice when editing old version of a page (バグ 47683)
- git #2e76271b - The Great ve.ui.Surface refactor of 2013
- git #57317e23 - Use our own collection of constant to key code. The one based on w3c is not reliable.
- git #181fb4d9 - Fix value for DOM_VK_DELETE
- git #1d7cf569 - Support for thumb and frame images with captions.
- git #917fbc6f - ve.ui.Toolbar: Clear the float before the toolbar (バグ 48734)
- git #02d52250 - Fix for check if data is balanced
- git #f29fa6ec - Added comment to explain better what ve.Keys is.
- git #d0dbc395 - Remove native KeyEvent
- git #bf6df1ff - Get rid of try..catch by using
- git #70694b2b - MWLinkTargetInputWidget: Normalise value before matching (バグ 48476)
- git #d28e10d8 - ve.Element: Add unit tests
- git #38f199d5 - Clicking link button while link inspector is already open throws error (バグ 48549)
- git #e7af635e - ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog: Implement templatedata API fetch
- git #523e981a - Show warning when commit message is empty and preference is set (バグ 47752)
- git #40e45d17 - Icons for underline, strike & super/subscript buttons (バグ 47780)
- git #6ca8caa0 - mw.ViewPageTarget: Get feedback url from content language (バグ 47730)
- git #cea627b6 - mw.ViewPageTarge: Add mw-content-ltr/mw-content-rtl to surface
- git #7c8bc084 - Added very basic support (rendering) for captions of thumb and frame images.
- git #7aefae88 - Add a transaction builder for replacing the contents of a node
- git #ce13080d - Fix 'dump model' button on standalone demo
- git #acbf5f82 - UnicodeJS treating start/end tags as letters (バグ 48487)
- git #95f41c17 - Move selection to end of insertion after paste (バグ 48603)
- git #57b9167b - Fix call to getWindow (バグ 48602)
- git #706b64e8 - Change document title on surface setup/teardown (バグ 48272)
- git #d8658a9f - Fix bytelimit status update (バグ 47718)
- git #9ff6737f - Refactor HTML attribute preservation
- git #6f0c739d - Refetch the token when we get a badtoken error (バグ 42984)
- git #356c2790 - Always enable save button on oldid pages (バグ 48584)
- git #e196c2f2 - Wrap <img> in <a> inside image thumb in order to match MediaWiki parser output.
- git #e968fc71 - Change 'Edit source' to 'Create source' for new pages (バグ 47421)
- git #1db0ced8 - Fix various issues with prematurely aborting VE load (バグ 48520, バグ 47813)
- git #5d41f902 - Fix old copy/paste documentation errors
- git #f56bdf70 - Move toolbar cancel message to VE specific message
- git #81e113b7 - Remove parsedMessages from messages array
- git #a78042ac - Disable VE on redirect pages (バグ 47329)
- git #3a99b998 - ve.ui.PopupWidget visibility fixes
- git #97157a1c - Use promise pattern inside MWTemplateDialog in order to download TemplateData (currently just mocked) asynchronously.
- git #531c0496 - Support for nodes that handles their own children in
- git #9f16ff51 - Keep veaction=edit in the url when VE runs in debug mode so it keeps user just refresh the page in order to get into the edit mode.
- git #55b5f30e - ve.ui.Context: Add embedding feature
- git #a191073d - Create and commit transaction after attributes of the template are changed and applied.
- git #995a2021 - Emit teardown event before replacing generated content node content and emit setup event after.
- git #b5ead95e - Implement roundtrip update of template contents
- git #e669f8fa - Fixing block template styling
- git #e64d900f - Fix image block node error
- git #1b4b6663 - Introduce createPage method in ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog and even use it!
- git #ba5c4f10 - Build TemplateDialog based on parameters that are passed to template
- git #54cd04c3 - Implement
- git #f2386833 - Content for Template Dialog
- git #96e49858 - Multiline option for ve.ui.TextInputWidget.js
- git #de203cb8 - Process example template data and add pages to PagedDialog based on it.
- git #3895a3ea - Added clearPages method to ve.ui.PagedDialog.
- git #e22a5a6d - Rewrite API 'paction' switcher as an actual switch
- git #79df2232 - Fix for default sort key crash
- git #3f6e1274 - Pages in template dialog
- git #55f28eec - Add level option to ve.ui.OutlineItemWidget
- git #231a50f2 - Implement ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog
- git #25d6e6f1 - ve.ce.Surface: Append phantoms to overlay instead of surface
- git #a56e795f - ve.Editor
- git #2a53329f - Make ve.ce.ProtectedNode use setup (for setup) and teardown (for teardown) events so it is going to work well after node is rewrapped (example: MWBlockImageNode).
- git #abe81d42 - Added method getDataFromDomRecursionClean to - used by nodes that handle their own children.
- git #b8d81f52 - Make MWBlockImageNode a ProtectedNode (by adding mixin).
- git #201a1ac4 - Return proper error if parsoid is unavailable on serialize (バグ 47581)
- git #cc943418 - Use new options format for toolbar in mw init (バグ 48509)
- git #eeb1f3a1 - Implement 'minordefault' user preference (バグ 48347)
- git #991859d5 - MWInlineImageNode should be img
- git #c6c7af5a - Better support for MediaWiki block level images (thumb and frame)
- git #f675d732 - Move no changes message to separate save dialog slide (バグ 43754)
- git #ea6e1b26 - Move edit conflict notice to a save dialog slide (バグ 42522)
- git #cce80e63 - Fix for crashing on save
- git #a3f6008b - Introduction of setup and teardown events for ve.ce.View nodes
- git #c2defc97 - ve.Element refactor
- git #5012ed10 - Floating toolbar cleanup
- git #69e1cc32 - Updating to Rangy 1.3 alpha
- git #8d4a3510 - Revert "Fix check for existing category in article."
- git #67a2613a - Reference dialog
- git #9611bf9f - Send a full document back to Parsoid
- git #ef363c45 - Skip changes in client change handling that with unknown data type (バグ 49417)
- git #37e5b42e - Handle failure to deserialize entity in lua
- git #0300be4e - Handle error in property parser function
- git #63ace5aa - handle exception for unknown data type when formatting PropertyValueSnak (バグ 48938)
- git #1a978b3c - remove hardcoded "ERROR: TODO: ..." output from TypedValueFormatter
- git #5c757c8d - Fix action=purge for Special:EntityData
- git #5e2ce0fb - Allow wikipedia subdomains in Special:ItemByTitle. (バグ 45080)
- git #830a622b - Checking for valid qualifiers in claimview
- git #8568bcec - Triggering "animationstep" event in snakview value variation
- git #e3084bef - Dismiss copyright warning in Selenium tests
- git #836b9785 - Added additional sleep on RC load in Selenium tests
- git #d2b66687 - Fixed failure in Selenium test due to bubble animation
- git #90e10721 - Validate claim guid in api and return error (バグ 48473)
- git #185a287d - (hotfix) Fixed diff of claims with a time property (バグ 48709)
- git #c6ff693d - Allow ntriples in Special:EntityData
- git #8c83de6e - Purging of cached output from Special:EntityData.
- git #0a411f01 - Config setting for cache duration of entity data.
- git #1606ea58 - changed namespaces a bit, added license
- git #57b9fee8 - Don't use flush(), it interferes with output buffers
- git #6e6dbbf2 - Format site link already used message with correct link (バグ 48224)
- git #023bbe8a - Select format based on Accept header. (バグ 44576)
- git #a5925d33 - Moves "Time" data type out of experimental (バグ 48145)
- git #653c0c07 - Add missing namespace use
- git #049f6df9 - Inject settings into api client info module
- git #e404afd3 - Removed useless root job params.
- git #224f3d0a - When unserializing Snaks, consider faulty data values JSON (バグ 48622)
- git #d3518a98 - Update of the jQuery.wikibase.Claimview's isValid behavior
- git #c7fdedc2 - Add option to add a footer to a property page. See bugzilla bug #48601 (バグ 48601)
- git #d078ca8c - Improvements to SettingsArray and its tests
- git #10d90ee1 - Inject entity id formatter into ClaimSummaryBuilder
- git #52543354 - Inject id formatter into ClaimDifferenceVisualizer
- git #70490185 - Add credits and i18n file to MW file of the Database component
- git #3267cb2b - Fix some docs
- git #3d1ee516 - Added SelectFailedException
- git #5f053f48 - Throw a TableCreationFailedException when table creation fails rather then returning false
- git #ee2827e8 - Work on DescriptionMatchFinderIntegrationTest
- git #e90d3344 - Work on DescriptionMatchFinder
- git #e9ab657b - Have the SnakStores actually insert the subject_id field
- git #7371fd6b - Pass in the entity type and not the DataValue type
- git #f59e4779 - Pass along the correct subject id to insertClaim in EntityInserter
- git #274e2628 - Split EntityInserter into EntityInserter and EntityTable
- git #5e54c31b - Insert subject id into snak rows
- git #a020d02e - Use of mw.ext.dataValues instead of dataValues.values dependency (バグ 48145)
- git #515bb80a - Fix init order of experimental settings for lib.
- git #3cfac963 - Add PropertyDataValueTypeLookup interface
- git #270c3959 - Use $wgWBXXXSettings instead of $wgWBSettings (バグ 47610)
- git #7915b343 - Keep default settings out of globals." (バグ 47610)
- git #af00e4c7 - Catch property not found exception in snak formatter
- git #d6da4d0b - Put PropertyNotFoundException into its own file and added PropertyId field
- git #8a96d719 - Replace manual class registration by PSR-0 based autoloading for the Database component
- git #f4fa16ca - Run time QUnit tests automatically with Selenium (バグ 48145)
- git #fcc0e103 - Using Proper event namespaces in the snak type selector widget
- git #59a126c3 - Selenium tests for entityselector paging (バグ 48131)
- git #13ac79a6 - Show HTML representation of detailed error-message in error-tooltip (バグ 46369, バグ 46073, バグ 41602)
- git #8536866d - (minor) basic display of calendar model for time values in non-JavaScript view
- git #30bb45e0 - Set site's local ID in tests. (バグ 48453)
- git #68640b64 - Added select method to QueryInterface
- git #15bb451e - Fixed @since tags in Database component
- git #2b07138a - Added QueryInterfaceException and TableCreationFailedException
- git #544e987a - Selenium tests for deleted-item handling in statements UI (バグ 48135)
- git #46aeeb92 - Add subject_id field to all property snak tables
- git #730584e7 - Point easyrdf submodule to gerrit repo
- git #7a517c19 - Selenium tests for handling of entities w/o labels in statements UI (バグ 48130)
- git #fc7aa41d - Selenium tests for entityselector as search-box (バグ 48132)
- git #9a8cb6ee - Handling "animationstep" event in value variation (バグ 48145)
- git #7ffe69f8 - Tweak ApiClientInfoTest::testGetUrlInfo
- git #ca77a6d3 - Make the RDF tests not fail when the RDF stuff is not installed
- git #5c164f25 - Assigning absolute position to snak type selector menu (バグ 48145)
- git #52bbb96a - Check for property id exists in ByPropertyIdArray (バグ 48497)
- git #d49e128e - Selenium tests for false edit-conflicts in claim editing (バグ 48138)
- git #dd3f37ad - Add test runner for WikibaseDatabase component and got rid of bad dependencies so tests can be run on their own
- git #02409ab6 - Get rid of bad usage of MediaWikiTestCase in the Wikibase\Database component
- git #55f2ed95 - Work on the SQLStore from the last two weeks, squashed since we cannot push individual commits
- git #9cae015f - Added @covers tags to Database component tests
- git #7e1d50b5 - Updated client test run config (バグ 48250)
- git #73a1a9dd - Fix incorrect comment (and a typo to make Hashar happy)
- git #da1a4e56 - Make check less odd
- git #a7c2e475 - Add debug log for entity not loaded in WikiPageEntityLookup
- git #4f9c7416 - Fix typo in WikiPageEntityLookup warning
- git #84605c94 - Chrome blocks API calls to foreign Wikipedia APIs due to insecure protocol (バグ 47732)
- git #617bff83 - Properly deprecate method since it now does not what callers expect
- git #b120a73c - Fix compatibility with SQLite for Special:UnconnectedPages
- git #04134863 - Properly inject dependency in EntityCacheUpdater
- git #d790d2cc - Do not client load settings that only work with MySQL (バグ 48250)
- git #edad636c - Fixed 104 of the 105 errors Im gerring when running the ChangeHandler tests (バグ 48250)
- git #13c01aec - dnm
- git #900d05e8 - Remove bad tests that rely on sites being present in the database
- git #667ff1b5 - Removed dead procedural code
- git #60aad293 - Keep default settings out of globals. (バグ 47610)
- git #aaf83341 - Fix get entity usage index function in client store
- git #78277a37 - Making selenium test for "include property by label" non-experimental
- git #ecad4ad5 - Fix module name in selenium test
- git #6bbf7fda - Selenium tests for correct revisions in diff/history view (バグ 48128)
- git #32584e34 - Disable linkitem for browsers without CORS support (バグ 48389)
- git #95d73a08 - Moved DBConnectionProvider to Database component
- git #fc53b54d - Have HashArray dirive directly from ArrayObject so there is no dependency on MW
- git #db04646d - Removed dead procedural code
- git #39cf5168 - Rewrote SiteLink test to not depends on the database
- git #270fbf04 - Set status in EditEntity for failed permission check (バグ 48298)
- git #cc4bc8c9 - Adding valueview qunit tests to be executed automatically
- git #96bd7623 - Get repolinker via WikibaseClient factory class
- git #38bc4692 - improved RDF mapping using (バグ 44578)
- git #a82609a5 - Remove empty test
- git #a47e8939 - Moving toggler widget from Wikibase to ValueView extension
- git #f9c2ba6d - Implemented toggler widget getting rid of utility function
- git #c53cc2d2 - /home/wikipedia to /a/common
- git #3bb4ecfe - Updating default sitesupport-url
- git #33a627fd - Removed html ID tags on language links
- git #7eaff74d - Added count param for PLURAL to zeroconfig-sites msg
- git #844f759c - Hooks class description
- git #7e0aad36 - Redirect Special:Zero=>Main_Page if 'showZeroPage'
- git #19594dfe - Constrain redirects to Wikipedia Zero partner-sourced requests.
- git #8a030dc1 - rewrote vcl checker and upload scripts
- git #ea9d350c - Added optional 'comment' field at the top of the zero config
- git #942e4d04 - Expanded Zero logging to case of zero->zero referee
- git #67f6afe1 - Revert "Use the hook Luke."
- git #a2094717 - Re-added legacy compatibility for 'sites' setting
- git #9730706e - Normalize interstitial for images.
- git #649446b6 - Fix banner CSS to prevent close button overlaping search
- git #7be970db - Use the hook Luke.
- git #b6d40826 - Sort headers when saving to debug log
- git #f5955b03 - Remove legacy 'sites' zero config params